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Dental implants how much ?

Dental implants how much they cost? What is the price and value of dental implant treatments, dental prosthesis, prosthesis protocol and dental aesthetics? Also, what is the average price of a dental implant, and what is the price of a dental implant for each tooth?

These are examples of questions frequently asked by patients. To clear up these doubts, it’s important to bear in mind a few points that go deeper than just the dental implant price. Here at Clinica Dentaria ImplArt, patients have their initial consultation directly with our clinical director, implant dentist Dr. Roberto Markarian, who clarifies all the information about implants during the first consultation.

Let’s follow more honest information about the price and cost of dental implants and prostheses and find out what influences the cost of implant treatment:

Dental implant costs can be determined by the type of dental implant used

There are currently several types of dental implants available and different types of dental prostheses, which give patients different options. The most suitable option for your case will be made in consultation, and your opinion will be very important in the final choice process. The characteristics of each material are presented so that the patient can choose with all the information about healing times and execution methods.
In this regard, we should point out that there are everything from titanium implants to the modern ceramic implant, the only metal-free option and an excellent choice for those seeking biological dentistry.

There are fast-healing dental implants, such as the Straumann Slactive implant, as well as national implants with longer healing times. Therefore, your choice cannot be based solely on the price of an implant, but rather on a number of factors.

Dental implants how much ? How much does a dental implant cost? How much is a dental implant?

Of course, many of the calls and messages we receive relate to the cost of dental implants, total implants, dental contact lenses and dental treatments in general. And these questions above are the most frequently asked. How much the patient will spend on their dental implant treatment is undeniably one of the topics that causes concern for the patient.

However, it’s important to point out that there are currently several types of implants and prostheses, and that with so many options, it will certainly be easier to choose the ideal one for each case. We always try to explain that these questions can only be answered legitimately, through a dental consultation. There are two main reasons for this:

1. The first is that the Code of Ethics of the Federal Council of Dentistry forbade dentists from carrying out consultations in person. However, with the pandemic, online consultations with dentists were allowed. In this way, after an online consultation we will be able to provide you with an estimate of Dental implants how much they will cost

2. The second is that dental treatments can only be indicated after a careful assessment of the patient. There are numerous factors that influence treatment planning, for example:

Does the case require bone grafting or not? What type of implant will be chosen? Are there other treatment options available? What about the type of prosthesis? Immediate or delayed loading? Will a less invasive implant be used? Is it guided surgery, where a prior surgical guide is made?

The good news for those who live far away, whether abroad or in other states, is the possibility of making an initial consultation remotely, the online consultation.

Types of implants and crowns influence the value of dental implants / Dental implants how much ?

What’s more, many patients are unaware of the different types of implant, which, above all, can offer different recovery times and different indications. So there is a wide range of choices, and surely one will be right for you.

Currently, there are SLactive fast-healing implants from Straumann, the Pure Ceramicceramic implant, also from Straumann, as well as conventional titanium implants, which heal in between 2 and 6 months.

In this way, these more modern dental implants make it possible to shorten the treatment time with the rapid healing they offer.

It is also important to note that there are several types of prosthesis to be made on these dental implants, and the choice will be made jointly by the patient and specialist, depending on the desired results. Therefore, at your initial consultation, all the characteristics of each type of implant and prosthesis will be presented for your choice.

identificação de implantes dentarios, Dental implants how much
Type of implant chosen: The brand of post has an influence on How much does a tooth implant cost?
The final cost of a dental implant treatment depends on a number of factors, such as the materials used, the qualifications of the professional, the technique used, among others. Therefore, the price of the total dental treatment will vary on the market.

How do I know the price of implant treatment? How much do dental implants cost?

First of all, it’s important to bear in mind that when it comes to quality dental treatments, the price of a dental implant can’t always be the deciding factor in the choice, but rather the quality of the service being offered. It is therefore essential that patients make their choice based on the trust and credibility of the clinic or professional providing the service, as well as the technical knowledge of the professionals, their years of practice and the technique to be used.

Undeniably, not every dental implant treatment is the same, firstly because of the differences in each case, and secondly because each professional has their own practice, technique and theoretical background. That’s why it’s very difficult to choose a professional based on price alone. If it’s too cheap, be wary! High-quality materials and qualified professionals have their value. Remember that the effort the professional has put into their qualifications throughout their career makes a direct difference to the outcome of your treatment!

