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Dental Implants at ImplArt Dental Clinic Specializing in Dental Implants

Get to know the ImplArt Dental Clinic, a specialist dental implant clinic in São Paulo. Clinica Dentaria ImplArt has a complete team and structure for you to carry out your implant surgery with peace of mind and high-quality materials.
We offer the most modern treatments with a structure ready to receive the patient according to high international standards. In addition, we offer the best brands of dental implants for you to choose from, various types of implants and the best team of specialists in implant dentistry. So if you’re looking for an implant clinic that works with high technology and modern materials, you’re in the right place!

It’s important to know that there are different types ofdental implants, and that they are not all the same. The Swiss brand Straumann offers fast-healing dental implants, as well as the latest white implant, the ceramic dental implant. The zirconia implant is the only non-titanium implant, and is therefore an option for those looking for a metal-free dental implant treatment.

Implants can have different healing times, so it’s important to choose which one to use before surgery. Osseintegration times for dental implants can vary from 1 to 6 months. Therefore, choosing the ideal type of dental implant is very important, because once implanted, the healing period for each implant must be respected. With Clinica Dentaria ImplArt, aclinic specializing in implants, you will certainly have all these options at your fingertips!

Fast healing dental implant

Fast-healing dental implants, full-mouth implants, zirconia prostheses, ceramic protocols and dental contact lenses make the ImplArt dental clinic much more than just a specialist implant clinic. We take care of our patients’ oral health as a whole, offering the most modern techniques available in dentistry today. Our clinical director, dental surgeon and implant dentist, Dr. Roberto Markarian, is a reference in dental implants and modern computerized prostheses.

For those who want a quick implant treatment, the ideal is to use the Slactive dental implant from the Swiss brand Straumann and a fixed prosthesis in Zirconia or a dental crown in Cerec Pure Porcelain. Both materials are completely made using computer graphics and a 3D printer. Because they use modern computerized systems, the Translucent Zirconia fixed prosthesis speeds up implant treatment, even if it is a protocol prosthesis. In this way, the treatment, even if it is a protocol prosthesis, is more precise and faster because it requires fewer treatment steps.

Dental implants – Quality of life and self-esteem back

What are dental implants and dental implant clinics?

This is a titanium or all-ceramic post (Straumann or Neodent ceramic implant ), which is surgically placed in the jawbone and has the function of replacing the root of a lost tooth. Tooth loss can occur as a result of trauma, tooth decay, gum infection or periodontal disease.

In these cases, after the dental implant has been installed, a dental prosthesis is attached which has the function and appearance of a tooth.

Treatment at the ImplArt Dental Clinic, which specializes in dental implants, aims to restore masticatory function, oral health and the aesthetics of the smile, giving people back their quality of life and self-esteem.

Treatment with dental implant pins is more efficient than treatment with conventional removable prostheses, known as dentures, and provides much more comfort for the patient, both when smiling and chewing.

Currently, for those looking for a metal-free treatment, either due to metal allergies or preference, the combination of ceramic implant and porcelain crown, or computerized Pure Zirconia, are ideal.

As we are a clinic specializing in dental implants, we have all the support we can offer patients, and a wide range of implant types.

As we are a clinic specializing in implants, we have the knowledge and know-how to identify the most diverse types of implants in patients who may have already had their surgery elsewhere and don’t know which implant was used.

crown implant at Clinica Dentaria ImplArt - Specialist dental implant clinic
Clinica Dentaria ImplArt – Specialist dental implant clinic
implante osseointegração clinica odontologica ImplArt clinica especialista em implantes
Clinica Dentaria ImplArt – Specialist dental implant clinic

Do dental implants last forever? How is the osseointegration of the titanium dental implant?

As soon as the dental implant screw is placed, there is a phenomenon of progressive healing of the titanium surface with the bone, called osseointegration.

The osseointegration of the dental implant takes place through the formation of calcium on the surface of the implant, which occurs through delicate and complex biological and molecular phenomena. The healing time of the dental implant will depend on the type chosen, and will be confirmed by the implant specialist, implant dentist. Here you will have all the information you need for your implant, because we are a specialist implant clinic, with knowledge and vast experience in implant dentistry.

However, the time until the implant is sufficiently integrated can vary depending on a number of factors:

Healthy osseointegration is therefore responsible for the stability of dental implants and fixed dental prostheses, offering patients the security and comfort to chew, speak and smile. External factors such as smoking and poor oral health can hinder implant osseointegration.

It is certainly expected that the dental implant will last forever, i.e. once osseointegration has taken place, in healthy patients, it should remain integrated into the bone.

protese protocolo
Zirconia protocol prosthesis, available at Clinica Dentaria ImplArt, implant specialist clinic

Advantages of dental implants

The experience of having fixed teeth with implants is far superior to using an uncomfortable mobile prosthesis. A tooth implant will receive the fixed prosthesis, and will also not require frequent or specific maintenance.

In the case of total implants, the brushing technique should be improved according to the instructions given by the dentist specializing in dental implants. Dental implants can be recommended for almost anyone who suffers from missing teeth, whether a few teeth or all the teeth in an arch.

However, each implant case needs to be assessed individually in order to plan the most appropriate treatment. However, the good news is that ImplArt is a specialist dental implant clinic that has the expertise and knowledge of the most modern techniques to solve missing teeth.

We have the experience to solve the most difficult cases of oral rehabilitation, using surgical or prosthetic techniques. See examples of before and after with osseointegrated implants at ImplArt, a clinic specializing in implants.

single implant
Example photos of screw-retained porcelain crowns for dental implants. Super natural result thanks to new materials and advanced digital dentistry techniques, ImplArt specialist clinic

Single tooth implant – one tooth

Single-tooth implants have great advantages and should be used whenever possible, preferably with same-day surgery if there is bone in the same place as the tooth extraction.

  • Neighboring teeth remain intact
  • The new crown is attached directly to the implant, which makes it possible to floss like a natural tooth
  • Excellentaesthetic and functionalresults
  • Ease of treatment, as the prosthetic components are prefabricated
  • Unaffected by caries and infiltration
  • It is possible to place a temporary crown immediately after implant placement (immediate loading)
  • The installation of the implant prevents or stops bone resorption.

