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Dr Roberto Markarian – Implant Dentist and Dental Implant Specialist

Dr. Roberto Markarian, PhD CRO-SP 73583 (Technical Manager)

Knowledge, updating, experience, seriousness and transparency

Practice at Clinica Dentaria ImplArt

Meet Dr Roberto Markarian, implant dentist, creator and director of the ImplArt Dental Clinic. The ImplArt Dental Clinic is certainly one of the main centers of technology in aesthetic oral rehabilitation and implantology in Brazil. As a result of its know-how and high technology, the ImplArt dental clinic receives patients from all over the world who are looking for high technology and knowledge to carry out their dental implant treatment.

Clinical History

Our clinical director holds a doctorate in implant dentistry, a master’s degree in prosthodontics, and two specializations in dental implants and prosthodontics. In addition, he has completed several training courses in the field of dentistry, not only in Brazil, but also abroad.

He also actively participates in the sector’s main congresses and fairs, both national and international. He is a member of important institutions in dentistry and related fields, such as the ITI – International Team for Implantology, the ADA – American Dental Association, and the EAO – European Association for Osseointegration.

Dr. Roberto Markarian is enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the most advanced technologies applied to digital dentistry, such as computerized CAD/CAM systems, high-performance and aesthetic ceramics, state-of-the-art dental implants, 3D dental printers, as well as digital scanners for computerized molding. For this reason, since 2011 the Clinic has had computerized scanners and machines in its in-house laboratory to meet patient demand.

Dr. Roberto Markarian is always striving to keep the ImplArt Clinic up to date and in line with the latest developments in world dentistry. He believes above all in teamwork and is particularly concerned about the quality of treatments, especially patient satisfaction.

In the case of patients who have already had a dental implant and wish to have a new prosthesis, in the vast majority of cases we are able to identify the type of implant by evaluating the panoramic radiograph. This is due to the expertise of our clinical director, implant dentist Dr. Roberto Markarian.

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Scientific History Dr. Roberto Markarian

Dr. Roberto Markarian graduated as a dental surgeon in 2001 from the USP School of Dentistry in São Paulo. While still a student, he carried out research into improving dental materials, particularly in the areas of dentistry, prosthodontics and implantology. As a result of this work, he received 5 awards in Brazil. He described his results in more than 30 scientific articles, which were later published in international journals.

In the meantime, he has taken postgraduate courses in prosthetics and dental implants and has become a researcher and assistant to the fixed prosthetics team at USP (São Paulo) and at the São Leopoldo Mandic College (Campinas), as well as teaching college students and dentists.

In the area of academic research, Dr. Roberto Markarian has been conducting courses and research in the area of implant dentistry since 1998, and in the area of digital dentistry since 2004. He also gives lectures and training courses on modern digital dentistry tools.

Clinical coordination and planning – Summary of academic titles

  • Post-Doctorate in Implant Dentistry – Univ SL Mandic (Campinas-SP) – 2020
  • PhD in Implant Dentistry – Doctor of Implant Dentistry, Univ SL Mandic – 2017
  • Dr. Roberto Markarian Specialist in Dental Implants at USP (Implant Dentist) – 2008
  • Specialist in Prosthodontics (Prosthodontist ) by the CFO – 2006
  • Master in Prosthodontics, USP – 2005
  • Graduated as a Dental Surgeon from USP (São Paulo) – 2001
  • Member of the Clinical Staff of Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz
  • Clinical experience of more than 10,000 dental implants installed, thousands of dental reconstructions and complex case resolutions.
  • Accredited for the Straumann dental implant system, Switzerland – FUNDECTO USP – 2002
  • Accredited for the Ceraroot zirconia implant system, Spain – 2010
  • Clinical Research in Implant Dentistry at Harvard University, Boston, USA – 2011
  • CAD/CAM system training course Cerec Sirona, Germany – 2014
  • Member Academy of Osseointegration – AO (USA) – 2006
  • Member of the American Dental Association – ADA (USA) – 2011
  • He is a member of the ITI – International Team for Implantology, Switzerland – 2012
  • Member EAO – European Association for Osseointegration, Europe – 2017
  • Postgraduate in Advanced Oral Surgery for Implant Dentistry, APCD – 2003
  • Acting as a Judicial Technical Expert in the areas of Dentistry as well asAssistant Implantology
  • More than 30 scientific articles published in national and international journals
  • Technical consultant for the EsteticArt CAD/CAM computerized prosthetics laboratory in São Paulo
  • Ambassador of the company S.I.N. Implant System – Research and development of solutions in Digital Implant Dentistry (guideddental implants and computerized prostheses)
Dr. Roberto Markarian implantodontista especialista em implantes dentarios
Dr. Roberto Markarian – Director ImplArt Dental Clinic