How to measure the value of dental implants in the total dental treatment? what is the fair value/ Dental implants how much ?

Another aspect to address is the techniques used in the treatment and the structure offered. At the ImplArt Dental Clinic we have the most modern equipment for digital 3D prosthesis planning, and our prosthesis laboratory is equipped with computerized printers, responsible for producing the most modern prostheses in zirconia and pure porcelain.

As a result, we are able to offer the most modern technologies worldwide, which makes treatments more precise, faster and more comfortable for the patient. That’s why the ImplArt Implant Clinic is so sought after by patients who come from abroad, looking for the latest technology aligned with the best practices in dentistry worldwide, to carry out their intensive Day Clinic treatment. You should know that, for those who come from far away, it is possible to make an online consultation beforehand and with our technology, planning your dental implant surgery remotely is possible.

Dental implant and prosthesis techniques affect the value of dental implants

There are certainly several options for materials and techniques that influence the composition of a budget. What’s more, a treatment that may be suitable for one person may not be the right one for another.

Therefore, it is especially important to be assessed by a talented implant dentistry professional, who will evaluate each specific case and make the most appropriate recommendation to solve each case. Just to illustrate how treatment prices can vary, and the importance of a face-to-face assessment, at Clinica Dentária ImplArt we offer various dental implant options and different types of prostheses.

Short implants? Faster healing implants? Upon receiving a treatment recommendation, the patient will choose the type of implant and dental prosthesis they prefer with the dentist, after explaining the technical characteristics of each type.

The importance of an evaluation appointment to find out the cost of a dental implant

Another aspect that needs to be addressed is that patients may think they have a dental problem and believe that a particular treatment may be the most appropriate, but in reality it may be something else.

The dental surgeon is the professional who is qualified to look at oral health in general, as well as giving the necessary recommendations to keep teeth beautiful and healthy throughout life. That’s why it’s important to know that there is a wide range of options for solving the same problem.

Below are all the types of prostheses available for total implant treatments. Firstly there are zirconia prostheses with individual teeth, secondly translucent zirconia, thirdly porcelain prostheses and lastly resin options, called protocols.

Treatment planning involves various strategies and options of materials and techniques with different prices: cheaper or more expensive

At ImplArt Dental Clinic, we believe that dental treatment goes far beyond a simple monetary dental implant value.

There are important factors that influence cost-effectiveness, such as the health and well-being that a healthy set of teeth provides. We can mention the confident improvement in the patient’s self-esteem and the patient’s comfort during procedures with modern techniques and methodologies aimed at the patient’s well-being.

In this sense, the relationship of trust between patient and dentist, and above all our empathy for the patient, often brings with it anxieties, expectations, fears and even trauma from previous experiences. What do you think your smile is worth?

Frequently asked questions about dental implant prices and rehabilitation treatments

Does the Dental Implant Clinic charge for the first consultation?

Yes, the first consultation, the assessment consultation, has a cost. Without a doubt, it is important to note that the CRO, the Regional Council of Dentistry, classifies it as an ethical infringement to offer free consultations and diagnoses, as well as to display the cost of dental implants in a generic manner.

At the ImplArt Dental Clinic, the patient will be assessed by the clinic’s director, Dr. Roberto Markarian, who holds important academic degrees such as Master’s, Doctorate and Specialist in Prosthodontics and Implantology.

It is also important to note that our clinical director has extensive experience in thousands of treatments for functional and aesthetic oral rehabilitation, with dental implants and prostheses. He is also considered a benchmark in digital implants and prostheses, with 3D modeling, which is why we receive patients who come from all over the world in search of our quality of care, not just for the value of dental implants.

Because of his knowledge and credibility, he is sought out by patients from all over the world and is responsible for guiding the team of highly qualified specialists who make up the Clinic’s team. Therefore, it is from his experience and solid academic background that he will propose a solution to the patient’s problem, supported by the most modern practices in world dentistry.

What can be requested at the initial consultation?

In order to allow for an in-depth analysis of the case,the patient may be asked toundergo some radiological examinations to help with the diagnosis and treatment planning.

For your convenience, some of the main dental exams, such as panoramic radiography and computed tomography, can be carried out within the clinic, in our radiology center.

