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Tag: dental 

How do I get a dental implant?

Many people want to know how to get a dental implant. The installation of dental implants is certainly a very simple procedure. In the case of single implants, it shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes to place.

How to get a dental implant if I’m afraid of surgery. What should I do?

In general, there is only mild discomfort after an implant has been placed and you’ll be able to work the next day. So you don’t need to worry about the details of how to get a dental implant.

However, it’s important to note that there is little innervation for pain in the bone, with only the gums providing sensitivity (which is easily controlled with medication). If necessary, conscious sedation can be used to reduce anxiety. Read a full article on why you shouldn’t be afraid of implants.

bone-integrated dental implant is the fixation of the implant in the bone, implants

What are osseointegrated implants?

They are a new generation of implants introduced in the 1960s, but which have only now reached a degree of universal acceptability. Osseointegrated implants are made of titanium or all-ceramic and are placed in toothless areas. They are able to perform masticatory and functional functions in a similar way to natural teeth.

It is usually carried out in two stages: firstly, the insertion of the implant – a more extensive operation – and secondly, a few months later, the placement of devices that will support the prostheses. These can be made within a short period of time after this second stage.

Today we have a wide variety of dental implants available in different lengths and diameters to meet many oral rehabilitation needs. There are even some with physical and chemical technology on the surface that favors and speeds up the osseintegration process, allowing implants and prostheses to be installed in up to 1 month.

replacing dentures with fixed implant prostheses made of zirconia, how to make an implant
Example of treatment to replace a mobile prosthesis with a fixed prosthesis on implants (zirconia prosthesis). The fixed prosthesis offers more comfort, beauty and security than a mobile prosthesis.

Are implants better than removable dentures?

Yes, dental implants are certainly better than dentures and removable prostheses (mobile bridges). They have similar functional capacity to fixed dental prostheses in cases of relatively small edentulous spaces.

But the choice of one treatment or another must be carefully analyzed by the professional according to the patient’s request, as the situations are very diverse and prevent discussion with fixed rules. However, in cases of total edentulism or posterior areas, the solution with implants is usually better from a functional point of view.

Read about replacing dentures with implants with fixed prosthesis

What are the chances of an implant working?

Long-term studies have shown that certain types of implants have success rates of over 90% for implants placed and success rates of over 97% for prostheses (because the loss of an implant does not necessarily mean the loss of the prosthesis, as it is supported by other implants).

However, this success rate is average and does not apply equally to all areas of the mouth. The failure rate in lower edentulous patients is close to 0% (zero percent) and in the posterior region of the maxilla, with less dense bone and after placing short implants (due to the maxillary sinuses), the rate can reach 33%. Read the full article on problems that can occur with implants.

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Dental implant and connected tooth (crown)

What’s so magical about titanium dental implants?

Titanium has been used in orthopedics for many decades. Simply put, titanium does not corrode when inserted into the human body and does not show immune rejection phenomena, in the same way as other metals in the same family, such as niobium for example.

The success of the technique is due to a good set of factors and the characteristics of titanium are undoubtedly positive, but on their own they do not guarantee the success of the procedure. Success depends, in short, on the planning of the surgical technique (which avoids overheating the bone), a healing period without the prosthesis being fitted, and the fitting of a suitable prosthesis.

This implant protocol has details that cannot be overlooked, and a competent professional who is well trained in the technique can achieve excellent results.

Is there a guarantee of success when getting a dental implant? Can I get rejection?

In principle, a high success rate is a good guarantee, but in biological processes there is always a certain amount of imponderability. There is no possibility of absolute certainty of success, but due to the aforementioned rates, the discomfort of surgery is much less than the benefit of having a fixed prosthesis. Even in cases of failure, the procedure can be redone after some time.

I have a tooth with a small infection. One dentist says to do surgery on the root and leave the crown as it is. Another thinks it’s better to get an implant. The price difference is huge. Which would be better?

Both alternatives are good, depending on the indication. The first option would be indicated in cases where the root is in good condition. The second would be the best course of action in cases offractured roots, lesions or cavities, i.e. the tooth needs to be extracted in its entirety and then replaced with a dental implant and fixed prosthesis.

Nowadays there is a tendency to opt for implants because we know that the treatments last a long time and have predictable results. This way, the cost/benefit of the treatment certainly pays off.

How long does a dental implant last? What is its lifespan?

It can be said that in 95% of cases, if dental implants are not lost within the first two years of use, they are likely to last for most of the patient’s life.

total zirconia fixed implant prosthesis at ImplArt in sao paulo av paulista

Are dental implants aesthetically pleasing?

It depends a lot on the system used and the local conditions. Aesthetics have improved a lot in recent years. Remember: however good the implant and the professional, a dental implant is still a prosthesis, i.e. the replacement of natural teeth with artificial ones. Excessive expectations of implants are common, but they are usually followed by a certain amount of frustration.

In many cases, the aesthetic solution is only acceptable. The best reasoning is functional: the implant is far superior to other prosthetic procedures and in the absence of teeth, it is certainly the best that can be achieved.

Should I go back to the dentist after implants and dentures?