Dr. Markarian’s Postdoctoral Research in Implant Dentistry

Title: Dental implant-abutment fracture resistance and wear induced by single-unit screw-retained CAD components after mechanical cycling, fabricated by four CAM methods, Univ SL Mandic – 2020.

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Fabiana Mantovani Gomes França. There was an international scientific publication resulting from this work in JPD (Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry) 2021 (USA).

Dr. Roberto Markarian’s Doctoral Thesis in Implant Dentistry (PhD)

Title: SEM analysis of the adaptation of screw-retained unitary abutments fabricated by four CAD/CAM methods after mechanical cycling, Univ SL Mandic – 2017.

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Fabiana Mantovani Gomes França. There was an international scientific publication resulting from this work at IJOMI 2017 (USA).

Master’s Thesis in Prosthodontics (MSc)

Title: Biomechanics of force transmission to single implants as a function of prosthetic crown stiffness: photoelastic and dynamic analysis – USP School of Dentistry – 2005.

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Claudio Luiz Sendyk (FOUSP)

Dental Implants Specialization Monograph

Title: Evaluation of the All-on-4 (All-on-Four) technique for the installation of fixed prostheses on four implants with immediate loading – graftless technique for atrophied maxillae, USP School of Dentistry – 2008

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Francisco Fernando Todescan (FOUSP)

implantodontia especialista em implante dentario implantodontista
Dr. Markarian giving a lecture on Digital Dentistry

Congress Awards and Scholarships

  • 1st Place in Group C5 of Panels at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the SBPqO-Pc179, Brazilian Society of Dental Research (2005).
  • 1st Place in Scientific Panel, XXVI CUBO – Brazilian University Congress of Dentistry (2001).
  • 2nd Place – Oral Presentation, XXVI CUBO – Brazilian University Congress of Dentistry (2001).
  • Scholarship – Removable Prosthesis, FOUSP (2001).
  • 4th Place – Oral Presentation – Honorable Mention, XXIV CUBO – Brazilian University Congress of Dentistry (2000).
  • 2nd Place – XXV de Janeiro Award for Encouraging Scientific Initiation, Academic Center XXV de Janeiro (2000).
  • Scholarship – Restorative Dentistry II, FOUSP (2000).
  • FUNDECTO Fellow – Scientific Initiation, FUNDECTO (1999).
  • Alternate student representative on the Dental Materials Department, FOUSP (1999).
  • Fellow PIBIC CNPq – Scientific Initiation, CNPq (1998).

Published articles and some scientific work by Dr. Roberto Markarian

MARKARIAN RA, GALLES DP, FRANÇA FBG. Dental implant-abutment fracture resistance and wear induced by single-unit screw-retained CAD components after mechanical cycling, fabricated by four CAM methods. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2021.

MARKARIAN RA, GALLES DP, FRANÇA FBG. SEM analysis of the adaptation of single-unit screw-retained CAD/CAM abutments after mechanical cycling. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 2018.

Evaluation of the marginal adaptation of single zirconia abutments customized by the CAD/CAM system: laboratory study. R MARKARIAN, EMF and Silva, R Manfro. Implant News 10 (3), 363-367, 2013.

MARKARIAN, Roberto Adrian . New materials for implant dentistry and the choice of rehabilitation material. Implant News Perio News magazine, internet, Feb. 24, 2012.

