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dental implant testimonials

ImplArt Dental Clinic Dental Implant Testimonials

Certainly one of the great delights of our work is receiving the feeback from our patients, who are always full of joy and satisfaction. The conclusion of a treatment is a moment of great expectation because it often involves the realization of dreams. In these dental implant testimonials, you’ll get to know a little more about some of our dear patients, who often travel from far and wide to have their treatment carried out at the ImplArt Dental Clinic.

Patients come from all over the world, from Japan, Australia, the United States and England to the most beloved parts of Brazil. The ImplArt Dental Clinic is certainly a center of knowledge and high technology in dental implants and computerized dental prostheses, a pioneer in Day Clinic Dentistry. In this way, patients come to us for our know-how as a team, based on all the knowledge of our clinical director, Dr.Roberto Markarian, implant dentist, PhD, a reference in implants and computerized prostheses in Brazil.

Thus, with all our knowledge we are able to offer the most modern implant techniques, total implant and protocol prostheses, Pure Zirconia Computerized Prostheses, as well as modern computerized contact lenses.

Below you’ll find the ImplArt Clinic dental implant testimonials that we’ve put together for you to learn a little more about our treatments and how they have the power to impact and improve patients’ lives.

Video de Implante Dentário Total : Depoimento de Paciente

Dental Implant testimonial video: ImplArt patient testimonial

The video above shows dental implant testimonials from a patient from São Paulo-SP, following dental implant treatment. Dental implants are indicated for patients who have already lost one or more natural teeth. The patient chose the ImplArt Clinic because it has extensive experience in the rehabilitation of total dental implant patients, with a portfolio of thousands of completed cases.

Read the testimony of Kazue, a patient who came from Japan to have her dental implant treatment at the ImplArt Clinic.

A patient came all the way from Japan to have her implants carried out with a Day Clinic at Clinica Dentaria ImplArt. Here’s what she has to say about her intensive treatment at ImplArt.
In her testimonial, patient Kazue says that the“ImplArt Clinic is TOP!”

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Read another of the dental implant testimonials from a patient who came from another state to have treatment at the ImplArt Clinic.

Below is another testimonial about the dental implant and prosthetic protocol treatment carried out at the ImplArt Clinic:

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These dental implant testimonials certainly bring us immense joy and satisfaction, knowing that we are always helping to improve our patients’ quality of life.

Meet Sandro, who came from the United States to have his dental implant and Zirconia protocol prosthesis treatment at the ImplArt Clinic.

Sandro came all the way from the United States for his total implant treatment and Translucent Zirconia protocol prosthesis, considered the most modern prosthesis available today. Read more dental implant testimonials:

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More dental implant testimonials: patient Augusto Araújo came from the United States

Augusto came from the United States to have his dental implant treatment at the ImplArt Clinic. Here’s what he had to say about his treatment at ImplArt. Follow this heartfelt testimonial:“I recommend the ImplArt Clinic to anyone who wants to have a beautiful smile like mine!

Augusto talks about the stages of treatment and the team that attended to him: “I’m very happy with the results of the treatment!” “I recommend Dr. Roberto and the entire ImplArt team.”

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See also other testimonials on dental implants, dentures and dental aesthetics

Here are some real dental implant testimonials from our patients, so you can see our quality from those who have experienced it. We pride ourselves on meeting your needs!

We would once again like to thank the dental implant testimonials that our patients have publicly expressed.

“I’ve been a patient of the ImplArt clinic for a few years, when I met Dr. Roberto Markarian. At the assessment appointment, he explained the treatment very clearly. I was someone who had a lot of trauma and fear of dentists, I couldn’t smile and I was very embarrassed.

I just have to say thank you for getting to know this clinic, which took very good care of me, excellent professionals, I was always attended to promptly throughout my treatment. Today I can smile. Congratulations to Clinica ImplArt and Dr. Roberto Markarian, and I can’t forget to mention Vivian, who has always been very attentive. How good it is to be able to count on professionals like you.”

Shirlei Gonçalves

“I am a patient of the ImplArt clinic, I had a total upper and partial lower implant treatment, assisted by Dr. Roberto, a highly competent professional, as well as his clinical staff! My treatment was carried out by Dr. Adriana, who is highly professional and attentive! I’m very happy with the result, it looks great and I get nothing but compliments.”