Partial dental implant – several teeth

Losing multiple teeth can affect your ability to chew, as well as the beauty of your smile. Certainly the best option for replacing several teeth is the placement of dental implants and the fixing of a dental prosthesis.

Partial dental implants are recommended for people who have lost some teeth in between or in the same area of the mouth. A partial implant treatment is a much more efficient alternative to a conventional bridge.

Fixed prostheses on dental implants offer better aesthetic results compared to removable prostheses, dentures, and are important for preventing bone resorption and preserving oral health.

zirconia total prosthesis on implants
Photo with dental implant of all teeth – In this case a translucent zirconia prosthesis made in our in-house prosthesis laboratory

Dental implants for all teeth – total or complete

Total dental implants are recommended for people who have lost all their teeth. The loss of all teeth usually occurs due to periodontal disease or a combination of caries and inadequate oral hygiene.

There are strategies for replacing the teeth of an entire arch with a fixed prosthesis (also known as a protocol prosthesis) or a removable prosthesis (overdenture), but fixed prostheses are the most commonly used.

In an all-tooth dental implant treatment, the pins are strategically distributed through the bone of the dental arch in order to provide sufficient support for the planned dental prosthesis.

ImplArt is a clinic specializing in dental implants carried out with computerized planning of guided total implant surgery. The fixed total implant treatment is capable of giving patients the incredible sensation of chewing and speaking safely and comfortably.

The fixed dental prosthesis attached to the implants should also improve the aesthetics of the patient’s smile, which ultimately improves their self-esteem.

immediate loading single implant

Immediate loading for dental implants

Due to scientific advances, it is now possible, in selected cases, to go into the office without teeth and leave at the end of the day with all your teeth fixed on dental implants (temporary prosthesis).

This technology, known as immediate loading, provides patients with great satisfaction due to its rapid results. In short, immediately loaded implants can be used in the following cases:

When can immediate loading be performed?

The dental implant technique with immediate loading can be performed when bone quantity and quality are normal and also when occlusal habits are favorable for the procedure so that there is no chewing overload on the site.

Therefore, the immediate loading technique depends on certain conditions in the patient’s dental arch and general oral health. These conditions are assessed individually during your consultation with the implant dentist.

The patient is never left without teeth during implant treatment. A temporary dental prosthesis is designed to offer greater comfort and aesthetics.

Different implant pin models can advance or delay healing and therefore the delivery of the definitive prosthesis. Discover the fastest implants currently available from the Swiss brand Straumann.

Total fixed zirconia and porcelain prosthesis
Total fixed zirconia and porcelain prosthesis

Fixed dental prosthesis on implants – types of materials

Implant treatment is the main form of aesthetic and functional rehabilitation for patients who have lost their teeth.

The absence of one or more teeth compromises chewing, speech and the aesthetics of the smile, so a fixed prosthesis on implants is capable of restoring the edentulous person’s security and self-esteem. In summary, rehabilitation basically goes through 3 relevant phases:

We therefore have a variety of materials that can be used to make a permanent dental prosthesis:

zirconia total prosthesis
Photo of complete oral rehabilitation with dental implants. The dental prosthesis was made with individual translucent zirconia teeth
fixed prosthesis in applied zirconia
1 – Internal zirconia structure. 2 – Prosthesis finished with porcelain

Pure porcelain fixed prosthesis for dental implants – Translucent zirconia (metal free)

It is a white ceramic structure called zirconia, covered with an aesthetic porcelain sculpted to the shape of the teeth.

It is therefore a new and technologically innovative material, as the prosthesis is completely designed on a computer and made with the help of electronic scanners and 3D printers. The zirconia fixed prosthesis is the material that offers the best aesthetic result because it does not contain metals in its composition.

Zirconia is a porcelain that has characteristics that are equally comparable to natural teeth, including shade, translucency and resistance.

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Photo with example of oral rehabilitation of all teeth in metal-porcelain (metalloceramics), carried out at Implart, a specialist in dental implants

Metal-ceramic prosthesis on dental implants (porcelain + metal)

This is a prosthesis with an internal metal structure (titanium, Ni-Cr or Cr-Co) and an aesthetic porcelain finish that is hand-sculpted in the shape of the teeth. The result is the strength and aesthetics of porcelain, which leaves the prosthesis with aesthetics and beauty similar to natural teeth.

Although it has a small disadvantage compared to pure porcelain prostheses (which is the possibility of a grayish line appearing at the level of the gums, if the patient suffers some gum recession over time, which can lead to an aesthetic compromise in the smile).

The porcelain prosthesis (ceramic protocol) has advantages over the resin prosthesis, such as better durability and resistance to wear, as well as no color changes over time.

metal-plastic resin prosthesis
Protocol dentures for all upper and lower teeth – Resin dentures

Fixed resin prosthesis on dental implant (resin + metal) – Acrylic

Also known as the Bränemark protocol prosthesis, this model has an internal metal structure and an aesthetic resin finish. The teeth are made of resin and you can choose the color, shape and size of the teeth.

However, this material has a disadvantage compared to previous ones, which is the possibility of color change (yellowing) over time. The choice of prosthesis material should be made jointly by the dentist and patient.

Watch the video on prosthetic materials for dental implants by clicking here.

Do dental implants hurt or not?

The dental implant procedure is easier than you might think and doesn’t hurt a bit! Due to advances in techniques, dental implant surgery today is less invasive, avoiding excess tissue damage, pain and discomfort.

During the surgery, the patient feels no pain because it is performed under local anesthesia. In addition, ImplArt uses techniques that reduce discomfort during surgery and make the recovery period more peaceful.

Some of the techniques that ImplArt Odontologia performs include computer-guided dental implant surgery, all-on-4 total implants, and less painful anesthesia. In short, it avoids unnecessary cuts and damage to bone and gum tissue.

ImplArt also uses Piezosurgery surgical ultrasound, which cuts through hard tissues such as bone and preserves soft tissues such as gums, nerves, membranes and blood vessels.

