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Digital Implantology, All-on-X Full Arch Implants, Dental Veneers and Prosthesis & DayClinic Fast Treatments With High Tecnology 3D Dentistry

A Full Structured Dental Clinic Well Located at Paulista Ave. in São Paulo – Brazil

Specialist Dental Clinic | Dental Implant | Dental Prosthesis

Dental treatments in Implantology, Rehabilitation and Dental Prosthesis with high technology (Digital Dentistry) in São Paulo-SP (Avenida Paulista).

melhor clinica de implante dentario do Brasil sao paulo , melhores clinicas de implantodontiaThe ImplArt Clinic is considered the best dental implant clinic in Brazil, according to GCR international ranking, since 2017.

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Straumann Implants Better + Faster

The Swiss Straumann dental implant, is considered the best type of implant in the world. Their implants heal faster and are safer. We are among the largest users of implants Straumann-Brazil.

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3D Porcelain Dental Crown for Aesthetics

Porcelain Aesthetic Crown to rebuild teeth. Discover the best type and technique for dental porcelain crowns, and also our Aesthetic Prototype Try-in Versions (3D printed teeth).

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Dental Veneers and Aesthetics

The best and thinnest dental venners, made with digital planning, in Porcelain. Dental bleaching and esthetic treatments for quick results to improve your smile natural glow.

Complete and Specialized Dental Clinic – Implantology

clínica especialista em implante dentario

Clinic Specialist in Dental Implantology

Our dental clinic specializes in dental implants and oral rehabilition. The best reputation, reviews and experience treatments with simple or complex implants.

odontologia digital, clínica dentária na avenida paulista

Digital Dentistry – CAD-CAM Technique

The Computerized digital dentistry technique allows us to create better, beautiful and faster dental prosthetics and crowns. For that, we use intraoral scanners and 3D impressions.

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Dental Prosthesis Laboratory

We have our own digital dental prosthesis laboratory inside the clinic and at your disposal! Better dental prosthetics and crowns for faster new teeth.

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Day Clinic Spa – Quick Treatment

Our innovative Dental Day Clinic, allows a quicker and more complete dental treatment , Suitable for those who are in a hurry, come from abroad or are fear of the dentist – odontofobia.

High Technology – Rapid Dental Treatment Day Clinic

A ImplArt is a modern Specialized Dental Clinic in ImplantologyDental Prostheses and Bridges with Radiology and our Own Internal Dental Lab. Furthermore, it is a reference in Brazil in Digital Dentistry!

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Prof. Roberto Markarian,PhD – International Dentist – Implantology and Prosthodontics

Has extensive clinical experience and international scientific production on the best technologies in Digital Dentistry. That’s why we receive patients from all over the world who are looking for efficient and modern treatments.

  • Doctorate in Implantology – (PhD)
  • Post-Doctorate in Implantology
  • Master in Dental Prosthesis Science – University of São Paulo
  • Dental Implant Specialist – Implantologist USP
  • Dental Prosthesis Specialist – Prosthodontist
  • International Book Articles and Chapters
  • Surgeon on the Clinical Staff at Oswaldo Cruz Hospital 
  • More than 12,000 dental implants performed

>>> Complete clinical, scientific and academic curriculum

Dental Implant Clinic | Dental Prosthetics | Dental Aesthetics

Dental implant is an artificial dental root installed in the jaw bone, by the Implantologist. However, the surgery is not very invasive, and replaces a lost tooth better, or even complete arch.

In our dental clinic, we can perform computer-guided implants. After healing (osseointegration), an artificial tooth is placed, similar to a natural tooth, in chewing and aesthetics. Without a doubt, dental implant treatment can be done by anyone with good oral health and general, of any age.

However, as a prerequisite, the patient must have bone in the region, or carry out a prior preparation with a bone graft,and only then place the dental implant which can be done at Dayclinic.

Implantology therefore allows you to carry out better treatments to place one tooth or several teeth, in complex reconstructions including full arches, with immediate loading for a complete oral rehabilitation of all teeth (upper/lower).

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