From the outset, patients must be aware that they are a fundamental part of the success of the treatment. They must commit to maintaining proper oral hygiene and attend check-ups for professional cleaning of the prosthesis and even for radiographic examinations to monitor the implants inside the bone.

Isn’t it overkill for the dentist to order a CT scan to analyze the bone?

No, especially in the upper arch. A detailed study using computed tomography avoids surprises, especially those in the previous question.

Will chewing ability improve after implants?

Implants have much better functional results than dentures or removable prostheses. Patients who have been wearing dentures for a long time feel a significant difference when implants are fitted.

Do I get sensitivity when I chew if I have a dental implant?

A healthy dental implant doesn’t have any kind of sensitivity or pain when chewing. The sensation of having a dental implant must be imperceptible.

enxerto em bloco

If there isn’t enough bone, are there ways to increase the amount of bone available?

Yes, in the maxillary area, surgeries can be performed to augment the ridge and/or lift the maxillary sinus, taking bone from the chin, the ramus of the mandible or the iliac crest. In this way, the bone grafting technique can be used to correct small defects (powder bonegrafting ) and large defects (block bone grafting).

Read more about bone grafting here. In the mandible, deviation of the inferior alveolar nerve can also be performed, but the possibility of post-operative sequelae greatly reduces its indication.

Because it’s a foreign material, are there any risks of rejection or contamination with viruses, for example? How is an implant sterilized?

No rejection occurs , as titanium is an immunologically inert material. As for contamination, when it does occur, it’s usually through surgery and not due to flaws in the implant manufacturing process. Any of the methods normally used to sterilize implants – gamma radiation or gas – offer total safety.

Can implants be placed in people who are pre-disposed to plaque?

Yes, those with a predisposition to plaque and periodontal disease can have implants, as long as the process is controlled and there is a commitment to oral hygiene after rehabilitation, including regular visits to the dental office for professional cleanings.

fixed implant prosthesis total zirconia replacement of all teeth

How much do dental implants cost?

The price of any dental treatment can only be determined through a face-to-face consultation in which many aspects specific to each person will be assessed. Oral rehabilitation with dental implants is not a standardized procedure that is the same for everyone.

Each case has its own particularities and must be answered with specific procedures before calculating a price. We at ImplArt Odontologia would be delighted to receive your visit so that we can better understand your case! If you have any questions, please contact us through one of the channels below.

Do dental implants make the metal sensors at the bank or airport beep?

In the vast majority of cases, the dental implant is not detected by the metal sensor at the bank or airport. However, we have heard reports of sensors beeping when the dental prosthesis is made of metal. However, today we have options for metal-free dentures that don’t carry this risk, such as zirconia dentures.

Laser teeth whitening – Day Clinic

Laser teeth whitening is a treatment often used in our Dayclinic cases because it greatly improves the appearance of the teeth and is quick to perform. Teeth whitening can be used in conjunction with other aesthetic treatments such as cosmetic dental lenses. It can also be used in rehabilitative treatments with dental crowns and even dental implants, where fixed dental prostheses will be required, and the tone of the smile can be modified as a whole at this point.

Laser teeth whitening is one of the aesthetic procedures that ImplArt Odontologia can perform in its Day Clinic

Over time, some of our habits can leave our teeth yellowed or stained. Ingesting highly pigmented foods or drinks, such as coffee, wine, beet, açaí, among others, can stain teeth.

Smoking is also one of the enemies of white teeth, as nicotine also stains teeth. In addition, poor brushing – which would be a better way of removing food pigments from the teeth – can also lead to the accumulation of plaque on the teeth, which makes them look yellow.

A beautiful, uniform smile makes up dental aesthetics, while yellowed and stained teeth can affect a person’s self-esteem.

A naturally whiter smile, like the ones seen on celebrities, is a common desire. The best part is that this dream is possible, thanks to the laser teeth whitening procedure, which is certainly a great ally for dental aesthetics.

How does laser teeth whitening work?

ImplArt Odontologia uses the most modern laser whitening techniques safely and efficiently. The best whitening is done with the combination of hydrogen peroxide-based gel and the laser light that activates the gel.

The procedure safely and effectively removes pigments and stains from tooth enamel and dentin. Some people need more than one session and this will be determined after an assessment of each case.

Indications for whitening

Laser teeth whitening treatment is suitable for most people who are bothered by yellow or stained teeth.

There are even techniques for children over the age of 10. The indication is made after a thorough assessment of the general condition of the patient’s mouth (teeth, gums, tongue and mucous membranes) by the ImplArt professional.

Advantages of laser whitening?

  • Faster results than home whitening
  • Causes no or little tooth sensitivity

Day Clinic ImplArt

ImplArt Odontologia performs laser teeth whitening with the agility and convenience of a Day Clinic.

This type of service is ideal for people who want to have a more beautiful smile, whether for an upcoming event, such as a wedding, or even to give their look a boost, but who don’t have the time because of too many commitments in their daily lives, or for those who are in São Paulo for a short trip.

ImplArt’s high-tech structure and specialized team allow your treatment to be planned according to your needs and available time.