In this way, the system allows the surgeon greater surgical precision and better visibility during surgery, as well as avoiding risks in the dental implant. See more photos of work carried out at ImplArt by clicking here.

The best brands and types of dental implants

There are several brands and models of dental implants available in Brazil, and for each application there is an ideal model. At ImplArt we use certified materials.

Come in for a consultation and we’ll find out which implant is best for you. See below for interesting articles on some types of tooth implants:

Are you afraid of dental implants?

Believe me, dental implant surgery is easier than you might think and there’s really nothing to be afraid of.

Dentistry has come a long way with the use of less invasive techniques to offer patient comfort and, above all, ImplArt has incorporated today’s most effective techniques into its practice to minimize any discomfort.

ImplArt is always in line with the latest developments in the world of dentistry. It uses advanced techniques to ensure that its patients have a quiet, minimally invasive, comfortable and painless surgery.

Get to know our resources and see that it’s worth doing your aesthetic and functional oral rehabilitation with dental implants, without fear.

Humanized treatment with a dental implant specialist and care for those who need teeth implanted

Fears and phobias of dentists usually stem from previous bad experiences. Examples include previous treatments that were poorly carried out, without respect for the patient’s needs or painful treatments.

ImplArt has a great deal of experience in dental implants, as well as dealing with people’s expectations and fears in this regard. Over the years, we have received many people who were terrified of undergoing dental implant surgery, as well as the aftermath.

We are ready to listen to your needs in implant dentistry and oral rehabilitation

At the end of the treatment, benefiting from modern techniques and humanization, it is common to see a reduction in the patient’s phobias and even a cure for the fear ofdentists(odontophobia). We affirm that the advantages of good oral health and an aesthetic smile are well worth it.

ImplArt’s team of dental implant specialists is committed to welcoming and understanding all the needs, fears and traumas that people bring with them. Don’t let fear stop you from enjoying the benefits of a fixed prosthesis on implants.

We are ready to help you with your case and restore masticatory function and the aesthetics of your smile!

computerized guided implant surgery
Computer-guided implants are available at our clinic

Guided dental implant surgery – less invasive and faster

Computer-guided implant surgery is a technique that makes it possible to carry out the procedure in a way that is less invasive and therefore more comfortable and painless. In addition, guided surgery favors a faster recovery in the post-operative period of dental implants.

In order to plan the case, the patient undergoes a CT scan. The 3D images from the CT scan, combined with a digital mold of your mouth using an intraoral scanner, are used to make a plastic guide.

This implant with surgical guide acts as a template with the exact indications where the implants should be positioned according to the bone volume.

In this way, unnecessary cuts in the gums are avoided in most cases. This certainly means a lot of comfort for the patient in the post-operative recovery, as well as faster surgery.

Deep sedation for implant surgery

Sedation is a technique indicated for those who are very afraid of the dentist, afraid of feeling pain, as well as the noise of the motor, the needle, blood, etc. It allows the patient’s level of consciousness to decrease during the surgical procedure.

But sedation does not affect the ability to breathe and respond to physical stimulation and verbal commands. An anesthesiologist applies a sedative drug intravenously before the procedure.

The patient then falls asleep, but is continuously accompanied by the doctor and monitoring devices as the surgery takes place. In practice, it’s like a deep, relaxing sleep for the patient.

Most of the time, there are no memories of the procedures. The patient only wakes up when the procedures are finished, and the doctor continues to monitor their recovery until they can walk out of the room.

The sedation procedure with a dental implant specialist becomes simple, as well as comfortable for the patient, because when they wake up all the work has already been done. Read more about sedation.

There is another form of gas sedation (nitrous oxide), which we do not use at ImplArt. In our experience, gas sedation is very superficial and is not effective for patients who are truly “afraid”.

* Don’t confuse sedation with general anesthesia. General anesthesia is much more complex and can only be done in hospital.

day clinic implart

Dental Day Clinic with dental implant specialist – Faster treatments

The Day Clinic or Dental Spa is a type of intensive treatment offered at Implart, a specialist in dental implants. Among other advantages, it is suitable for those who are afraid of dental implants and want a quick dental implant treatment. In a Day Clinic, the patient can arrive at the office without teeth and leave with a dental implant and temporary prosthesis on the same day (in selected and favorable cases).

Intensive treatment is a great relief for those who are afraid of implants, because they spend less time in the dental implant specialist’s office in order to solve their problem. However, the most important thing is to carry out as many procedures as possible in the shortest possible time.

ImplArt is a modern specialist clinic with a complete structure for this purpose. Digital dentistry techniques, computerized molds and fabrication of teeth, our own laboratory and trained staff speed up treatment.

Below are photos of some of the treatments carried out at the ImplArt Clinic, which specializes in implants

The photos are of cases of Zirconia protocol prosthesis, upper protocol prosthesis, lower protocol prosthesis, computerized dental crown.

Check out the photos of the implant treatments below and see the transformations! If you’d like to see even more cases, visit our Photo Gallery by clicking HERE.

Price and value of dental implant treatments and dental aesthetics │ Dental implant value and average price with dental implant specialist

We often receive calls, emails and messages from people asking about the prices or values of dental treatments, especially dental implants and prosthetic protocols.

However, we always try to explain that the value and price can only be answered through a dental consultation with a specialist in dental implants, an implant dentist. The ImplArt Dental Clinic specializes in dental implants and takes this matter very seriously.

How much is a dental implant? Do I find out the cost at the appointment?

There are two main reasons why values are explained live:

  • The first is that the Code of Ethics of the Federal Council of Dentistry prohibits dentists from providing consultations online – not in person. Nor can dentists advertise the price of dental treatment online, let alone the cost of dental implants. The practice of posting average prices on websites constitutes serious misconduct before the Dental Council.
  • Secondly, complex dental treatments such as implant dentistry can only be indicated after a careful assessment of the patient. It often happens that patients think they need teeth implanted, but in reality they first need braces, bone grafts or different types of dentures. Of course, different plans will lead to different values and prices.

What can influence treatment with a dental implant specialist?