Solange Godoy

“I was very afraid of getting implants, but Dr. Roberto gave me so much reassurance that I had no doubts. I had the implants, I didn’t feel a thing and I didn’t have any problems. I was very pleased with the results, it even changed my self-esteem with the excellent work done. Dr. Brenda was an excellent professional, always attentive and explaining all the treatment procedures. A reliable team. The service was exceptional. I highly recommend it.”

Dulceni Paglione

“ImplArt has changed my life. It changed the way I smile and interact with people. I now have much more confidence in myself, my self-esteem has grown. I thank them for all their care and I say to anyone who is going to start treatment: you can trust them, because they are serious and their work is very good.”

Eliana Fagundes

“First world dental clinic, the tooth scanner only exists at Implart, I was impressed with the perfect result. Dr. Roberto is highly competent and gives us all the security we need when deciding to have an implant or more complicated surgery on our teeth. The team is top 10. I had my treatment with Dr. Roberto and his team and I highly recommend them.”

Valerie Hair

“I recently finished my treatment. I had Swiss implants and a porcelain prosthesis. I would like to praise the work of Dr. Roberto and all the qualified professionals in his team. These people work seriously and responsibly.”

Sebastião Melo

“Now that I’ve completed the full upper arch implant procedure I started about four months ago, I’m here to give my testimony to help anyone who needs treatment and has doubts about where to get it. I went through a real via crucis to get to Dr. Roberto’s clinic, because if you don’t have a referral, searching on the internet gives the impression that all dental surgeons are good, which is a total mistake.

Mentions like “graduated from such and such university” don’t mean much. Many don’t have the qualifications or equipment for more complex surgeries. Before arriving at Dr. Roberto’s clinic, I went to several that I thought were specialists, and I was frightened by the procedures suggested for my case. But as I’m very fearful, I didn’t agree to be treated at such clinics.

I continued researching and came across Dr. Roberto, who gave me a totally different solution from those who had gone before him, and so I began treatment. It was a blessing for me because I didn’t have to undergo surgery in a hospital under full anesthesia. It was easy, painless and I recovered quickly. “

Hideki Oshiro

“I found Implart through a Google search. I was looking for a clinic in São Paulo that would serve me with quality and speed, as I live in Miami. I wanted zirconia treatment, as is done here, and I found what I wanted at Implart. A committed team, a director with credibility and knowledge. I was very happy with my choice and came back very happy.”

Rafaela Nunes

“Having completed the first stage of my treatment, I’m taking the initiative to express my satisfaction with Implart. When I read the contract, I liked it. Objective, clear and transparent. Extremely professional. The clinic is well-kept, cozy, no-frills and very well equipped. I was able to see for myself that the materials used in my treatment were top quality. Very fine needles for anesthesia.This means that we feel almost nothing from the sting (of course, in this case, the professional’s hand is fundamental).

Anesthetics that left me wondering whether I was anesthetized or not, because the effect was so subtle. Powerful, though. Just as you hardly notice when the anesthetic wears off. There are no abrupt sensations. The restoration of a tooth that came in the way was carried out perfectly. The temporary prosthesis was very good. It fitted very well and the aesthetics were excellent. Very natural and very close to my original teeth.I love it!

Then the surgery! The next day it seemed like I hadn’t even undergone it, how comfortable I was. All of the above is very important, but for me the most important thing is Implart’s team of professionals. What really struck me was that everyone I spoke to was discreet, spontaneous, affectionate and welcoming. Dr. Roberto, congratulations on your clinic.And in my humble opinion I think it’s a model clinic.

If one day a dental student is able to do an internship at Implart, it would be a privilege. Believe me, everything I’m saying is the observation of a 60-year-old who has worked with a variety of professionals, from very good to very bad (all in private practice). I love being seen in a dental clinic. It’s more complete, modern and efficient.”

Setsuko Katayama, São Paulo-SP

“I thank and congratulate Dr. Roberto Markarian and his entire team for their competence, professionalism, ethics and respect. You have given me back the will to smile.”

