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How do I get a dental implant?

Many people want to know how to get a dental implant. The installation of dental implants is certainly a very simple procedure. In the case of single implants, it shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes to place.

How to get a dental implant if I’m afraid of surgery. What should I do?

In general, there is only mild discomfort after an implant has been placed and you’ll be able to work the next day. So you don’t need to worry about the details of how to get a dental implant.

However, it’s important to note that there is little innervation for pain in the bone, with only the gums providing sensitivity (which is easily controlled with medication). If necessary, conscious sedation can be used to reduce anxiety. Read a full article on why you shouldn’t be afraid of implants.

bone-integrated dental implant is the fixation of the implant in the bone, implants

What are osseointegrated implants?

They are a new generation of implants introduced in the 1960s, but which have only now reached a degree of universal acceptability. Osseointegrated implants are made of titanium or all-ceramic and are placed in toothless areas. They are able to perform masticatory and functional functions in a similar way to natural teeth.

It is usually carried out in two stages: firstly, the insertion of the implant – a more extensive operation – and secondly, a few months later, the placement of devices that will support the prostheses. These can be made within a short period of time after this second stage.

Today we have a wide variety of dental implants available in different lengths and diameters to meet many oral rehabilitation needs. There are even some with physical and chemical technology on the surface that favors and speeds up the osseintegration process, allowing implants and prostheses to be installed in up to 1 month.

replacing dentures with fixed implant prostheses made of zirconia, how to make an implant
Example of treatment to replace a mobile prosthesis with a fixed prosthesis on implants (zirconia prosthesis). The fixed prosthesis offers more comfort, beauty and security than a mobile prosthesis.

Are implants better than removable dentures?

Yes, dental implants are certainly better than dentures and removable prostheses (mobile bridges). They have similar functional capacity to fixed dental prostheses in cases of relatively small edentulous spaces.

But the choice of one treatment or another must be carefully analyzed by the professional according to the patient’s request, as the situations are very diverse and prevent discussion with fixed rules. However, in cases of total edentulism or posterior areas, the solution with implants is usually better from a functional point of view.

Read about replacing dentures with implants with fixed prosthesis

What are the chances of an implant working?

Long-term studies have shown that certain types of implants have success rates of over 90% for implants placed and success rates of over 97% for prostheses (because the loss of an implant does not necessarily mean the loss of the prosthesis, as it is supported by other implants).

However, this success rate is average and does not apply equally to all areas of the mouth. The failure rate in lower edentulous patients is close to 0% (zero percent) and in the posterior region of the maxilla, with less dense bone and after placing short implants (due to the maxillary sinuses), the rate can reach 33%. Read the full article on problems that can occur with implants.

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Dental implant and connected tooth (crown)

What’s so magical about titanium dental implants?

Titanium has been used in orthopedics for many decades. Simply put, titanium does not corrode when inserted into the human body and does not show immune rejection phenomena, in the same way as other metals in the same family, such as niobium for example.

The success of the technique is due to a good set of factors and the characteristics of titanium are undoubtedly positive, but on their own they do not guarantee the success of the procedure. Success depends, in short, on the planning of the surgical technique (which avoids overheating the bone), a healing period without the prosthesis being fitted, and the fitting of a suitable prosthesis.

This implant protocol has details that cannot be overlooked, and a competent professional who is well trained in the technique can achieve excellent results.

Is there a guarantee of success when getting a dental implant? Can I get rejection?

In principle, a high success rate is a good guarantee, but in biological processes there is always a certain amount of imponderability. There is no possibility of absolute certainty of success, but due to the aforementioned rates, the discomfort of surgery is much less than the benefit of having a fixed prosthesis. Even in cases of failure, the procedure can be redone after some time.

I have a tooth with a small infection. One dentist says to do surgery on the root and leave the crown as it is. Another thinks it’s better to get an implant. The price difference is huge. Which would be better?