There are numerous factors that influence the planning of a treatment. There are also various options for materials and techniques that influence the composition of a budget. In addition, a treatment that may be suitable for one person may not be the most appropriate for another.

An implant dentist is a professional who specializes in dental implants and is qualified to plan and carry out dental implants, as well as giving the necessary recommendations to keep teeth beautiful and healthy throughout life.

At Clínica Odontológica ImplArt, a clinic specializing in dental implants, we believe that dental treatment goes far beyond a simple monetary value.

There are important factors that influence the perception of value or cost-benefit, such as the health and well-being that healthy teeth provide, improved self-esteem and patient comfort during procedures.

In addition to the price, the relationship of trust between patient and dentist and our empathy for the patient are important, as they often bring with them anxieties, expectations, fear of implants, as well as trauma from previous experiences. How much does your smile cost you?

Clinica Dentaria Implart
ImplArt Dental Clinic – specialist dental implant clinic

What is the first consultation with a dental implant specialistlike ? Is there a charge?

Yes, we charge for the first consultation. The patient will be assessed by the clinic’s director, Dr. Roberto Markarian, a specialist in dental implants, who has extensive experience in treatments for functional and aesthetic oral rehabilitation, with dental implants as well as dental prostheses.

If necessary, the patient may be asked to undergo some radiological examinations in order to help with diagnosis and treatment planning. For your convenience, some of the main dental tests can be carried out within the specialist clinic (at a separate cost).

If you already have previous exams, bring all the recent ones (up to 1 year old) to your appointment, as they will be of great help.

My dentist doesn’t charge for implants, why do you?

We follow the rules of the CRO, the Regional Council of Dentistry, which specifies that dental services cannot be free, in the same way as medical consultations. Certainly, the culture in dentistry is changing and the number of dentists who charge for consultations is growing.

The dentist specializing in dental implants, implantodontist, who will be treating you has completed university studies and takes frequent postgraduate courses. Their time is valuable, as it is in other health professions. We also need to clarify that there is no such thing as a free dental implant.

Even in places where tooth implants are done at low cost, such as courses for dentists, the patient pays less, but there is always a price to pay.

Do you accept any dental plans that cover dental implants at ImplArt, a specialist in dental implants?

We are a clinic specializing in dental implants, used to receiving the most complex cases in dentistry.

However, we do accept plans for the reimbursement or free choice system. There are companies that offer their employees this system, in which they will later receive the amounts paid. In this way, we offer all the support that patients with dental plans may need to request reimbursement.

Most dental plans don’t offer cover for dental prosthesis, implants or aesthetic procedures, which are precisely the focus of our specialist clinic. However, we are able to offer the support that patients may need to request reimbursement for their dental treatment.

Read more frequently asked questions about dental implants

Dr. Roberto Markarian implantodontista especialista em implantes dentarios
ImplArt is a clinic specializing in implants. We have experienced implant specialists such as Dr. Markarian, our clinical director.

Dr. Roberto Markarian – Implantodontist – Specialist in dental implants

Dr. Roberto Markarian, an implant dentist, is the creator and coordinator of the ImplArt Odontologia dental clinic, one of the main technology centers and clinics specializing in dental implants, especially in aesthetic oral rehabilitation and implant dentistry in Brazil, located in the Paulista Avenue region in São Paulo-SP.

He holds a doctorate in implant dentistry, a master’s degree in dental prosthetics, two specializations in dental implants and dental prosthetics, as well as training courses in the field of dentistry, both in Brazil and abroad.

He is also a member of the ITI – International Team for Implantology, an organization linked to Straumann that brings together the world’s best specialists for the development of new products and techniques. Learn more about Dr. Markarian ‘s academic career and technical scientific knowledge by clicking here.

Conclusion on implants at the ImplArt Clinic

Designed by the Moran & Anders architectural firm, the ImplArt Clinic has modern facilities to serve patients in comfort. It should be noted that the Implart Dental Clinic is a dental implant clinic specializing in oral rehabilitation. It therefore offers the most modern materials and treatments to make your dental implant treatment safe, comfortable and fast. Also, for those who live far away, we can do a preliminary online consultation and plan your dental implant surgery remotely. Get in touch with us!

ImplArt Dental Clinic, Clinic specializing in dental implants

Clínica odontológica ImplArt é especialista em implantes dentarios. Localizada na região da Avenida Paulista
ImplArt Dental Clinic’s privileged location, clinic specializing in dental implants – Avenida Paulista – SP

Watch more dental implant videos by clicking here

What are the differences between pure zirconia and ceramic layered crowns?

There’s a lot of talk about zirconia dental crowns these days, but did you know that there’s more than one type of pure zirconia crown ? There are actually two types, which are not the same! Let’s follow the differences between Pure Zirconia Crowns and ceramic layered Crowns. In addition, we will present the benefits of the most modern crown, which uses computer graphics, the Pure Zirconia Crown, also called Translucent Zirconia.

First of all, in order to differentiate between the two types, let’s highlight the method used to make each one. While one relies on a super-modern method with computer graphics for its preparation, the other still has an artisanal stage with manual application of porcelain by a prosthodontist. They can be used for single crowns, crowns on individual dental implants, fixed prostheses and even total implants, with the modern zirconia protocol prosthesis.

This way, by the end of the text it will be clear that even though both options have zirconia, not all zirconia crowns are the same! Let’s get to know the important differences below:

Zirconia crowns combine strength and superior aesthetics for more natural results

Decay, a dental fracture or simply the loss of a tooth are enough to compromise the look and functionality of the dental arch, especially if the problem occurs in the front.

Therefore, in order to restore the aesthetics and function of the smile, it is natural to look for options that restore or make up for a missing tooth in a way that achieves the most natural and harmonious result possible. Whether for a crown on a tooth root or on a dental implant, zirconia is the material that offers this excellence. We can highlight the main advantages of zirconia:

  • Range of shades very similar to human tooth enamel.
  • Unlike metal-ceramic crowns, zirconia crowns have no metal parts in their construction. Therefore, there are no dark shadows when subjected to a beam of light, and there is no risk of a metal line appearing if the gums recede.
  • Fracture and stain resistant material
  • A fully or partially computerized manufacturing method, which makes treatment faster and more precise. The speed of digital zirconia crown production

CAD/CAM zirconia dental crowns

Zirconia oxide dental crowns are considered the most modern crowns thanks to their advanced technical and aesthetic properties. The shade and translucency of this high-performance ceramic are very similar to natural teeth.