Whether this treatment can be carried out in a Day Clinic depends on an assessment of each case.

Learn more about teeth whitening at the dentist

If you have any questions about price or treatment, please contact us or make an appointment. We’ll be happy to help you!

ImplArt is the best dental implant clinic in Brazil, according to the Global Clinic Rating ranking

The ImplArt dental clinic has been rated the best dental implant clinic in Brazil, coming first in the GCR world ranking. According to the Global Clinic Rating, this position was secured above all by ImplArt’s expertise in Digital Dentistry, Modern Structure and Patient Satisfaction.

First of all, it’s worth pointing out that the ImplArt dental clinic offers various types of treatment aimed at rehabilitating the patient’s oral health in all its aspects. In this way, not only the functional aspect of the treatment is addressed, but also the aesthetic one. These pillars are supported by digital dentistry techniques present in our modern structure.

As a result, we have been able to achieve top quality treatments, which generates great satisfaction among our patients. Of course, the Clinic is dedicated to offering knowledge and the latest technology to those patients looking for the most modern treatments.

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Below is a testimonial from patient Kazue, who came all the way from Japan to have her complete oral rehabilitation treatment with implants and zirconia crowns at the ImplArt Clinic. She tells us why the ImplArt Clinic was chosen as the best clinic for her treatment:

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ImplArt ranks 1st in Top Clinics – Brazil !

The GCR Score (Global Clinic Rating) is an international organization created with the aim of providing ratings on 432,000 medical and dental clinics around the world, in such a way as to indicate those that develop the best practices. First of all, it is important to mention that more than 128,277 dental clinics in the world have been evaluated, 603 of them in Brazil. This is certainly a criterion of great importance and relevance to dentistry worldwide.

First of all, dental clinics are evaluated on more than 100 criteria based on 4 pillars: facilities, standard, experience and patient feedback. Finally , according to these items, the clinics are classified and then placed in a ranking from 1 to 5 stars.

Voted the best dental implant clinic in Brazil

The Implart Clinic was awarded first place among dental clinics in Brazil for its expertise in digital dentistry, modern structure and patient satisfaction. It has thus been classified as the best dental implant clinic in Brazil.

As a result of this recognition, the clinic is constantly receiving patients from all over Brazil and the world, who are looking for the best practices in modern dentistry, above all translated into high quality. For patients coming from abroad and from other states in Brazil, there is the option of Day Clinic dental treatment, which is first and foremost an intensive treatment focused on the needs of each patient. This applies to dental implant treatments, fixed prostheses, protocol prostheses and even dental contact lenses.

Learn more about the ImplArt Dental Clinic from Dr. Roberto Markarian, implant dentist and clinical director of ImplArt:

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ImplArt dental clinic chosen as the best dental implant clinic in Brazil

For us at the ImplArt Dental Clinic, it is above all a great satisfaction to top this ranking of best dental implant clinic. It certainly means that all our commitment and dedication has brought many positive results in our dental implant and dental aesthetic treatments and, above all, it drives us to continue on this path.

First and foremost,at our clinic we offer the most modern technologies and facilities to carry out your specialized dental procedure in comfort, safety and, above all, with high standards of control. The ImplArt dental clinic is certainly one of the best dental technology centers in Brazil and the world.

Designed by the architectural firm Moran e Anders, by architect Gustavo Anders, the facilities at Clinica Dentaria ImplArt are modern and designed to offer maximum comfort to patients.

Types of dental implants and prostheses offered

Just to illustrate , several types of implants are offered , including those from the modern Swiss brand Straumann. In addition, for the stage of making dental prostheses, the clinic uses computer graphics to plan and execute them. In this way, aesthetics and functionality are studied in three-dimensional models. In this sense, we highlight the translucent zirconia prosthesis, made using modern digital systems.

ImplArt dental clinic’s international standard

In fact, we have more than 10,000 implants installed around the world and smiles achieved using the most modern implant dentistry techniques. With all our know-how , we are able to offer the latest implant techniques, total implants, modern contact lenses and zirconia prostheses. Our smiles are spread all over the world, as we have received patients from all over the world, such as Japan, the United States, Canada, Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom, Italy, Australia, Holland, Angola, Paraguay, among others! The high quality of our treatments makes the clinic an international standard treatment center, in line with the high demands of world standards.

Follow the testimonials of ImplArt Clinic patients

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Privileged location of the clinic

We are located in one of the most privileged areas of São Paulo, in the Bela Vista neighborhood, close to Avenida Paulista. We also have two subway stations nearby, Paraíso station and Brigadeiro subway station (green line), as well as Vergueiro station (blue line). In addition, access by car is facilitated above all by Avenida twenty-three de maio (north-south corridor), as well as Avenida Paulista itself.

Today we have the experience of thousands of implants installed, hundreds of cosmetic dentistry cases solved, and thousands of satisfied patients as a result. These certifications have taken us to the rank of best clinic, and certainly enable us to better serve even the most difficult cases in dental aesthetics, oral rehabilitation, orthodontics and dental implants.

