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Search Results for “coroa

Dental contact lenses: step-by-step treatment

The dental contact lens is a set of extremely thin porcelain veneers (lithium disilicate), designed by a computerized cad/cam system and made by 3D printers. Dental contact lenses: step-by-step treatment What are dental contact lenses? Contact lenses are bonded to the front of the teeth individually and are used to correct certain aesthetic problems, such […]

More translucent and resistant cubic zirconia crowns

Translucent cubic zirconia is an evolution of conventional dental zirconia. Dental zirconia is increasingly being used as a material for making a dental crown or even for a fixed prosthesis on dental implants. Translucent Zirconia has certainly come to revolutionize the way dental prostheses are made, since it uses modern computer graphics resources to design […]

Metal-free white zirconia dental implant

ImplArt Dental Clinic brings you another great novelty: the Zirconia implant, a highly biocompatible and resistant white ceramic. The zirconia implant is a revolutionary innovation in the field of dentistry, offering an aesthetic and biocompatible alternative to traditional titanium implants. In addition to being metal-free, zirconia implants have a natural white color that resembles the […]

Pure porcelain crown for highly aesthetic implants

The digital all-porcelain crown is a highly efficient ceramic system used to make prosthetic crowns for dental implants. What are digital pure porcelain crowns made of? Lithium disilicate ceramics have aesthetic and resistance properties comparable to natural teeth. They are the best and most technologically advanced materials for achieving aesthetic teeth because they are white […]

Aesthetic oral rehabilitation – Specialist Clinic

Aesthetic oral rehabilitation is a treatment or set of dental procedures aimed at restoring the oral function and aesthetics of a person who is suffering from missing teeth and needs implants, or whose oral function is compromised by other dental problems that affect chewing, speech and the aesthetics of the smile. Accordingly, depending on the […]

Fixed dental prosthesis – Specialist clinic

Fixed dental prostheses are an excellent treatment for replacing missing teeth, combining aesthetics and chewing ability, taking advantage of your original teeth. Implart Odontologia specializes in aesthetic and conventional fixed dental prostheses. A fixed prosthesis is a type of dental prosthesis that cannot be removed by the wearer. It differs from dentures, for example, which […]

Specialist clinic – Prosthodontics

Dr. Roberto Markarian is a specialist in dental Prosthodontics and director of Clinica Dentaria ImplArt Losing your teeth is certainly one of the most traumatic experiences for a person, affecting your quality of life and self-esteem. That’s why you should know that it’s possible to rehabilitate your smile with modern dental prosthesis options. Tooth loss […]

Specialist dental clinic – Dental implants

A dental implant is a titanium or all-ceramic pin, in the case of Straumann‘s ceramic implant, which is surgically placed in the bone and has the function of replacing the root of a lost tooth. A fixed prosthesis is installed over the dental implant, which has the function and appearance of a tooth. It is […]

Get to know Implart’s dental 3d printers

It is well known that 3D printers have great versatility for making various objects. The good news is that 3D printing is now a reality in dentistry and is increasingly transforming the way treatments are carried out. The 3D printing solution has been brought to dentistry to make aesthetic, fast and precise prostheses and restorations […]