The construction of dental crowns made from pure zirconia is totally unique and innovative, as these crowns are digitally designed using computer graphics and the CAD/CAM system, resulting in more precise pieces and much faster. The equipment has robotic arms that mill a block of zirconia until it reaches the designed shape. This type of crown has the highest resistance of all the dental crown options available. In addition, it allows for greater patient comfort throughout the treatment because it only uses digital readings, with a 3D scanner, without the need for the old mass moldings.

The CAD/CAM pure zirconia crown manufacturing method is 100% digital, while the ceramic layered zirconia crown, which we’ll see below, has a handmade interface, with mass molding and manual application of porcelain on the outside.

Zirconia crown with porcelain ceramic layered (zirconia + porcelain)

It is a crown in which the inner part is made of zirconia and the outer layer is made of ceramic layered material. Only the inner part of the tooth structure is made of zirconia, while the outer part is made of porcelain. The layered zirconia crown is more artisanal, as it requires a prosthetist to manually apply the outer porcelain layer.

After the ceramic is applied to the zirconia structure, the crown undergoes a sintering phase in a kiln. In this way, each layer of ceramic applied takes on a spectrum of color, translucency and opacity in the crown, seeking to reproduce the color variation of natural teeth.

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Zirconia frame x crown with ceramic applied
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Applied zirconia crowns, top and inside view
Coroa dentaria zirconia e porcelana cortada ao meio 50kb
Crown cut in half showing internal zirconia structure and porcelain/ceramic layer.
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Zirconia full denture with ceramic applied. Note that in addition to characterizing the teeth, the ceramic gingiva has also been characterized. Both the crown and the applied zirconia prosthesis have no shadows or dark spots, even in very bright environments. The zirconia of the internal structure has a shade very similar to that of human dentin, which is the inner part of natural teeth. The ceramic, on the other hand, has resistance, color, translucency and texture very similar to tooth enamel. This type of crown or total prosthesis already has huge gains compared to metal-ceramic, which has a metal structure and a porcelain exterior.

Pure milled zirconia crown

The pure zirconia crown is milled from a multilayer zirconia block, meaning that the block is already produced with the different layers of color and translucency just like the teeth. In other words, the pure zirconia crown model does not need a layer of ceramic to reproduce the shades and translucency of the teeth. After milling, it goes straight into the kiln. It represents the most resistant material available in dentistry today, in addition to the natural aesthetic result, similar to natural teeth.

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Pure zirconia full dentures milled and after sintering in the furnace
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Pure zirconia crowns

What is the best type of zirconia crown?

Nowadays, patients are looking for comfort when undergoing dental treatment. In addition, they want a treatment with high durability and aesthetic results. The CAD/CAM Zirconia Crown meets all these requirements precisely because of the characteristics of the material and the method of execution using digital design and a 3D scanner. Without the need for the uncomfortable mass moldings of old.

The production of CAD/CAM pure zirconia crowns, due to the fact that no manual ceramic finishing work is required, allows faster work to be carried out. If the need is for faster treatment, and the patient is looking for the most modern treatment, this is undoubtedly the best option.

Totally metal-free rehabilitation: is it possible?

Yes, in the event that you need to replace a missing tooth with a dental implant and prosthetic crown, this rehabilitation can be done with a ceramic implant as well as a zirconia crown. In this way, we achieve a metal-free implant treatment. This has been a trend for followers of biological dentistry, who are looking for dental treatments without any metal.

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The combination of ceramic implant and pure zirconia crown, complete metal-free treatment. Suitable for people with high aesthetic requirements or those allergic to metals.

All of ImplArt’s zirconia dental crowns and prostheses are made in the dental clinic‘s own digital laboratory. This allows for high quality control and on-time delivery.

How much does a zirconia crown cost?

In order for us to ascertain the needs of your case: single tooth crown, fixed prosthesis, prosthesis on implants, prosthesis protocol, we need to assess you carefully and thus be able to give you the price of your personalized zirconia treatment. The consultation can be in person or online, for those patients who are physically far away. Contact us at ImplArt Dental Clinic and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Contact us by WhatsApp (11) 3262-4750

Dental implants how much ?

Dental implants how much they cost? What is the price and value of dental implant treatments, dental prosthesis, prosthesis protocol and dental aesthetics? Also, what is the average price of a dental implant, and what is the price of a dental implant for each tooth?

These are examples of questions frequently asked by patients. To clear up these doubts, it’s important to bear in mind a few points that go deeper than just the dental implant price. Here at Clinica Dentaria ImplArt, patients have their initial consultation directly with our clinical director, implant dentist Dr. Roberto Markarian, who clarifies all the information about implants during the first consultation.

Let’s follow more honest information about the price and cost of dental implants and prostheses and find out what influences the cost of implant treatment:

Dental implant costs can be determined by the type of dental implant used

There are currently several types of dental implants available and different types of dental prostheses, which give patients different options. The most suitable option for your case will be made in consultation, and your opinion will be very important in the final choice process. The characteristics of each material are presented so that the patient can choose with all the information about healing times and execution methods.
In this regard, we should point out that there are everything from titanium implants to the modern ceramic implant, the only metal-free option and an excellent choice for those seeking biological dentistry.

There are fast-healing dental implants, such as the Straumann Slactive implant, as well as national implants with longer healing times. Therefore, your choice cannot be based solely on the price of an implant, but rather on a number of factors.

Dental implants how much ? How much does a dental implant cost? How much is a dental implant?

Of course, many of the calls and messages we receive relate to the cost of dental implants, total implants, dental contact lenses and dental treatments in general. And these questions above are the most frequently asked. How much the patient will spend on their dental implant treatment is undeniably one of the topics that causes concern for the patient.