Of course, if the patient already has previous, recent tests (up to 1 year), these can be presented at the initial consultation. Undoubtedly, the examinations are a fundamental tool for a complete analysis of the patient’s needs and for determining the cost of the dental implant.

There are dentists who don’t charge for consultations, why do you?

First and foremost , we follow the rules of the CRO, the Regional Council of Dentistry, which specifies that dental services cannot be free of charge, in the same way as medical consultations.

Certainly the culture in dentistry is improving and the number of dentists who charge for consultations is growing. It’s important to make sure that, above all, the dentist who will be seeing you has studied at university and takes frequent postgraduate courses.

Your time is valuable, just as it is in other health professions. I’m sure you also want highly qualified treatment, and we have the technical knowledge and the latest technology to offer it.

Do you accept any dental plans?

In order to offer patients the most modern treatments, our treatments are private.

In fact, most dental plans don’t offer cover for dental prostheses, implants or aestheticprocedures, which are precisely the focus of our clinic. However, plans can be used for the reimbursement system or free choice, depending on the value of the dental implant.

There are certainly companies that offer this system to their employees. In this way, the patient pays for their treatment and then, through the specific procedures of each plan, receives part or all of the amounts paid, according to the rules of each plan. In this case, we offer support so that you can apply for reimbursement.

Can I send my tests by e-mail to get a better idea of the cost of treatment before I go to the clinic?

Nowadays, for those who live abroad or in other cities and want to schedule their trip to the Day Clinic for treatment , it is possible to have an online consultation (Teleodontology). What are the cases in which we can carry out an online consultation?

  • Care for patients who are already undergoing treatment and are unable to return to the office.
  • Ask questions about dental implant treatment and cost
  • Obtain information on the best time to resume treatment for people in the coronavirus risk group
  • Attending to people from other cities, states or countries.
  • Patient monitoring between scheduled appointments

If you are in or passing through São Paulo, we remind you that face-to-face consultations are always more productive. Therefore, the online version of the consultation is intended primarily for those who are physically far away. Due to the rules of the CFO Council of Dentistry, we cannot publish the cost of dental implants.

Do you have any doubts? Want to know how much an implant costs? Talk to us and we’ll be able to help you clarify them. We at Clinica Dentaria ImplArt are happy to help you. Access our WhatsApp with the direct communication channel.

Morse-Fit: benefits of dental implant connection

What is a Morse-Fit (cone morse) dental implant?

Today there are various types of dental implants, including the morse-fit implant connection. But what does this mean? To understand what a morse-fit dental implant is, you first need to understand what an implant connection is. That way, we’ll show you why the morse-fit implant is the most modern implant available today. Dental implants from the Swiss brand Straumann have a morse-fit platform. Neodent also offers implants of this design.

A dental implant is a device that is surgically placed in the bone and has a function very similar to that of a tooth root. Just above the implant, the dentist places a dental crown or fixed prosthesis to fulfill the function of the teeth. In addition to the type of implant connection, there are also differences in the composition of the implants. There are therefore implants made of titanium and ceramic implants, white implants made of zirconia.

To make the union between implant and tooth, there needs to be an interface and this piece is called an abutment. The way the abutment is placed on the implant is known as the implant connection or prosthetic connection.

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Schematics of Morse-fit implants

There are different implant connection models, the main ones being external hexagon, internal hexagon and the advanced morse-fit system. Here, at the Implart dental clinic, we will present all the implant options suitable for your case during your initial assessment with our implant dentist.

identificação de implantes dentarios

Morse fit is a prosthetic connection system in which the implant has a conical central core. There is evidence that this format has several benefits over others. We’ll get to know them shortly.

Benefits of morse-fit implants over other types of connection

The morse-fit technique has a number of advantages and favors the dentist’s work for a more efficient and comfortable rehabilitation. See other advantages:

  • The conical shape preserves the bone crest, reducing the chances of bone loss, as this model is placed at bone level (below the bone).
  • Promotes bone stability which helps preserve peri-implant tissue.
  • The intermediaries used in morse-fit implants allow bone and gum to fill the space between the prosthesis and the implant, creating an ideal seal and preserving the bone.
  • The designed conical seal prevents bacteria from migrating to the implant. The design prevents bacterial colonization on the implant (peri-implantitis).
  • Studies have shown that the conical shape of the morse-fit implant connection is the best option for using the immediate loading technique due to the greater mechanical stability and performance of the abutment, and the favoring of osseointegration (the process of integration between implant and bone).
  • What’s more, these implants allow for faster healing and therefore a shorter implant treatment period

