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implante de varios dentes

Implanting several teeth at the same time

The loss of multiple teeth can certainly affect your ability to chew, as well as the beauty of your smile. The best option for replacing multiple teeth is certainly the placement of a multi-tooth implant, i.e. the placement of several implants and the attachment of a dental prosthesis. A multi-tooth implant can also be called a total implant or a protocol prosthesis.

Fixed prosthesis or implants with several teeth provide good chewing ability and aesthetics

It is certainly recommended that implant surgery be carried out as soon as possible after tooth loss. This prevents bone atrophy (progressive bone loss) from occurring. Implants for 3 teeth, 4 teeth or more have some advantages over other types of treatment.

Advantages of multi-tooth implant rehabilitation

  • Neighboring teeth remain intact
  • The prosthesis is attached to the implants, offering comfort and safety for the user to chew, smile and speak
  • Ease of treatment, as the prosthetic components are prefabricated (approximately six sessions)
  • Not affected by cavities and infiltrations
  • In specific cases, it is possible to place the provisional prosthesis immediately after implant placement (immediate loading)
  • The installation of the implant prevents or stops the bone atrophy that normally occurs after tooth loss.

Implants with 3 teeth, 4 teeth or more have some advantages over other types of treatment with removable prostheses. As an alternative to placing several implants, we only have techniques that use common removable prostheses, without the use of implants. However, the indication is made after evaluating each case.

Should I have several teeth implanted or wear dentures?

Multi-tooth dental implants are an alternative to conventional dentures for those who have lost many or all of their teeth. They consist of placing metal pins, usually titanium, in the jawbone or maxilla, which serve as a support for fixed dental prostheses. These prostheses can be made of materials such as porcelain or zirconia, which mimic the appearance of natural teeth.

Multi-tooth dental implants have many advantages over conventional dentures, which are supported by the gums and can come loose or cause wounds. That’s why we’ve listed some of these advantages below:

Aesthetics, comfort and safety: Dental implants are more natural, comfortable and safe than dentures, which can move or fall out. They allow the patient to smile, speak and chew with more confidence and without fear of losing the prosthesis.

Preservation of bone against resorption: Dental implants preserve the bone structure of the mouth, preventing the atrophy that occurs after tooth loss. Bone atrophy can cause problems such as gum resorption, changes to the shape of the face, difficulty adapting dentures and the loss of other teeth.

Improved chewing function: In addition, dental implants allow for better chewing, speech and taste perception. Conventional dentures can interfere with chewing, making digestion and nutrition difficult. They can also hinder speech, causing noises or difficulty in pronunciation. In addition, they can cover the palate, reducing taste sensitivity.

Durability and resistance: Dental implants are considered to be more durable and resistant to cavities and infiltrations than dentures. They are made of materials that do not wear out or deteriorate over time. They are also easier to clean, as they don’t need to be removed for cleaning.

Conclusions on getting several teeth implanted at ImplArt Dentistry Clinic

The loss of multiple teeth can affect chewing and the aesthetics of the smile. The ideal solution is to place dental implants to replace several teeth, allowing a fixed prosthesis to be attached.

With over 15 years of experience and thousands of implants installed, hundreds of cosmetic dentistry cases solved, and thousands of satisfied patients as a result. We are led by the expertise of our clinical director, implant dentist Dr. Roberto Markarian. With all our know-how , we are able to offer the most modern single-tooth implant techniques, total implants and modern contact lenses, as well as zirconia prostheses.

Get in touch with us, and schedule your evaluation appointment for implantation of several teeth, or other treatments, 📲WhatsApp (11) 3262-4750. We’re on hand to carry out your single-tooth, full-tooth or multi-tooth implant treatment and help you make a change in your life!


Text written by DR. ROBERTO MARKARIAN – CRO-SP 73.583
Founder and Director of the ImplArt Dental Clinic.

Dr. Roberto Markarian is a reference in dental implants and computerized dental prostheses in Brazil. As well as having more than 10,000 implants installed, he is a researcher who produces knowledge that is published worldwide in renowned scientific journals in the field of dentistry. He is responsible for promoting knowledge and high technology applied to all the treatments offered by the ImplArt Clinic.

  • Post-Doctorate in Implant Dentistry – Univ SL Mandic (Campinas-SP) – 2020
  • PhD in Implant Dentistry – Doctor of Implant Dentistry, Univ SL Mandic – 2017
  • Dr. Roberto Markarian Specialist in Dental Implants at USP (Implant Dentist) – 2008
  • Specialist in Prosthodontics (Prosthodontist ) by the CFO – 2006
  • Master in Prosthodontics, USP – 2005
  • Graduated as a Dental Surgeon from USP (São Paulo) – 2001
  • Member of the Clinical Staff of Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz

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