Eva Bastos, São Paulo-SP

“The experience I’ve had with ImplArt dentistry couldn’t have been better. High professionalism, proper treatment and accurate information provided to patients are qualities that make ImplArt stand out in the dental field. Patients with limited time, as in my case, get a full guarantee of a service provided with precision.

The MSN patient support service provided by the administrative assistant makes Implart stand out and gives us the guarantee of an infrastructure prepared to meet all our needs with comfort and credibility. No matter the distance, time or need, IMPLART has shown that it makes a difference at national and international level. Thank you to everyone who makes ImplArt a differentiated and reliable service.”

Jomo Löw – Sacramento – California

“I’m very anxious about going to the dentist and I’ve always avoided it as much as possible. Now it’s been five years without treating my teeth, so I ended up losing some dentures, had a lot of cavities and an episode of pain. Then I came across the IMPLART clinic and this sedation technique. It was very easy to have the treatment this way. The doctor who saw me was very attentive and looked after me until the end of the procedure. I also found that the dentist worked quickly and did some implants and treated the cavities while I was asleep. It was a bit magical but when I woke up everything was ready, I thought it was great.”

M.R.R., businesswoman, São Paulo-SP

“It’s very easy for me to write in the form of testimonials about the dental implants I had for two years with Dr. Roberto from the ImplArt Clinic, because what seemed impossible at first, through Dr. Roberto’s skillful hands, became concrete every day.When I arrived at the office for a consultation more than two years ago, I had periodontal disease that had already compromised most of my teeth, both upper and lower. After the consultation, Dr. Roberto informed me that it was a difficult case, but not impossible to treat, and his suggestion was to implant both upper and lower teeth.

In a very didactic way, he explained the treatment step by step, showing me that one of the main elements in the whole stage would be patience and that’s what I had during the long process of surgeries and tests, but my calm, patience was due a lot to the confidence that Dr. Roberto gave me, his security, his intelligence, his education and affection were essential for me to go through this trajectory very calmly and sure that I would ultimately achieve my KOLYNOS smile, which can be COLGATE, SMILE.”

Cida Santos, University Professor, São Paulo – SP

“I was recently in São Paulo because I travel frequently for work. Due to the sudden need for emergency treatment, I came across the ImplArt Clinic, which promptly solved my problem. My time in the city, about a week, was enough for a definitive treatment to be completed. I was very pleased with the speed of treatment and the quality. I recommend it!”

Albert Cardoso, Fortaleza – CE

“As I have known Dr. Roberto for some time, I let him know in advance that I was coming to São Paulo, as I visit my family periodically. Dr. Roberto asked me to send him some tests in advance, which I promptly did by email. I was impressed by how useful technology can be even for dental treatment. I prefer the service in Brazil, as the dentists here are very cold and the prices are much higher.”

Regina Abreu, London – England

“I remember one Friday when I was performing at the Sala São Paulo, a jacket that was right in front of me broke. I called Dr. Markarian, made an appointment, he examined me and said that if I waited for surgery to finish, he would put an implant in. The result: I had the implant, left the office, came home, got ready and went to the repair, driving normally.

I arrived after midnight enraptured by the music and without remembering that I’d had an implant. I know a lot of people who have implants, get sick, have inflammation, get down, stop exercising. Thanks to the doctor’s safety, competence and in-depth knowledge, I never had any problems and everything went smoothly. That’s why I say that I was even sad, regretting the end of the treatment. A big hug to all of you and much success to the Clinic, especially to Dr. Roberto.”

Sueli Nakamura – lawyer – São Paulo – SP

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Dr. Roberto Markarian, implant dentist

Text written by DR. ROBERTO MARKARIAN – CRO-SP 73.583
Founder and Director of the ImplArt Dental ClinicDr. Roberto’s Linkedin profile

Dr. Roberto Markarian implant dentist

Dr. Roberto Markarian is a reference in dental implants and computerized dental prostheses in Brazil. As well as having more than 10,000 implants installed, he is a researcher and produces knowledge that is published worldwide in renowned scientific journals in the field of dentistry. He is responsible for promoting knowledge and high technology applied in all the treatments offered by the ImplArt Clinic.

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como é feito um implante dentario

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