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Technology: metal free prostheses made by computer and AI

The main characteristic of metal-free prostheses is the absence of metal in their structure. For example, they don’t need a metal support for the porcelain to be applied. In this way, unitary prostheses or fixed bridges look more like natural teeth.

Metal-free, computer-engineered prostheses with artificial intelligence AI

The structure of metal free dentures is made of zirconia, a very resistant white ceramic material.

Its light shade is comparable to human dentin, so the inside of the prosthesis is discreet, even when subjected to light.

This is not the case with metal-framed dentures, which can have dark spots in the same situation. The use of dentures and artificial intelligence.

the use of dentures can be optimized with the help of artificial intelligence.

Computer dentures are an effective solution for replacing missing teeth. It can be a single prosthesis or a fixed bridge, providing a more natural look and similarity to natural teeth.

Metal-free dentures are made from zirconia, a resistant white ceramic material that has a light shade similar to human dentin. This ensures that the inside of the prosthesis is discreet even when exposed to light. In addition, the use of dentures can be optimized with the help of artificial intelligence.

New computerized dental prosthesis technologies, combined with artificial intelligence, offer more efficient work proposals and faster completion times.

metal free fixed total prosthesis on implants zirconia prosthesis, dental prosthesis on computer
Computerized dental prosthesis made of zirconia
Computerized planning of metal-free prostheses, computerized dental prosthesis
Computerized planning of metal-free prostheses

More advantages of digital technologies and computerized dentures

In addition, other positive points of computerized dental prosthesis technology are: improved aesthetics, high durability, translucency and little chance of gray spots appearing in the gum areas. At ImplArt Odontologia, the entire molding process for metal-free crowns is done by computerized intraoral scanners.

The digital mold is the basis for planning the prosthesis and the crowns are made using 3D tooth printers. All systems are based on the Cad/Cam system. If you have any questions, please contact us or make an appointment.

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