Dr. Roberto Markarian implant dentist, best dental implant clinic
Dr. Roberto Markarian, clinical director of the ImplArt Clinic

Dr. Roberto Markarian

Idealizing dentist – Responsible for dental treatments and the Digital Prosthesis Laboratory

  • Post-Doctorate in Implant Dentistry
  • Doctorate in Implant Dentistry – (PhD)
  • Master in Prosthodontics
  • Dental Implant Specialist (Implant Dentist)
  • Specialist in Prosthodontics (Prosthodontist)
  • Researcher and Professor of Digital Dentistry
  • Member of the Clinical Staff of Oswaldo Cruz Hospital
  • More than 10,000 implants carried out

The best technology and advanced techniques

First of all, modern technology and, above all, the know-how of having solved so many cases, as well as the constant presence of our scientific clinical director , implant dentist Dr. Roberto Markarian, at important conferences and meetings in the United States and Europe, certainly ensure that the procedures offered at the ImplArt dental clinic are in line with the latest advances in world dentistry.

In this way,the materials and techniques used at ImplArt, the best dental implant clinic in Brazil according to the GCR, are aligned with those of the best dental clinics in the world. As a result, we are able to achieve results with greater precision and speed.

Real testimonials from those who have experienced ImplArt, the best dental implant clinic according to the GCR ranking.

Follow the testimonial below from our patient Sandro, who chose the ImplArt Clinic as the best clinic for his treatment and came all the way from the United States for his Day Clinic.

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See below for more spontaneous testimonials from our patients, so you can learn a little about the experience of having your treatment at the ImplArt Dental Clinic:

“It was simply my lucky year to have found ImplArt, the latest technology in implants. I took advantage of my trip to Brazil and had my implants done. I highly recommend them!”

Regina Fassina

“ImplArt was able to attend to me and treat me within the limited time I had available. Super polite and professional staff. I highly recommend them.”


“I thank and congratulate Dr. Roberto Markarian and his entire team for their competence, professionalism, ethics and respect. You have given me back the will to smile.”

Eva Bastos, São Paulo/SP

“I liked it very much! Serious dental company committed to results and patient satisfaction and excellent team of professionals!”

Cristiane Rinaldi

“It was much more than I expected, we always have expectations, I was very well taken care of, everyone was very attentive, I loved it, I have already made referrals to other people. Thank you for everything”

Virginia Reis Oliveira

“Excellent professionals. Dr. Roberto is not only competent but also welcoming. Dr. Brenda is competent and very committed. The girls at reception are super attentive too. I recommend them.”

Leila Nepomuceno Borges

“I loved everything the dentists the receptionists the prosthetists everything super recommend”

Valeria Dus

“I’ve been a client for 12 years and I’m still very satisfied with the Implart clinic and its top-class professionals. My last treatment was a success, I was attended to with great attention and concern for achieving perfection. Thank you to the whole Implart team ????.

Li G.s

Read more testimonials:

“Good afternoon was wonderful, the treatment of excellence not only in the equipment, but in the whole team, I am totally satisfied and impacted with the treatment I had. I highly recommend this clinic, without a doubt the best.”

Ritinha Xavier Dias

“I’ve finished my treatment and I really like the result. As for the service, I can only praise all the professionals, receptionists, doctors and directors. Implant surgery with Dr. Roberto is always a pleasure. The doctors who attended me were all very competent and attentive. I recommend it!!!”

Antonio P. T. de Almeida

“I had two implants done at Clinica Implart with Dr. Roberto, who is an excellent professional. The implants were perfect. The Implart team is very attentive and meets their clients’ needs.”

Dithelmo Kanto Filho

“Excellent team who attended to me very well. I highly recommend the clinic!”

Tamiles Gover

“I was a patient at Implart and I can say that it is technically impeccable, uses the highest technologies and excellent aesthetic procedures. At the same time, the service is humanized and efficient. I was very happy with the results.”

Débora Rocha

“A modern clinic, run by Dr. Roberto Markarian, a beast in dentistry, a professional who is always up to date with the latest developments in the sector. His team is extremely competent, attentive and helpful. I’ve been a client for years and have nothing but praise for him.”

Wander Sanches

Find out more about the ImplArt Clinic

First of all, we would once again like to thank all the patients who spontaneously evaluate and attest above all to the quality of care and the seriousness of the services provided. These testimonials are certainly very valuable. Our dedication to our patients has been recognized and has led us to be ranked first as the best dental implant clinic in Brazil, according to the GCR world ranking.

⭐️Guiados by our clinical director, PhD Dr. Roberto Markarian, and composed above all by a team of expert dentists, technicians and receptionists with a passion for what they do, we are first and foremost dedicated to promoting the well-being and improving the quality of life of our patients.

Therefore, we are here to help you improve your quality of life through proper chewing and, above all, a healthy smile. Contact us to find out how to schedule your evaluation appointment, WhatsApp (11) 3262-4750, we’ll be happy to help.

Finally, check out the GCR website for a ranking of the best dental implant clinics in Brazil.

Updated in May/2022.

