Orofacial harmonization
Orofacial harmonization is a relatively new dental specialty, but it allows the specialized dental surgeon to perform aesthetic and functional procedures on the face and neck.
This specialty has emerged as an artifice to complement orofacial aesthetics, and always combined with dental treatment, it aims to create harmony with the patient’s smile and other facial features.
What is orofacial harmonization?
A dentist specializing in orofacial harmonization is one who is qualified to carry out techniques and procedures to balance aesthetics and oral function, improving some aspects of the patient’s face, but always seeking benefits for their health. The aesthetic and functional procedures of orofacial harmonization bring benefits for a more rejuvenated appearance, above all improving personal self-esteem.
Orofacial harmonization is a dental specialty and is duly regulated by the Federal Council of Dentistry (Resolution 198/2019),
Dentists specializing in orofacial harmonization need to complete a specialization course with a minimum of 500 hours to be recognized.
Here are some of the procedures included in orofacial harmonization:
What Bichectomy is for
The surgery is mainly indicated to thin the face and improve its shape by reducing the size of the cheeks, but it can also be indicated to reduce trauma in some cases of people who bite their cheeks on the inner mucosa of the mouth. It is an aesthetic procedure that has already been widely adopted by celebrities, but is now much more accessible to everyone.

Bichectomy surgery
The surgery is performed by a dentist trained in this technique and consists of removing two fatty tissues located on either side of the face between the jaw and the mandible, called Bichat’s balls. First, an anesthetic is applied and then small incisions are made in the oral mucosa (inside of the mouth) to remove the Bichat’s balls with the help of tweezers. Finally, small sutures are made and the patient is given instructions on how to recover after the operation, which should be calm and with little or no pain.
Bichectomy risks: there may be asymmetry in the result, but this is rare and is more likely to happen if performed by professionals who are not trained in this technique.
Value of Bichectomy: procedure values can only be provided after a consultation and evaluation of each case.
Bichectomy cons: the procedure is indicated with great caution, assessing each case and the patient’s needs. In principle, the procedure is not indicated for people undergoing cancer treatment, people with active local infections, pregnant women, people with heart problems or diseases that could compromise coagulation and healing, people with limited mouth opening and minors.
Lip Filling with Hyaluronic Acid

The lip filler procedure performed with hyaluronic acid is a resource for harmonizing the shape of the lips and making them more proportional to the face. It is indicated for increasing lip volume, improving lip contour or correcting lip asymmetry.
The technique is an alternative for people with very thin lips, or for lips that have become thin, flabby and wrinkled as they age or as a result of smoking. It is also a resource for harmonizing the lips after dental treatment, such as a new dental prosthesis.
Fillers can also be used for small temporary gains in gum volume.
Lip fillers how it’s done: the procedure consists of applying a local anesthetic and then applying hyaluronic acid to the inside of the lips using a microcannula or needle. The substance does not cause any side effects or rejection in the body.
The technique is carried out by a dentist specializing in orofacial harmonization to obtain a natural lip filling, without exaggeration and which favours the aesthetics of the smile and face. It is normal for swelling to occur immediately after a lip filling, which can last up to 48 hours after application.

How long does lip filler last?: The result of a filler is temporary because the hyaluronic acid is slowly absorbed. However, the effect can last up to a year and a half.
Lip filler sp price: the cost of the procedure can only be given during a face-to-face consultation to assess each case.
Contraindications: in principle, minors, pregnant women, active local infections (such as herpes) and people with autoimmune diseases.
Filler for Chinese Moustache (Nasogenian Furrow)

The Chinese moustache is characterized by a deep wrinkle that runs from the nasal wing to the corner of the mouth (smile mark). It affects both men and women and is associated with skin ageing, in which there is a natural loss of fat and collagen, with unprotected sun exposure which leads to sagging skin and with smoking. It is also related to a genetic predisposition, excessive loss/gain of body weight, as well as repeated sleeping in the prone position with the face resting on the hand.
There are a number of ways to improve the appearance of this expression mark, and the procedure depends on the degree of depth, the main one being filling with hyaluronic acid. This involves applying the biomaterial subcutaneously to the area in order to fill and elevate the depressed line, leveling it with the skin.
What is the Chinese moustache filling procedure like?
The procedure is carried out simply and quickly by a dental surgeon qualified in orofacial harmonization. It is not capable of altering the natural features of the face, only correcting these imperfections. Superficial wrinkles can be treated with botulinum toxin (Botox).
Initially, a local anesthetic is applied. The furrows are then filled with hyaluronic acid. Finally, the patient is given instructions for the post-procedure period, but the recovery is very smooth and the patient is ready to return to work.
How long does a Chinese moustache filler last? The effect of the filler can last up to a year and a half, depending on the amount of material injected and the depth of the furrow.
How much does a Chinese moustache filler cost? The cost of the treatment is only given in consultation after a careful assessment of each case.
Treatment of jowls on the neck (jowl lipo)

