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Gum surgery: what is it for?

Gum plastic surgery is an option for people who are dissatisfied with their smile and also with the shape and size of their gums, mainly due to the lack of gums.

Gingival plastic surgery and tooth reshaping with composite resin

When they are very apparent, they influence the harmony of the smile and the self-esteem of some people. Gingivalaesthetics influences the smile through its relationship with the teeth, color and thickness of the gums. With this procedure it is possible to correct gum deformities by removing excesses and reconstructing areas that have little gum using gum grafts. The surgery is simple, performed under local anesthesia and carried out in the dentist’s office.

How is gum grafting done?

In general, gum tissue is taken from another part of the mouth, such as the roof of the mouth or behind the wisdom teeth. However, today it is also possible to use an artificial gum graft, obtained from pig tissue. After the procedure, the patient is instructed on how to perform oral hygiene for the first few days, as well as the medication they should take (usually antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and painkillers).

cirurgia gengival
Caso a estética da gengiva não esteja ideal há recursos que podem ajudar a aumentar ou diminuir seu volume.

They also receive recommendations on diet, especially to avoid eating foods with potential irritant reactions, such as acidic, very salty or spicy foods. The healing period depends on each case, but total internal gum rehabilitation takes place after six months. Many patients resort to this surgery due to gum disharmony, which can be related to excess or lack of gums.

Can the gums grow?

Growth can be caused by the use of medication such as antihypertensive drugs based on alodipine, anticonvulsants based on hydantoin, and fixed braces associated with poor brushing.

Gum recession or retraction is a change in the position of the gums as the root of the tooth becomes longer and more sensitive. This situation can occur due to strong traumatic brushing, malocclusion, when the bite is overloaded on the tooth with recession, bruxism and periodontal disease.

For this type of correction, gingival grafting may be indicated. The tissue used is taken from the mucosa of the roof of the mouth (palate). Surgery is contraindicated for patients with untreated cardiovascular problems, active periodontal disease, blood problems and mouth cancer.

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