Immediate loading for dental implants – indications

Immediately loaded dental implants are a technique in which the procedure of placing a dental implant and fixed prosthesis is carried out more quickly. In this way, it helps patients regain their self-esteem and their smile without the need to visit the dentist’s office several times. Immediate loading means placing a prosthesis – usually temporary – on the implants immediately after surgery.

Here at the ImplArt Dental Clinic we perform implants with immediate loading. However, each case is assessed on its own merits to see if it is the most appropriate and safest way to ensure the success of each treatment. See more information below.

Learn more about the technique – indications

But can it be done in all cases?

The answer is no. The possibility of an immediately loaded implant depends on fulfilling pre-requisites that can only be ascertained at the time of implant insertion. In addition to checking all the preoperative X-rays and CT scans, there are factors related to the surgery itself. Thus, the final torque of the implant at the time of bone insertion must be verified. It must therefore be checked after the implant has been installed.

In addition, it is important to note that the ideal is always to wait for the dental implant to heal before loading it. The making of a final prosthesis certainly involves aesthetic and functional studies, which have their own timeframe for preparation and testing by the patient. Therefore, if immediate loading is possible, it should ideally only involve a temporary prosthesis. In this way, the final prosthesis can be made with the implants already healed, and the aesthetics and functionality can be studied in depth, without putting the newly inserted implants at risk.

Immediately loaded implants – indications

The dental implant technique with immediate loading can be carried out when bone quantity and quality are normal and also when occlusal habits are favorable for the procedure so that there is no overload from chewing on the site.

Therefore, technique depends on certain conditions in the patient’s dental arch and general oral health. These conditions are assessed individually during a consultation here at the ImplArt Clinic.

What if it can’t be done?

If the technique is not possible, the dentist will look for another solution for the patient’s temporary prosthesis:

  • Adhesive prosthesis
  • Removable prostheses (mobile prosthesis)
  • Reinstatement of the old prosthesis (temporary refitting)
  • Fixed prosthesis on neighboring teeth
  • Devices to disguise the aesthetics of the area
  • Braces with a stuck tooth
Para permitir a carga imediata de implantes dentários temos que inserir implantes longos, que devem ficar bem travados no osso do maxilar.

Rapidly loaded dental implant: provisional prosthesis installed

The immediate loading dental implant technique can therefore be indicated for the following cases:

  • People with a completely missing lower arch,
  • Full arch with a few teeth,
  • Single or individual teeth in the anterior region of the mouth,
  • In some cases, dentures are fixed on some continuous teeth,

In all cases and situations, first and foremost the best course of action is to consult an implant dentist and carry out a full assessment to determine what and how will be done. Only this assessment can determine whether an immediately loaded dental implant is indicated or whether another rehabilitation procedure would bring a better result. In any case, implants are a great way to replace teeth, see before and after cases with dental implants.

Below is a video showing how total implant surgery is performed with a fixed prosthesis on implants, the protocol prosthesis.

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Read more about immediate loading – indications:

There are some contraindications to immediate loading, as described in another article. Read more by clicking here. In our blog, we mention more differences between a conventional implant treatment and one using this technique. Click here to read the article. If you have any questions, please contact us. We at Clinica Dentaria ImplArt are happy to answer any questions you may have.

schedule your appointment at the implart clinic by phone or whatsapp

como é feito um implante dentario

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Aesthetic Dental Treatments

Dentistry or aesthetic dentistry is the area of dentistry that works to restore dental aesthetics. In short, the resources available to improve the aesthetics of the smile include tooth whitening, dental crowns, resin or porcelain restorations, gum surgery (gingivectomy), and the application of modern dental contact lenses.

A more beautiful, white and harmonious smile is possible thanks to dental contact lenses and other aesthetic resources

Or even after wearing braces, when you want to improve some aspects of your smile, because during treatment you can’t change the aesthetics of your teeth. Modern dental contact lenses are ultra-thin porcelain veneers, suitable for correcting aesthetic problems with the teeth, for example:

Dental contact lenses are bonded to the surface of one or more defective teeth in a safe and non-invasive way. Because the lenses are ultra-thin, installation requires little or no wear on the teeth before they can be bonded.

Learn about the new aesthetic facial harmonization procedures performed by the dentist

Naturalness of dental contact lenses

The lenses are made from porcelain, the best bio-safe material used to make dental prostheses, which is similar to natural teeth in terms of its texture and shade, as well as its translucency.

This way, if the dental contact lens is applied to just one defective tooth, it won’t contrast with the neighboring natural teeth. It is certainly an aesthetic procedure that has come to completely change your smile for the better. At ImplArt, the lenses are designed and made by better computerized systems and 3D printers.

In conclusion, the last stage of the procedure is the preparation of the tooth, the application of dental cement and the bonding of the dental contact lens. Dental contact lenses are very durable, as long as the patient takes care not to bite down on hard objects and makes regular visits to the dental practice. Alternatively, veneers can be made from resin with a lower finish.

Dental Contact Lenses

dental esthetics
Dental contact lenses can improve the aesthetics of front teeth

Porcelain dental crowns for aesthetic purposes

Dental crowns and porcelain blocks can be made in cases of tooth damage such as broken teeth. It is very common for patients with bruxism to need cosmetic treatments as they can lose part of their enamel or even entire teeth due to the force applied to their teeth.