However, it’s important to point out that there are currently several types of implants and prostheses, and that with so many options, it will certainly be easier to choose the ideal one for each case. We always try to explain that these questions can only be answered legitimately, through a dental consultation. There are two main reasons for this:

1. The first is that the Code of Ethics of the Federal Council of Dentistry forbade dentists from carrying out consultations in person. However, with the pandemic, online consultations with dentists were allowed. In this way, after an online consultation we will be able to provide you with an estimate of Dental implants how much they will cost

2. The second is that dental treatments can only be indicated after a careful assessment of the patient. There are numerous factors that influence treatment planning, for example:

Does the case require bone grafting or not? What type of implant will be chosen? Are there other treatment options available? What about the type of prosthesis? Immediate or delayed loading? Will a less invasive implant be used? Is it guided surgery, where a prior surgical guide is made?

The good news for those who live far away, whether abroad or in other states, is the possibility of making an initial consultation remotely, the online consultation.

Types of implants and crowns influence the value of dental implants / Dental implants how much ?

What’s more, many patients are unaware of the different types of implant, which, above all, can offer different recovery times and different indications. So there is a wide range of choices, and surely one will be right for you.

Currently, there are SLactive fast-healing implants from Straumann, the Pure Ceramicceramic implant, also from Straumann, as well as conventional titanium implants, which heal in between 2 and 6 months.

In this way, these more modern dental implants make it possible to shorten the treatment time with the rapid healing they offer.

It is also important to note that there are several types of prosthesis to be made on these dental implants, and the choice will be made jointly by the patient and specialist, depending on the desired results. Therefore, at your initial consultation, all the characteristics of each type of implant and prosthesis will be presented for your choice.

identificação de implantes dentarios, Dental implants how much
Type of implant chosen: The brand of post has an influence on How much does a tooth implant cost?
The final cost of a dental implant treatment depends on a number of factors, such as the materials used, the qualifications of the professional, the technique used, among others. Therefore, the price of the total dental treatment will vary on the market.

How do I know the price of implant treatment? How much do dental implants cost?

First of all, it’s important to bear in mind that when it comes to quality dental treatments, the price of a dental implant can’t always be the deciding factor in the choice, but rather the quality of the service being offered. It is therefore essential that patients make their choice based on the trust and credibility of the clinic or professional providing the service, as well as the technical knowledge of the professionals, their years of practice and the technique to be used.

Undeniably, not every dental implant treatment is the same, firstly because of the differences in each case, and secondly because each professional has their own practice, technique and theoretical background. That’s why it’s very difficult to choose a professional based on price alone. If it’s too cheap, be wary! High-quality materials and qualified professionals have their value. Remember that the effort the professional has put into their qualifications throughout their career makes a direct difference to the outcome of your treatment!

How to measure the value of dental implants in the total dental treatment? what is the fair value/ Dental implants how much ?

Another aspect to address is the techniques used in the treatment and the structure offered. At the ImplArt Dental Clinic we have the most modern equipment for digital 3D prosthesis planning, and our prosthesis laboratory is equipped with computerized printers, responsible for producing the most modern prostheses in zirconia and pure porcelain.

As a result, we are able to offer the most modern technologies worldwide, which makes treatments more precise, faster and more comfortable for the patient. That’s why the ImplArt Implant Clinic is so sought after by patients who come from abroad, looking for the latest technology aligned with the best practices in dentistry worldwide, to carry out their intensive Day Clinic treatment. You should know that, for those who come from far away, it is possible to make an online consultation beforehand and with our technology, planning your dental implant surgery remotely is possible.

Dental implant and prosthesis techniques affect the value of dental implants

There are certainly several options for materials and techniques that influence the composition of a budget. What’s more, a treatment that may be suitable for one person may not be the right one for another.

Therefore, it is especially important to be assessed by a talented implant dentistry professional, who will evaluate each specific case and make the most appropriate recommendation to solve each case. Just to illustrate how treatment prices can vary, and the importance of a face-to-face assessment, at Clinica Dentária ImplArt we offer various dental implant options and different types of prostheses.

Short implants? Faster healing implants? Upon receiving a treatment recommendation, the patient will choose the type of implant and dental prosthesis they prefer with the dentist, after explaining the technical characteristics of each type.

The importance of an evaluation appointment to find out the cost of a dental implant

Another aspect that needs to be addressed is that patients may think they have a dental problem and believe that a particular treatment may be the most appropriate, but in reality it may be something else.

The dental surgeon is the professional who is qualified to look at oral health in general, as well as giving the necessary recommendations to keep teeth beautiful and healthy throughout life. That’s why it’s important to know that there is a wide range of options for solving the same problem.

Below are all the types of prostheses available for total implant treatments. Firstly there are zirconia prostheses with individual teeth, secondly translucent zirconia, thirdly porcelain prostheses and lastly resin options, called protocols.

Treatment planning involves various strategies and options of materials and techniques with different prices: cheaper or more expensive

At ImplArt Dental Clinic, we believe that dental treatment goes far beyond a simple monetary dental implant value.

There are important factors that influence cost-effectiveness, such as the health and well-being that a healthy set of teeth provides. We can mention the confident improvement in the patient’s self-esteem and the patient’s comfort during procedures with modern techniques and methodologies aimed at the patient’s well-being.

In this sense, the relationship of trust between patient and dentist, and above all our empathy for the patient, often brings with it anxieties, expectations, fears and even trauma from previous experiences. What do you think your smile is worth?

Frequently asked questions about dental implant prices and rehabilitation treatments

Does the Dental Implant Clinic charge for the first consultation?

Yes, the first consultation, the assessment consultation, has a cost. Without a doubt, it is important to note that the CRO, the Regional Council of Dentistry, classifies it as an ethical infringement to offer free consultations and diagnoses, as well as to display the cost of dental implants in a generic manner.

At the ImplArt Dental Clinic, the patient will be assessed by the clinic’s director, Dr. Roberto Markarian, who holds important academic degrees such as Master’s, Doctorate and Specialist in Prosthodontics and Implantology.