Treatment of jowls with deoxycholic acid
What can I do to get rid of my jowls? This is one of the most frequently asked questions by those looking to improve their appearance and achieve a more rejuvenated look. Reducing jowls (submental fat) is also one of the aesthetic procedures that a dentist specializing in orofacial harmonization is qualified to treat.
The procedure is also known as jowl lipo, enzymatic jowl treatment or lipolysis of submental fat.
How deoxycholic acid works for jowls
Deoxycholic acid is a substance naturally found in the human body and acts to metabolize fats, i.e. it breaks down fat cells (adipocytes), stimulating an inflammatory reaction by the body at the site. This helps to eliminate the broken down fat (a process that should take place over a maximum of 30 days).
With this elimination of fat cells, there is a reduction in fat deposits and an improvement in the contour of the neck, as well as a tightening effect on the skin (not applicable in cases of severe sagging).
What is the chemical lipo procedure like?
Before starting the application, a topical anesthetic is used to eliminate any possible discomfort from the needle prick. We then apply deoxycholic acid in the form of a synthetic drug to the adipose tissue, distributed in small quantities over the entire length of the jowls.
In the first few days, swelling, bruising, pain (which can be controlled with painkillers), erythema (redness) and numbness may occur, but this is normal and is part of the fat elimination process. During this period it is recommended not to take anti-inflammatory drugs, as they prevent the product from working.
Up to six sessions are recommended to obtain a satisfactory result (depending on the degree of fat accumulation), with intervals of one month between each session.
In some cases, treatment can be enhanced with the use of a compression/microporous bandage at night after the fourth day of application, as well as local drainage to help reduce swelling and speed up the elimination of fat.
Duration of jowl treatment: the effect of the treatment does not have a set time, but it is expected that the accumulation of fat in this area will not return, except in cases of excessive weight gain.
Contraindications to deoxycholic acid for jowls: in principle, local infection, pregnant or breastfeeding women, people with cysts at the site of the jowls, goiters or thyroid nodules.
How much does jowl lipo cost? The cost of the treatment is provided through a face-to-face consultation and an assessment of the complexity of each case.
Application of botulinum toxin – botox

Botox to treat bruxism
Bruxism is a parafunctional disorder that causes people to grind their teeth or clench their teeth involuntarily during sleep. The excessive force of bruxism causes wear and tear on the teeth, pain in the muscles and bones (joints, jaw), as well as ringing in the ears and head and neck pain.
It can also cause clicking in the temporomandibular joints when chewing or opening the mouth and gum recession. Patients with bruxism need to be very well assessed and monitored, and treatment may involve the work of different health specialists.
Botox can also be applied by the dentist for aesthetic improvements to the patient’s lips and face
One of the resources for treating bruxism is the application of botulinum toxin. It acts by inhibiting the contraction of the temporal and masseter muscles in the jaw, thus reducing muscle activity in cases of teeth clenching, and applied to the muscles responsible for masticatory movements (the same ones responsible for the involuntary contraction of bruxism) to contract them and thus reduce teeth grinding.
Botulinum toxin is not normally used in isolation to treat bruxism. It is almost always combined with the use of bite plates(myorelaxing plates) and bite correction, among other procedures.
How is Botox applied for bruxism?
Applications to block the muscles are made in one appointment and the benefits are seen within the first 48 hours. The blockade can last up to six months, so botulinum toxin needs to be periodically reapplied to maintain the effect.
Botox for bruxism price: the price of the treatment is given in consultation with a dentist who will carefully assess each case and recommend the most suitable treatment. A consultation is required to find out the price of Botox. According to the regulations of the Federal Council of Dentistry (Resolution 198/2019), yes, dentists can apply Botox.
In dentistry, the application of botulinum toxin (Botox) is also very useful for correcting asymmetries in the smile or face in the middle and lower thirds, for treating gummy smiles, treating orofacial pain related to TMJ disorders or the muscles involved in chewing, softening expression lines in the middle and lower thirds, and even controlling excessive saliva production.
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