Teeth Whitening

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Laser teeth whitening for whiter teeth

Gingival Dental Aesthetics Treatment

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Aesthetic techniques aim to improve the appearance of gummy smiles

Plastic surgery on the gums can improve your dental aesthetics. Improving the appearance should be done in the context of a new dental treatment as it alters the frame of the smile. Gum peeling to remove stains, gum grafting surgeries, and gummy smile surgeries are among the options.

Digital Planning

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Computer programs help us plan dental aesthetics

Aesthetic restorations

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Porcelain blocks and porcelain dental crowns

An aesthetic composite resin restoration is a dental aesthetic procedure in which a resin composite material is used to repair or rebuild the structure of an aesthetically compromised tooth.

This technique is often used to correct cavities, fractures or discolorations in order to restore the shape, function and natural appearance of teeth.

During the process, the dentist removes the damaged part of the tooth, prepares the affected area and applies layers of composite resin, carefully shaping them to ensure a perfect fit with the dental anatomy.

The resin is then hardened with special ultraviolet light.

The advantage of composite resin lies in its ability to mimic the color and texture of adjacent teeth, providing an aesthetic and long-lasting end result while preserving the structural integrity of the restored tooth.

Orthodontic treatments

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Discreet braces to align teeth

Discover more discreet and transparent orthodontic braces to move your teeth without having pieces glued to your teeth.

Dental aesthetics and smile harmony

ImplArt Odontologia has a team specialized in carrying out aesthetic dental treatments, especially the application of dental contact lenses, including model treatments. What’s more, thanks to its own prosthetic laboratory, the best design and manufacture of dental contact lenses can be carried out very quickly, without intermediaries.

The three-dimensional design of the lenses is personalized for each patient, so that the patient can better participate in the process of choosing the shape and shade together with our team.

If you have any questions about the prices of cosmetic dental and gum treatments, as well as planning, please contact our team or come and visit us. We’ll be happy to help you!

ImplArt Dental Spa is a pioneer in São Paulo

In the Dental Day Clinic, also known as the Dental Spa, we try to carry out one or a few treatments in a single day or a few days, in order to reduce the time and cost of dental treatment.

Dental Spa and Dental Day Clinic at ImplArt

ImplArt is a pioneer in Day Clinics in Brazil and we can offer you the most advanced services in dentistry today. With the best dental technology, we plan and execute your Day Clinic with the highest quality at the ImplArt Dental Spa.

Dental Spa and Dental Day Clinic at ImplArt Day Clinic Dental Spa: faster dental treatments

The ImplArt Dental Spa Day Clinic is especially suitable for executives, for people who live in other cities/states/countries.

Also for people on vacation, people who want to have treatment for a special event coming up, such as a wedding, or for those who are afraid of the dentist (odontophobia).

Most dental treatments can be carried out at the Dental Day Clinic, including procedures such as implants, crowns and aesthetic restorations, prostheses, veneers or dental aesthetic techniques, subject to prior planning by the dental spa.

We have all the infrastructure to hold your Day Clinic in complete comfort.

Our in-housedental laboratory facilitates not only computerized treatment planning, but also the rapid completion of dental spa work, maintaining high quality materials and avoiding errors and problems.

The focus of the dental laboratory is to use high-tech materials such as zirconia and special porcelains through computerized Cad/Cam projects.

We also have a digital radiology center within the clinic, which speeds up diagnosis and the start of treatment.

Contact us to find out if the treatment you need can be carried out in a Day Clinic. With the ImplArt Dental Spa, improving the aesthetics of your smile can be faster than you think!

Day Clinic testimonials:

I was recently in São Paulo because I travel frequently for work. Due to the sudden need for emergency treatment, I came across ImplArt, who promptly solved my problem. My time in the city, about a week, was enough for a definitive treatment to be completed.I was very pleased with the speed of treatment and the quality of the ImplArt dental spa. I recommend it!” – C.A.S. Manaus

As I have known ImplArt for some time, I told them in advance that I was coming to São Paulo, as I visit my family periodically. I was asked to send tests in advance, which I promptly did by email. I was impressed by how useful technology can be even for a dental spa treatment.I loved the treatment I received, as the dentists here in England are very cold and the prices are much higher” – R.A. England

Dr. Roberto performed my surgery with great skill and mastery. I felt NO PAIN or discomfort. My recovery was excellent and now I’m going to start the final stage of my treatment.I chose the zirconia crown by scanner, because it’s quick, since I have to finish my treatment soon for a trip.” – A.C.

I found Implart through a Google search. I was looking for a clinic in São Paulo that would serve me with quality and speed, as I live in Miami. I wanted zirconia treatment, as is done here, and I found what I wanted at Implart. A committed team, a director with credibility and knowledge.I was very happy with my choice and came back very happy.” – R.N. – Miami

One Stop Clinic – Everything for your dental treatment in one place

One Stop Clinic is a convenience of the ImplArt Dental Clinic, which has a complete structure, especially for carrying out diagnostic tests and dental treatments, all in one place. This modern concept aims to offer convenience to patients, given the limited time available to go to the dentist. At ImplArt Dental Clinic, we are aligned with the One Stop Solution concept. Therefore, patients are able to carry out everything from diagnostic examinations to major bone grafting surgeries and total dental implants, with protocol prostheses, or even individual dental implants, within the clinic itself.