It is also important to note that our clinical director has extensive experience in thousands of treatments for functional and aesthetic oral rehabilitation, with dental implants and prostheses. He is also considered a benchmark in digital implants and prostheses, with 3D modeling, which is why we receive patients who come from all over the world in search of our quality of care, not just for the value of dental implants.

Because of his knowledge and credibility, he is sought out by patients from all over the world and is responsible for guiding the team of highly qualified specialists who make up the Clinic’s team. Therefore, it is from his experience and solid academic background that he will propose a solution to the patient’s problem, supported by the most modern practices in world dentistry.

What can be requested at the initial consultation?

In order to allow for an in-depth analysis of the case,the patient may be asked toundergo some radiological examinations to help with the diagnosis and treatment planning.

For your convenience, some of the main dental exams, such as panoramic radiography and computed tomography, can be carried out within the clinic, in our radiology center.

Of course, if the patient already has previous, recent tests (up to 1 year), these can be presented at the initial consultation. Undoubtedly, the examinations are a fundamental tool for a complete analysis of the patient’s needs and for determining the cost of the dental implant.

There are dentists who don’t charge for consultations, why do you?

First and foremost , we follow the rules of the CRO, the Regional Council of Dentistry, which specifies that dental services cannot be free of charge, in the same way as medical consultations.

Certainly the culture in dentistry is improving and the number of dentists who charge for consultations is growing. It’s important to make sure that, above all, the dentist who will be seeing you has studied at university and takes frequent postgraduate courses.

Your time is valuable, just as it is in other health professions. I’m sure you also want highly qualified treatment, and we have the technical knowledge and the latest technology to offer it.

Do you accept any dental plans?

In order to offer patients the most modern treatments, our treatments are private.

In fact, most dental plans don’t offer cover for dental prostheses, implants or aestheticprocedures, which are precisely the focus of our clinic. However, plans can be used for the reimbursement system or free choice, depending on the value of the dental implant.

There are certainly companies that offer this system to their employees. In this way, the patient pays for their treatment and then, through the specific procedures of each plan, receives part or all of the amounts paid, according to the rules of each plan. In this case, we offer support so that you can apply for reimbursement.

Can I send my tests by e-mail to get a better idea of the cost of treatment before I go to the clinic?

Nowadays, for those who live abroad or in other cities and want to schedule their trip to the Day Clinic for treatment , it is possible to have an online consultation (Teleodontology). What are the cases in which we can carry out an online consultation?

  • Care for patients who are already undergoing treatment and are unable to return to the office.
  • Ask questions about dental implant treatment and cost
  • Obtain information on the best time to resume treatment for people in the coronavirus risk group
  • Attending to people from other cities, states or countries.
  • Patient monitoring between scheduled appointments

If you are in or passing through São Paulo, we remind you that face-to-face consultations are always more productive. Therefore, the online version of the consultation is intended primarily for those who are physically far away. Due to the rules of the CFO Council of Dentistry, we cannot publish the cost of dental implants.

Do you have any doubts? Want to know how much an implant costs? Talk to us and we’ll be able to help you clarify them. We at Clinica Dentaria ImplArt are happy to help you. Access our WhatsApp with the direct communication channel.

Morse-Fit: benefits of dental implant connection

What is a Morse-Fit (cone morse) dental implant?

Today there are various types of dental implants, including the morse-fit implant connection. But what does this mean? To understand what a morse-fit dental implant is, you first need to understand what an implant connection is. That way, we’ll show you why the morse-fit implant is the most modern implant available today. Dental implants from the Swiss brand Straumann have a morse-fit platform. Neodent also offers implants of this design.

A dental implant is a device that is surgically placed in the bone and has a function very similar to that of a tooth root. Just above the implant, the dentist places a dental crown or fixed prosthesis to fulfill the function of the teeth. In addition to the type of implant connection, there are also differences in the composition of the implants. There are therefore implants made of titanium and ceramic implants, white implants made of zirconia.

To make the union between implant and tooth, there needs to be an interface and this piece is called an abutment. The way the abutment is placed on the implant is known as the implant connection or prosthetic connection.

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Schematics of Morse-fit implants

There are different implant connection models, the main ones being external hexagon, internal hexagon and the advanced morse-fit system. Here, at the Implart dental clinic, we will present all the implant options suitable for your case during your initial assessment with our implant dentist.

identificação de implantes dentarios

Morse fit is a prosthetic connection system in which the implant has a conical central core. There is evidence that this format has several benefits over others. We’ll get to know them shortly.

Benefits of morse-fit implants over other types of connection

The morse-fit technique has a number of advantages and favors the dentist’s work for a more efficient and comfortable rehabilitation. See other advantages:

  • The conical shape preserves the bone crest, reducing the chances of bone loss, as this model is placed at bone level (below the bone).
  • Promotes bone stability which helps preserve peri-implant tissue.
  • The intermediaries used in morse-fit implants allow bone and gum to fill the space between the prosthesis and the implant, creating an ideal seal and preserving the bone.
  • The designed conical seal prevents bacteria from migrating to the implant. The design prevents bacterial colonization on the implant (peri-implantitis).
  • Studies have shown that the conical shape of the morse-fit implant connection is the best option for using the immediate loading technique due to the greater mechanical stability and performance of the abutment, and the favoring of osseointegration (the process of integration between implant and bone).
  • What’s more, these implants allow for faster healing and therefore a shorter implant treatment period

The morse-fit implant is the best option for the surgical and prosthetic phases, and performs best over time. Here are some more advantages:

  • The model makes it possible to plan computer-guided implant surgeries.
  • Excellent frictional retention as well as reduced gaps between the abutment and the inside of the implant prevent displacement. The space reduction increases the contact area of the interface, offering greater resistance than other internal connections.
  • The model favors the distribution of physiological forces around the peri-implant tissues
  • It favors the aesthetic result of the treatment, as the dividing line between abutment and implant is easier and more discreet. In addition, the gums regenerate better with morse-fit implants.
  • Its angulation makes it easier to remove the implant, should this be necessary, while preserving bone and gum tissue.
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The union between the morse-fit implant and the prosthetic parts is more stable and durable, preventing bacterial infiltration and infection of the gums and bone around the dental implant (peri-implantitis).