The morse-fit implant is the best option for the surgical and prosthetic phases, and performs best over time. Here are some more advantages:

  • The model makes it possible to plan computer-guided implant surgeries.
  • Excellent frictional retention as well as reduced gaps between the abutment and the inside of the implant prevent displacement. The space reduction increases the contact area of the interface, offering greater resistance than other internal connections.
  • The model favors the distribution of physiological forces around the peri-implant tissues
  • It favors the aesthetic result of the treatment, as the dividing line between abutment and implant is easier and more discreet. In addition, the gums regenerate better with morse-fit implants.
  • Its angulation makes it easier to remove the implant, should this be necessary, while preserving bone and gum tissue.
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The union between the morse-fit implant and the prosthetic parts is more stable and durable, preventing bacterial infiltration and infection of the gums and bone around the dental implant (peri-implantitis).

The main brands of morse-fit dental implants, national or imported, SIN Implant System, Neodent, and the Swiss Straumann, are available at Clinica dentaria ImplArt. Also, for those who live far away, we can make a preliminary online consultation and plan your dental implant surgery remotely.

If you have any questions about morse-fit implants, crowns and dentures, it’s best to consult an implant dentist. So get in touch with us or book an appointment with the specialized team at the ImplArt Dental Clinic.

Digital Dentistry – High technology applied to dentistry

Digital dentistry and the use of advanced technologies are already a reality in dentistry. The ImplArt Dental Clinic is always investing in technologies that make computer-planned treatments not only faster and more precise, but also more comfortable.

Digital Dentistry – Discover the advantages of using computers in dental treatments

3D tooth printer

3D printers are very versatile, because they are able to build objects of various shapes according to a three-dimensional digital design. Prostheses and dental restorations are also being made using this concept at Clinica Dentaria ImplArt.

We have the two main 3D tooth printers developed in the world: Cerec from the German company Sirona (including the most up-to-date version of the system, Cerec Primemill), and Ceramill Motion II from Austria’s AmannGirrbach. They have robotic arms that mill the chosen dental material (which can be porcelain, ceramic, zirconia, etc.) until it acquires the shape of the computer-designed restoration.

The result is a piece made very quickly, completely customized to the patient’s needs, with perfect color and fit. It is also possible to make an identical copy of the shape of a prosthesis that the patient is already used to, but which needs to be replaced because it has suffered a fracture or was made with unsightly material (metal or stained resin).

digital smile planning computerized treatment dentist, digital dentistry

Digital smile project

We use modern digital dentistry software to design computerized dental treatments. With the help of these programs, we can design aesthetic dental restorations, crowns, dental contact lenses and even full dentures on implants.

We also design orthodontic treatment by simulating tooth movement and planning dental implant treatment. The aim of the digital smile project is to carry out a treatment that seeks to harmonize the functionality and aesthetics of the smile.

We create restorations and prostheses with customized shapes and colors for each patient.

digital scanning teeth digital molding

Intraoral scanner

The intraoral scanner is a high-precision camera that captures intraoral images, i.e. of the teeth and gums. These images are transferred to a computer which creates a three-dimensional digital mold of the dental arches, the basis for planning the entire treatment.

With digital modeling, our team is able to design restorations and prostheses according to each patient’s needs, even mimicking the shades of neighboring teeth.

For the patient, this type of molding is much more comfortable and faster, unlike the old putty molds. Computer modeling also avoids errors in dental prostheses made with conventional putty molds.

Watch a simulation of the digital scan by clicking here.

Digital orthodontic treatment planning for teeth alignment with Invisalign clear aligners. The planning is based on a digital scan of your teeth.

Computer-guided surgery

Computer-guided total implant surgery is a technique that allows for less invasive, precise and comfortable implant surgeries. It eliminates the need to make large cuts and sutures in the gums, thus making the post-operative period smoother and the recovery quicker.

The main purpose of this feature is to provide the patient with greater comfort, both during the surgical process and in the post-operative period. Find out more by clicking here.

If you have any questions, please contact our Dental Clinic or come and visit us.

Read more about digital dentistry and technology