MARKARIAN R.A., UEDA C., LAGANÁ D.C., SOUSA R.M., SENDYK C.L. Stress distribution after installation of fixed frameworks with marginal gaps over angled and parallel implants. Journal of Prosthodontics, v. 16, n. 2, p.117-122, 2007.

LOPES F.M., SENDYK C.L., DUARTE C.P., MARKARIAN R.A., ARANA-CHAVEZ V.E. Swine teeth as potential substitutes for in vitro studies in tooth adhesion: A SEM observation. Archives of Oral Biology, v. 51, p.548-551, 2006.

ADDED, N. ; RIZZUTTO, M. A. ; CURADO J ; FRANCCI CE ; MARKARIAN, RA ; MORI, M. . Trace elementary concentration in enamel after dental bleaching using HI-ERDA. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research (Print) (Ceased 1983. Disbanded in 2: ISSN 0168-9002 Nuclear iInstruments & Methods in Physic, v. 249, p. 684-687, 2006.

FALLA-SOTELO FO, RIZZUTTO MA, TABACKNICKS MH, ADDED N, BARBOSA MDL,MARKARIAN RA, QUINELATO A, MORI M, YOUSSEF M. Analysis and discussion of trace elements in teeth of different animal species. Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. 35, n. 3B, p.761-762, 2005.

BARCELOS DP, MARKARIAN RA, PINTO EG, CHELLOTTI A, HADDAD AE. Evaluation of the applicability of Carrea analysis in deciduous dentition Rev Ib-Am Odontopediatr Odontol Bebê, v. 8, n. 41, p.62-66, 2005.

MARKARIAN RA, LIMA RG, SOUSA RM, SENDYK CLTitle: The influence of the prosthetic materials on load transfer to dental implants. Technology Meets Surgery 2005, CD-ROM

UEDA C, MARKARIAN RA, SENDYK CL, LAGANÁ DC. Photoelastic analysis of stress distribution on parallel and angled implants after installation of fixed prostheses Brazilian Oral Research, v. 18, n. 1, p.45-52, 2004.

RIZUTTO MA, ADDED N, TABACKNIKS MH, LIGUORI NETO R, ACQUADRO JC, MACHADO LP, VILELA MM, OLIVEIRA TRCF, MARKARIAN RA, MORI M. External PIGE_PIXE measurements at the São Paulo 8UD tandem accelerator. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, v. 190, p. 186-189, 2002.

BALLESTER RY, MARKARIAN RA, LOGUERCIO AD Dimensional alteration of amalgam and gallium-based alloy Pesquisa Odontológica Brasileira, v. 15, n. 4, p.341-347, October to December 2001.

Dental Bleaching: Trace element concentration in enamel using particle accelerator. FRANCCI C, MARKARIAN RA, SPADA AE, NAKAMA R, MORI M, ADDED N, RIZZUTTO MA. International Academy of Dental Research, Honolulu, Hawaii – CD-ROM OF Abstracts, 2004.

Trace elements in human, bovine and swine dentin by PIXE. QUINELATO A, YOUSSEF F,MARKARIAN RA, YOUSSEF M, MORI M, RIZZUTTO MA, TABACNICKS MH, ADDED N, FALLA-SOTELO F. International Academy of Dental Research, Honolulu, Hawaii – CD-ROM OF Abstracts, 2004.

Analysis of trace element concentration in enamel after dental bleaching using particle accelerator. FRANCCI C, MARKARIAN RA, SPADA AE, NAKAMA R, MORI M, ADDED N, RIZZUTTO MA. J Appl Oral Sci, 12(sp. Issue):p.46, 2004.

Biomechanics of stress transmission to implants as a function of prosthetic crown stiffness – photoelastic analysis. MARKARIAN RA, SENDYK CL, LIMA RG, SOUZA RM. Brazilian Oral Research, 18(suppl):198 (pb333), 2004.

Evaluation of the elastic recovery of addition silicones in contact with astringent solutions. SILVA, MG, MARKARIAN RA, LISBOA MV, RODRIGUES-FILHO LE, MUENCH A. Pesq Odontol Bras, 17(2):199 (pb321), 2003.