In addition, the ImplArt Dental Clinic has a digital prosthesis laboratory within the clinic itself, which guarantees high quality and control of the prostheses made. ImplArt’s digital laboratory has state-of-the-art equipment that uses robotic arms and digital scanners to design high-quality, natural-looking prostheses.

complete structure for your One Stop Clinic

Complete professional team made up of:

Odontologia Digital - Scanner Intraoral Trios 3 3shape na ImplArt

Technologies that are sure to make your One Stop Clinic treatment faster, more precise and more comfortable:

Strategic location for One Stop Clinic

We are located at Rua Cincinato Braga, 37 – cj 112 in the Bela Vista district of São Paulo/SP, close to Av. Paulista (Paraíso) and Av. 23 de Maio (north-south corridor, easy access for those leaving Guarulhos and Congonhas airports). Easy access from the Vergueiro subway (line 1-blue) and Brigadeiro subway (line 2-green).

Those who live far away can plan their implant surgery remotely

We can plan your dental implant surgery remotely. This is made possible by our modern computer-guided surgery planning systems. This way, when the patient who lives abroad, or in another state, arrives at the Implart Dental Clinic to start their Day Clinic treatment, we already have everything planned! All this is also possible because the ImplArt Clinic has its own prosthetics laboratory, equipped with the most modern resources and equipment to carry out your treatment.

Come and visit us. We’ll be happy to welcome you.

For your convenience, we can serve you fluently in English or Spanish.

Schedule your Dental One Stop Clinic at ImplArtDental Clinic

Porcelain dental contact porcelain lenses

Dental contact lenses are ultra-thin porcelain veneers (0.2 mm), used mainly to correct some aesthetic dental problems. They work similarly to “caps” that are bonded to one or more teeth to cover stains, small dental fractures and other defects, or to change the shape and size of teeth.

How to transform the aesthetics of your smile with dental contact lenses?

Dental contact lens treatment is certainly the smile of the famous.Dental contact lenses are completely computer-designed and made from dental porcelain by milling machines (3D printers).

Dental porcelain is a vitreous ceramic material (lithium disilicate) that is very resistant and, above all, imitates the texture and shade of natural teeth. It is also a safe material that is totally biocompatible with the human body.

The project is carried out according to images obtained by an intraoral scanner – a high-precision camera.

dental contact lenses
Stages of a dental contact lens treatment in our clinic that works with CAD CAM computerized techniques

Immediately after milling, dental contact lenses have a shape, color and texture comparable to natural teeth, even imitating the characteristics of neighboring teeth. Because they are ultra-thin, installation requires little or no wear on the natural teeth. Indications for dental contact lenses:

In which cases are dental lenses suitable?

  • Covering stains
  • Change in the shape of the teeth
  • Change in tooth color
  • Enlargement of small teeth
  • Aligning crowded teeth
  • Covering small fractures
  • Uniformization of uneven and asymmetrical teeth
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This porcelain lens was made using a computerized technique. Note that the machine sculpts the block until the dental contact lens is extracted from it


  • High resistance and long durability of the dental contact lens
  • Very aesthetic look, comparable to natural teeth
  • Minimally invasive restorations
  • Completely painless procedure
  • They don’t require much tooth grinding to be installed
  • Preserves the structure of the teeth
  • No discomfort in chewing function
  • Porcelain doesn’t change color over the years
  • Incredibly natural and harmonious result
  • It can be designed and executed in a short time, in some cases even in a Day Clinic.
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Porcelain lenses made using digital techniques

At the ImplArt dental clinic, all this work is primarily done in a precise and personalized way for each patient. This is only possible because we have CAD/CAM-based technologies on our premises, which not only carry out the computerized design of the treatment, but also the execution of the dental contact lenses.

Before and after photos of dental contact lenses

Are dental lenses good? Do they look artificial or too big?

See an example of a smile makeover with dental lenses.

If you have any questions about the procedure or the price of dental contact lenses, please contact us.

Dental contact lenses – Dental Porcelain Veneers

Dental contact lenses are a type of ultra-thin porcelain veneer (0.2 mm) used to correct certain aesthetic problems with the teeth.

Dental contact lenses to transform the appearance of your teeth

Aesthetic treatment for stained, misaligned, asymmetrical or broken teeth

Dental lenses work like “covers” that are glued onto one or more teeth to cover stains, small fractures and other defects, or to change the shape and size of teeth. Dental contact lens treatment is the smile of the famous.

Dental contact lenses are completely computer-designed and then made from dental porcelain using milling machines (3D printers). Dental porcelain is a vitreous ceramic material (lithium disilicate) that is very resistant and mimics the texture and shade of natural teeth.