Both alternatives are good, depending on the indication. The first option would be indicated in cases where the root is in good condition. The second would be the best course of action in cases offractured roots, lesions or cavities, i.e. the tooth needs to be extracted in its entirety and then replaced with a dental implant and fixed prosthesis.

Nowadays there is a tendency to opt for implants because we know that the treatments last a long time and have predictable results. This way, the cost/benefit of the treatment certainly pays off.

How long does a dental implant last? What is its lifespan?

It can be said that in 95% of cases, if dental implants are not lost within the first two years of use, they are likely to last for most of the patient’s life.

total zirconia fixed implant prosthesis at ImplArt in sao paulo av paulista

Are dental implants aesthetically pleasing?

It depends a lot on the system used and the local conditions. Aesthetics have improved a lot in recent years. Remember: however good the implant and the professional, a dental implant is still a prosthesis, i.e. the replacement of natural teeth with artificial ones. Excessive expectations of implants are common, but they are usually followed by a certain amount of frustration.

In many cases, the aesthetic solution is only acceptable. The best reasoning is functional: the implant is far superior to other prosthetic procedures and in the absence of teeth, it is certainly the best that can be achieved.

Should I go back to the dentist after implants and dentures?

From the outset, patients must be aware that they are a fundamental part of the success of the treatment. They must commit to maintaining proper oral hygiene and attend check-ups for professional cleaning of the prosthesis and even for radiographic examinations to monitor the implants inside the bone.

Isn’t it overkill for the dentist to order a CT scan to analyze the bone?

No, especially in the upper arch. A detailed study using computed tomography avoids surprises, especially those in the previous question.

Will chewing ability improve after implants?

Implants have much better functional results than dentures or removable prostheses. Patients who have been wearing dentures for a long time feel a significant difference when implants are fitted.

Do I get sensitivity when I chew if I have a dental implant?

A healthy dental implant doesn’t have any kind of sensitivity or pain when chewing. The sensation of having a dental implant must be imperceptible.

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If there isn’t enough bone, are there ways to increase the amount of bone available?

Yes, in the maxillary area, surgeries can be performed to augment the ridge and/or lift the maxillary sinus, taking bone from the chin, the ramus of the mandible or the iliac crest. In this way, the bone grafting technique can be used to correct small defects (powder bonegrafting ) and large defects (block bone grafting).

Read more about bone grafting here. In the mandible, deviation of the inferior alveolar nerve can also be performed, but the possibility of post-operative sequelae greatly reduces its indication.

Because it’s a foreign material, are there any risks of rejection or contamination with viruses, for example? How is an implant sterilized?

No rejection occurs , as titanium is an immunologically inert material. As for contamination, when it does occur, it’s usually through surgery and not due to flaws in the implant manufacturing process. Any of the methods normally used to sterilize implants – gamma radiation or gas – offer total safety.

Can implants be placed in people who are pre-disposed to plaque?

Yes, those with a predisposition to plaque and periodontal disease can have implants, as long as the process is controlled and there is a commitment to oral hygiene after rehabilitation, including regular visits to the dental office for professional cleanings.

fixed implant prosthesis total zirconia replacement of all teeth

How much do dental implants cost?

The price of any dental treatment can only be determined through a face-to-face consultation in which many aspects specific to each person will be assessed. Oral rehabilitation with dental implants is not a standardized procedure that is the same for everyone.

Each case has its own particularities and must be answered with specific procedures before calculating a price. We at ImplArt Odontologia would be delighted to receive your visit so that we can better understand your case! If you have any questions, please contact us through one of the channels below.

Do dental implants make the metal sensors at the bank or airport beep?

In the vast majority of cases, the dental implant is not detected by the metal sensor at the bank or airport. However, we have heard reports of sensors beeping when the dental prosthesis is made of metal. However, today we have options for metal-free dentures that don’t carry this risk, such as zirconia dentures.

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