Dissipation of stresses generated in the installation of suprastructures with marginal mismatches on parallel and angled implants. UEDA C, MARKARIAN RA, SENDYK CL. Pesq Odontol Bras, 17(2):255 (pc368), 2003.

Dissipation of stresses generated during installation and after loading of fixed prostheses on parallel and angled implants. MARKARIAN RA, SENDYK CL, UEDA C. Revista da Pós Graduação da FOUSP, 9(3):p.260 (PA41), 2002.

Dissipation of stresses generated during installation and after loading of fixed prostheses on parallel and angled implants. MARKARIAN RA, SENDYK CL, UEDA C, LAGANA DC. Pesq Odontol Bras, 16(suppl):60 (Ia222), 2002.

Comparison of the elemental composition of human and bovine tooth enamel using nuclear techniques. MARKARIAN RA, OLIVEIRA TRCF, M, MORI M, ADDED N, VILELA, MM, CAMPOS TN, RIZZUTTO MA, TABACNICKS MH, MACHADO LP, LIGUORI-NETO R. Revista da Pós Graduação da FOUSP, 8(3):p.276 (IC04), 2001.

Comparison between the elemental composition of human and porcine dental enamel using nuclear techniques. OLIVEIRA TRCF, MARKARIAN RA, M, MORI M, ADDED N, VILELA, MM, CAMPOS TN, RIZZUTTO MA, TABACNICKS MH, MACHADO LP, LIGUORI-NETO R. Revista da Pós Graduação da FOUSP, 8(3):p.276 (IC05), 2001.

Comparison between chemical elements of human and bovine tooth enamel.MARKARIAN RA, OLIVEIRA TRCF, M, MORI M, ADDED N, VILELA, MM, RIZZUTTO MA. Pesq Odontol Bras, 15(suppl):29 (I060), 2001.

Copper and strontium in healthy human, bovine and porcine enamel. OLIVEIRA TRCF,MARKARIAN RA, M, MORI M, ADDED N, VILELA, MM, RIZZUTTO MA. Pesq Odontol Bras, 15(suppl):29 (I062), 2003.

Hybrid layer: effects of dentin treatment with glutaraldehyde and/or sodium hypochlorite on microleakage of composite resin restorations in bovine teeth.MARKARIAN RA, BALLESTER RY, LOGUERCIO AD. Revista da Pós Graduação da FOUSP, 7(suppl):p.18 (47), 2000.

Microleakage in healthy teeth. MARKARIAN RA, BALLESTER RY. Revista da Pós Graduação da FOUSP, 6(3):p.303, 1999.

Study on Mycroleakage in salutary teeth. MARKARIAN RA, BALLESTER RY. Academy of Dental Materials Annual Meeting Abstracts, Banff, Canada, 1998.

MARKARIAN RA, SENDYK CL, LIMA RG, SOUZA RM. Biomechanics of stress transmission to implants as a function of prosthetic crown stiffness – photoelastic analysis. PANEL. 21st Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Dental Research, Águas de Lindóia, 2004.

MARKARIAN RA, UEDA C, SENDYK CL. Dissipation of stresses generated by the installation and application of fixed prostheses on implants with marginal misalignments. PANEL. 21st International Dental Congress of São Paulo, São Paulo, 2003.

MARKARIAN RA, UEDA C, SENDYK CL, LAGANÁ DC. Dissipation of stresses generated during installation and after loading of fixed prostheses on parallel and angled implants PANEL. 21st Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Dental Research, Águas de Lindóia, 2002.

MARKARIAN RA, UEDA C, SENDYK CL. Dissipation of stresses generated during installation and after loading of fixed prostheses on parallel and angled implants PANEL. 20th International Dental Congress of São Paulo, São Paulo, 2002.

MARKARIAN RA, SENDYK CL, UEDA C. Dissipation of stresses generated during installation and after loading of fixed prostheses on parallel and angled implants PANEL. 3rd APCD International Congress on Osseointegration, São Paulo, 2002.