It is also a safe material and therefore totally biocompatible with the human body. The computerized design is based on images taken by an intraoral scanner – a high-precision camera.

dental contact lenses
Dental contact lenses step by step (in case of dental asymmetry)

At the end of the milling process, the dental contact lenses have a shape, color and texture comparable to natural teeth, even imitating the characteristics of neighboring teeth. Because they are ultra-thin, installation requires little or no wear on the natural teeth.

The lenses are then bonded with dental cement activated with a light-curing device. ImplArt uses one of the best contact lens light-curing devices on the market, making treatment more efficient and safer. Find out more.

Indications for dental contact lenses:

  • Covering stains
  • Change in the shape of the teeth
  • Change in tooth color
  • Enlargement of small teeth
  • Aligning crowded teeth
  • Covering small fractures
  • Uniformization of uneven and asymmetrical teeth

Advantages of lenses:

  • High resistance and long durability of the dental contact lens
  • Very aesthetic look, comparable to natural teeth
  • Minimally invasive restorations
  • Completely painless procedure
  • They don’t require much tooth grinding to be installed
  • Preserves the structure of the teeth
  • No discomfort in chewing function
  • Porcelain doesn’t change color over the years
  • Incredibly natural and harmonious result
  • It can be designed and executed in a short time, in some cases even in a Day Clinic.

Before and after contact lenses: find out about some of the treatments performed at ImplArt:

At ImplArt Odontologia, all this work is certainly done in a precise and personalized way for each patient. This is only possible because we have CAD/CAM-based technologies on our premises, which not only carry out the computerized design of the treatment, but also the execution of the dental contact lenses. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Read more articles on Dental Aesthetics

More translucent and resistant cubic zirconia crowns

Translucent cubic zirconia is an evolution of conventional dental zirconia. Dental zirconia is increasingly being used as a material for making a dental crown or even for a fixed prosthesis on dental implants. Translucent Zirconia has certainly come to revolutionize the way dental prostheses are made, since it uses modern computer graphics resources to design the prostheses, and modern 3D milling machines to sculpt them. This makes treatment faster and more comfortable for the patient.

In addition, Zirconia is the most resistant material compared to other types of crowns and allows for results with a high degree of naturalness, being the most similar to the appearance of natural teeth.

Zirconia can also be used on implants, protocol prostheses and partial prostheses.

Why is dental zirconia an excellent material?

First and foremost, one of the greatest advantages of the Pure Zirconia dental crown is its strength and durability. In addition, its modern execution method, which doesn’t require the old mass moldings and only uses a 3D scanner, makes the treatment much more comfortable for the patient. It is therefore an excellent option for those who want metal-free treatment, a situation that is highly valued today with biological dentistry.

translucent cubic zirconia dental crown
Translucent cubic zirconia crown for molar tooth (bottom), with hole for screwing into dental implant

These zirconia structures can be used both for implant prostheses, types of crowns on implants and for crowns on natural teeth. One of the pioneering companies in the development of durable and aesthetic zirconia dental prostheses is the Austrian company AmannGirrbach. Now it is introducing a new type of dental ceramic: Zolid FX translucent cubic zirconia.

It is a fully biocompatible material used to make first-rate prosthetic crowns, not only single-unit, but also bridges of up to 3 units. The main characteristics of Zolid FX are its super-high translucency, high strength and long-term stability.

It is therefore a strong alternative to the already established lithium disilicate (glass ceramic), and can therefore be especially suitable for cases that require high porcelain crown strength. Cubic zirconia crowns can be installed both anteriorly with excellent aesthetics and posteriorly. They can also be used in dental implant treatment.

What is the manufacturing process like?

The Zolid FX cubic zirconia crown is made using computerized CAD/CAM equipment. It starts with milling the rough block on a 3D printer to the shape of the tooth. The zirconia crown is finished with the manual addition of colors and shading so that the crown has natural visual characteristics, like the neighboring teeth. The pure zirconia crown is super aesthetic and is up to 10 times stronger than ordinary (feldspatica) porcelain.

… After a dental implant, can I place the tooth on the same day? See here…

Translucent cubic zirconia crowns are suitable for bruxism patients due to their resistance

Bruxism is an oral functional disorder characterized by involuntary grinding or clenching of the teeth. The excessive force generated by bruxism can cause not only muscle and joint pain in simpler cases, but also the destruction of part of the tissues (bone and gum), enamel or the structure of the dental crown in more advanced cases.

It is important to remember that before your permanent porcelain crown is made, you will receive a temporary crown. This is used to check the aesthetics and chewability of the permanent crown.

However, bruxism can be just as damaging to the structures of prosthetic crowns made from certain materials. For this reason, there has always been a need to develop prostheses with increasingly resistant and stable materials, and at the same time aesthetic (without metals in the structure).

Meet the Ceramill Motion 2 3D tooth printer

The translucency and strength characteristics of Zolid FX are fundamental to making the prosthetic crown very comparable to natural teeth. The result is extremely aesthetic crowns and restorations with high strength and long-term stability.

ImplArt Dental Clinic only works with materials of the highest quality, developed by serious companies. For example, AmannGirrbach, which only introduces materials and equipment to the market after carrying out numerous tests and research.

If you have any questions, please contact us.