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Odontophobia – The fear of the dentist can ruin your life

Odontophobia is a term that defines a person who is afraid of the dentist, i.e. the patient may experience symptoms ranging from mild anxiety to panic, dizziness and fainting. Other patients experience nausea or motion sickness during dental treatment.

It is important for patients to know that the ImplArt Clinic team provides humanized care, in other words, respecting the limits of each patient, so that they can feel welcome. This applies to simple procedures such as prophylaxis and restorations, root canal treatment and even surgical procedures such as bone grafting or dental implants.

The dentist for phobics can help you take care of your oral health

This condition often leads to people neglecting their oral health and putting off important care at an early stage.

This leads to problems such as cavities, plaque buildup, gingivitis, periodontal disease, root canal problems, fractures, dental malocclusion, tooth mobility and dental aesthetics, among others. Many of these problems, if not treated in time, can lead to tooth loss.

We at ImplArt Odontologia understand that this is a serious issue. We know that many patients who seek dental care carry expectations and anxieties, and some even have bad previous experiences.

That’s why we strive to provide patients with a calm and transparent service, especially those with odontophobia.

Sedation procedure helps with odontophobia

In moderate cases of odontophobia, dental procedures can be carried out under intravenous sedation, in which the patient remains in a state of deep drowsiness throughout the procedure.

Sedation is completely safe, as it is carried out by a specialist doctor who first interviews the patient and requests complementary tests (if appropriate), and monitors the patient’s functions while all the dental procedures take place.

When all the procedures are finished, the doctor stops the sedation and the patient wakes up instantly without any difficulty. In extreme cases of odontophobia, dental procedures may be performed under general anesthesia in a hospital setting.

The ImplArt Clinic performs implants at the Oswaldo Cruz Hospital in São Paulo.

humanized care at the dentist for those with odontophobia

Day Clinic (Dental Spa)

ImplArt Odontologia was a pioneer in designing the Dental Day Clinic in Brazil. This is a model of care in which one or more dental procedures are carried out intensively, in the shortest possible time.

The Day Clinic is one of the ways to bring comfort and confidence to patients with odontophobia, because they spend less time in the office and don’t stop taking care of their oral health and smile. Find out more about the ImplArt Day Clinic.

If you have any further questions or would like to give your testimony, please contact us. ImplArt can help you whether you’re looking for a dentist for people with fear in sp or a dentist for people with phobia in sp.

Please note: we do not treat children or special patients.