MARKARIAN RA, OLIVEIRA TRCF, MORI M, ADDED N, VILELA MM, CAMPOS TN, RIZZUTTO MA, TABACKNIKS MH, MACHADO LP, NETO RL. Comparison of the chemical composition of human and bovine tooth enamel using nuclear techniques. PANEL. 26th Brazilian University Congress of Dentistry, São Paulo, 2002.

OLIVEIRA TRCF, MARKARIAN RA, MORI M, ADDED N, VILELA MM, CAMPOS TN, RIZZUTTO MA, TABACKNIKS MH, MACHADO LP, NETO RL. Comparison of the chemical composition of human, bovine and porcine tooth enamel using nuclear physics. ORAL PRESENTATION. 26th Brazilian University Congress of Dentistry, São Paulo, 2002.

MARKARIAN RA, OLIVEIRA TRCF, MORI M, ADDED N, VILELA MM, CAMPOS TN, RIZZUTTO MA, TABACKNIKS MH, MACHADO LP, NETO RL. Comparison of the chemical composition of human and bovine tooth enamel using nuclear techniques. PANEL. 9th FOUSP Research Meeting, São Paulo, 2001.

MARKARIAN RA, OLIVEIRA TRCF, MORI M, ADDED N, VILELA MM, CAMPOS TN, RIZZUTTO MA, TABACKNIKS MH, MACHADO LP, NETO RL. Comparison between the chemical composition of human and bovine tooth enamel using nuclear physics. PANEL. 53rd Annual Meeting of the SBPC, Salvador, 2001.

MARKARIAN RA, LOGUERCIO AD, BALLESTER RY. Hybrid Layer: Effects of dentin treatment with glutaraldehyde and/or sodium hypochlorite on microleakage of composite resin restorations in bovine teeth. PANEL. 8th FOUSP Research Meeting, São Paulo, 2000.

MARKARIAN RA, BALLESTER RY. Microleakage in healthy teeth. PANEL. 19th International Dental Congress of São Paulo, São Paulo, 2000.

MARKARIAN RA, LOGUERCIO AD, BALLESTER RY. Hybrid Layer: Effects of dentin treatment with glutaraldehyde and/or sodium hypochlorite on microleakage of composite resin restorations in bovine teeth. PANEL. 8th USP International Symposium on Scientific Initiation, Ribeirão Preto, 2000.

MARKARIAN RA, BALLESTER RY. Microleakage in healthy teeth. PANEL. 7th FOUSP Research Meeting, São Paulo, 1999.

MARKARIAN RA, BALLESTER RY. Microleakage in healthy teeth. PANEL. Academy of Dental Materials annual meeting, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 1998.

Click here to see Dr. Roberto Markarian’s full Lattes CV

Click here to see Dr. Roberto Markarian’s curriculum vitae on Google Scholar

So make an appointment with Dr. Roberto Markarian, implant dentist, and get to know Clinica Dentaria ImplArt. We will be delighted to welcome you!

Get to know Implart’s dental 3d printers

It is well known that 3D printers have great versatility for making various objects. The good news is that 3D printing is now a reality in dentistry and is increasingly transforming the way treatments are carried out.

The 3D printing solution has been brought to dentistry to make aesthetic, fast and precise prostheses and restorations

ImplArt Odontologia is equipped with two of the most modern dental 3D printers: the Cerec System from the German company Sirona and the Ceramil Motion 2 milling machine from the Austrian company AmannGirrbach.

Both companies are world references in research and development of solutions in the area of Digital Dentistry.

Cerec Sirona System and 3Shape Trios

They are Cad/Cam systems capable of building various types of parts, for example prostheses, bridges, highly aesthetic crowns, dental restorations, ultra-thin dental contact lenses. They work in three main phases:

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1 – Intraoral scanner: a high-precision camera that captures images of the inside of the patient’s mouth. It takes a digital impression, thus eliminating the need to use putty. We use two of the main intraoral scanners on the market, the Omnicam and the Trios 3Shape.

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2 – Computer: we carry out planning with two of the main systems, Cerec 3D and 3Shape Dental System. The images captured by the intraoral scanner are used to design and simulate three-dimensional prosthetic pieces with shapes and shades according to each patient’s needs.

3 – 3D printers: a milling unit with a robot that sculpts the prosthetic part out of a rough ceramic block. The part is then taken to a kiln for the ceramic sintering process to give it strength.

ImplArt has the most up-to-date version ofthe Cerec system milling machine, the German Cerec Primemill 3D tooth printer. This milling machine has functions for faster production, which in many cases allows us to carry out your treatment in a Day Clinic. Primemill also makes crowns, bridges, dental lenses and restorations with a more refined finish and greater detail.

Versatility of 3D printers: the prostheses that can be made with the Cerec system are crowns, bridges, copings, onlays, inlays, dental contact lenses as well as copies of old restorations. Watch a video of the system in operation by clicking here.

dental 3D printer

Ceramill Motion 2 milling machine

It uses Cad/Cam technology to digitally produce dental prostheses in different materials such as zirconia, wax, metal alloy, resin, glass-ceramic and lithium disilicate. It has exclusive software for projecting and simulating prostheses.

Once the design is finalized, the system then sends the command to the milling unit to make the part.

The milling unit has robotic arms that carve the prosthetic part dry or irrigated.

Versatility: the prostheses that can be made on the Ceramill Motion 2 milling machine are crowns, frameworks for dental prostheses, crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, dental contact lenses, individual abutments and telescopic crowns.

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UltraCraft ChairSide Pro

The UltraCraft ChairSide Pro 3D printer has been designed to meet the production needs of dental applications with quality, high precision and speed, including being a resource for your dental day clinic treatment. Due to the digitalized workflow, UltraCraft helps the dynamics of the ImplArt dental laboratory and clinic, and above all generates satisfaction for our patients.

The use of scans creates more precise and durable crowns in a faster process than other production methods. In this sense, the UltraCraft 3D printer has further strengthened the ImplArt Dental Clinic‘s digital laboratory.

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A digital project is drawn up to personalize the smile, designing all the technical and aesthetic improvements to the smile. Sites are planned for dental implants and prostheses, which can be single crowns, protocol prostheses or fixed prostheses. Dental contact lenses can also be planned.

Anycubic 3D printers

This is the Anycubic Photon 3D printer for printing teeth and various jobs in our in-house prosthetics laboratory. Some of the jobs that can be carried out on this dental 3D printer include:

  • Myorelaxing plates – mainly used to treat bruxism. Their purpose is to reduce the intensity, strength and frequency of muscle tension when clenching or grinding teeth. It also protects the teeth from wear and fractures.
  • Printing resin dental models similar to plaster models
  • Artificial gum simulation and prototypes
  • Study model prints
  • 3D printing biocompatible teeth for provisionals
  • Printing surgical guides for use in guided dental implant surgery
  • 3D models for later casting
  • Orthodontic aligners

Digital prosthetics laboratory at ImplArt Odontologia

The combination of up-to-date and competent staff and state-of-the-art equipment means that Clínica ImplArt’s prosthetics laboratory is in line with the latest and most advanced developments in dentistry.

Dentures are the best way to make your smile beautiful and complete. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact us or make an appointment. We’ll be happy to help you.

The ImplArt Dental Clinic and its modern structure

Located in São Paulo, the ImplArt Dental Clinic is renowned for offering the most advanced dental treatments, attracting patients from all over the world. Specializing in state-of-the-art dental implants and customized zirconia prostheses, our clinic stands out for its excellence and innovation. Under the leadership of Dr. Roberto Markarian, a renowned implant dentist, we use cutting-edge technology and digital planning to provide superior aesthetic and functional results.

We also have a unique structure with the modern Cerec 3D System, our own prosthesis laboratory, our own radiology center and a team made up of the main dental specialties.

Discover the unique experience of humanized, high-precision care at the ImplArt Dental Clinic! If you need dental implants and value knowledge and high technology, you’re in the right place!

ImplArt Dental Clinic’s complete structure to transform your smile

At ImplArt, we have the best in modern technology and facilities to carry out your specialized dental procedure in comfort, safety and hygiene. The ImplArt Dental Clinic is certainly one of the best dental technology centers in Brazil and the world. If you want high quality dental treatments, you are at the right place!

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The best location for Clinica Dentária ImplArt

We are located in one of the most privileged areas of São Paulo in the Bela Vista neighborhood, close to Avenida Paulista in Paraíso and the Brigadeiro (green line) and Vergueiro (blue line) subways. Better access via Av. vinte e três de maio (north-south corridor).

Our technological structure, privileged location and highly qualified team allow us to receive patients from all over Brazil and the world. These patients come to us because they are looking for modern dental treatment and value our solid technical knowledge.

ImplArt Dental Clinic is certainly among the most modern dental centers in the world, having been ranked the best dental implant clinic in Brazil. According to the Global Clinic Rating, first place was secured above all by ImplArt’s expertise in digital dentistry, modern structure and patient satisfaction.

Today we have the experience of thousands of implants installed, hundreds of cosmetic dentistry cases solved and thousands of satisfied patients. These certifications enable us to better serve even the most difficult cases in dental aesthetics, oral rehabilitation, orthodontics and dental implants, prosthetic protocol or even dental emergencies such as an emergency room.

The procedures offered at Clinica Dentaria ImplArt are certainly in line with the latest advances in dentistry worldwide.

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We can guarantee this high standard above all because of the constant trips made by our scientific coordinator, Dr. Roberto Markarian, to conferences and meetings in the United States and Europe. In addition, his qualifications as a researcher in implant dentistry and prosthodontics qualify him as a reviewer of scientific articles in these lines of research.

The materials and techniques used at Clinica Dentaria ImplArt are in line with those of the most modern dental clinics in the world! That’s why, when you have your dental treatment at ImplArt, you can be sure that you are receiving state-of-the-art dental care.

Best practices and materials at ImplArt Dental Clinic

We only work with the best, in order to offer you the best and safest results. For patients, this means quality and speed of treatment, because they can get everything they need at a single address. That’s why we offer the most modern dental implants. Therefore, know that ImplArt only works with high-tech implants, including Straumann Swiss implants (considered the best in the world).

Straumann offers a wide range of implants in a variety of shapes, diameters and lengths to meet a wide range of needs in implant dentistry. New products include ceramic implants, white dental implants and metal-free implants. In addition, our digital prosthesis laboratory has the most modern equipment, which with robotic arms and a 3D scanner can make state-of-the-art prostheses.

With monolithic zirconia, we are able to create the most natural and resistant protocol prostheses. For individual crowns, we have pure zirconia crowns and Cerec pure porcelain crowns. As well as modern contact lenses in pure porcelain, made using a 3D smile planning system.

Testimonials from patients who have had treatment at the ImplArt Dental Clinic

Below are the testimonials of some patients who have had dental implant treatment at the ImplArt Clinic.

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A patient came from the United States to have his treatment at the ImplArt Clinic. Follow us!

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Planning your dental implant surgery remotely is possible

The resources available at the ImplArt Dental Clinic make it possible to plan dental implant surgery remotely, so that patients can come straight to their surgery. It is therefore a modern treatment option for those who have little time and want to use the most modern resources.

The first step is to schedule your appointment online, known as teleodontology. In this way, our clinical director, implant dentist Dr. Roberto Markarian, will be able to preliminarily assess your case, get to know your needs, and then propose a personalized treatment plan.

Find out more about the structure of the ImplArt Dentistry Clinic by watching the video above. If you have any questions about your treatment, techniques or prices, please get in touch.

Schedule your appointment at the ImplArt Dental Clinic


Text written by DR. ROBERTO MARKARIAN – CRO-SP 73.583 – updated on 23-08-2024
Founder and Director of the ImplArt Dental ClinicDr. Roberto’s Linkedin profile

Dr. Roberto Markarian is a reference in dental implants and computerized dental prostheses in Brazil. As well as having more than 10,000 implants installed, he is a researcher who produces knowledge that is published worldwide in renowned scientific journals in the field of dentistry. He is responsible for promoting knowledge and high technology applied in all the treatments offered by the ImplArt Dental Clinic.

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