The main brands of morse-fit dental implants, national or imported, SIN Implant System, Neodent, and the Swiss Straumann, are available at Clinica dentaria ImplArt. Also, for those who live far away, we can make a preliminary online consultation and plan your dental implant surgery remotely.

If you have any questions about morse-fit implants, crowns and dentures, it’s best to consult an implant dentist. So get in touch with us or book an appointment with the specialized team at the ImplArt Dental Clinic.

5 Biggest Risks for Dental Implants

Are there any risks for dental implants? We’ll find out about 5 of them in this article. Dental implants are a more up-to-date, modern and low-risk alternative for tooth replacement than a fixed prosthesis on teeth or a removable prosthesis, the old dentures.

The technique for inserting dental implants is very safe, with an estimated 92% chance of success in non-smoking patients with good health and healthy habits. There are several types of dental implants available today, the most modern of which is the metal-free ceramic implant, an excellent option for those looking for metal-free implant treatment.

The single tooth implant, or total dental implant, is used to replace the root of one or more missing teeth and will serve as a support for an artificial tooth called adentalprosthesis or dental crown.

Crucial to the success of the procedure is the thorough planning of the implant surgery and the choice of specialist professionals who are qualified to carry out the dental implant surgery. This increases the chance of success of this important treatment, and therefore the chances of any complications are minimal.

So rest assured that you can enjoy all the benefits that this rehabilitative and safe treatment offers patients. The implant-supported prosthesis is made to resemble the person’s other natural teeth and also offer similar chewing strength.

Oral rehabilitation with dental implants is usually the best option for re-establishing the patient’s aesthetic and chewing functions, a treatment called total dental implantation.

But in very few cases, there can be some risks with dental implants. Here are the 5 main risks of dental implants:

1 – Risk of implant breakage

Patients who grind or clench their teeth (bruxism) can exert a lot of force on the implants, with an increased chance of breakage or fracture of the implants or the parts that make up the implant prostheses.

Patients who bruxism also increase the risk of loosening the screws that fix the implant crown. When this happens, the patient reports that the implant is “soft”. However, we mustn’t confuse the prosthesis becoming loose with the implant pin coming loose from the bone (which is much more serious).

Most commonly, when the problem is just the loose implant tooth, the patient feels no pain, while when the implant is lost there is always pain. If the implant fractures or comes loose from the bone, it must be replaced, starting the dental implant process all over again.

Is it the dentist’s fault that my implant fractured?

There are several factors to consider, some of which would be the material of the prosthesis, the number and positioning of the implants, correct surgical technique, material of the dental implant, type of prosthetic components chosen, type of prosthetic connection chosen.

Assuming that the professionals are working to do their best, it’s rare that there will be any negligence in this regard. What really counts is the willingness of the patient and the professional to start again, perhaps trying to improve or perfect one of the strategies.

riscos do implante dentário
Apresentação das partes do implante dentário: implante (no osso), pilar + coroa dental (dente artificial)  

2 – Inflammation in implants and risks

Inflammation can occur in a dental implant, manifesting itself as pain, swelling, pain when chewing, bleeding, and even the formation of pus in the implant. Please note that in any area of medicine where an artificial part is used inside the human body, there can be an adverse reaction of rejection.

This rejection phenomenon can occur in relation to the dental implant or an associated material such as a bone graft or a protective membrane. Bacterial infection can also occur in the implants, which can even prevent bone integration.

one of the risks of dental implants is peri implantitis
The implant on the left in the image has inflammatory bone loss, while the implant on the right has a normal bone level

That’s why all treatments at ImplArt begin with a thorough oral cleaning, as well as the removal of any infectious diseases such as cavities and periodontal disease. The patient will only have implant surgery if their mouth is clean and their oral health is good.

This is possible even if the patient doesn’t have all their teeth yet. When the prostheses on implants are finished, we teach the patient how to properly clean the dental implant. This correct hygiene is very important and certainly contributes to the chances of success of the dental implant.

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Inflammation in implants leads to aesthetic, gum and bone problems

3 – Risk of facial nerve damage

If the surgery is not well planned, with the use of CT scans and other imaging tests for mapping, damage to the jaw nerve can occur during dental implant surgery. In the area at the back of the mouth in the lower arch, there is a nerve that can be very superficial, especially if the patient has been without teeth for many years.

In patients with advanced periodontal disease, bone loss can also put the nerve at risk due to its proximity. To reduce the risk of nerve damage and paresthesia, the implant dentist will carry out imaging tests. The most commonly requested exam is a panoramic X-ray, but a cone beam CT scan helps to measure the bone and plan the implant.

Computer-guided surgery – reducing risks

To minimize the risks even further, we can perform computer-guided partial or total implant surgery, which offers little invasiveness and allows for perfect positioning of the dental implant, with no room for error.

Crooked or poorly positioned implants can have poor bone integration or even rejection. It is not in all cases that we are able to recover the patient from oral nerve damage or poorly placed implants.

Depending on the severity of the problem, an injury to the jaw nerve can lead to sequelae such as numbness in the jaw or loss of sensation in the tongue or to the sensation of tastes (gustation).

At the ImplArt dental clinic, 100% of cases are operated on with a CT scan, which can be done in our own radiology center.

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Guided implant surgery reduces the risk of dental implant positioning errors

4 – Risks in the bone around the implants

Bone loss can occur in an implant that has suffered infection while healing in the bone. In addition, in cases where immediate loading is carried out, i.e. a temporary or permanent tooth is placed in position immediately after surgery, there is a greater risk of bone and implant loss.

This is because the newly placed dental implant does not yet have a mature attachment to the bone and needs to rely exclusively on its mechanical locking into the bone in order to fix itself. Most of the time, if the indication and technique are correct, immediate loading works well.

But in cases of immediate failure, the consequences can be serious, for example leading to major bone loss in the area. There are more advanced dental implant models that have improvements to the fit of the tooth and also in the chemistry of the surface so that healing in the bone occurs faster and more efficiently.

Today we have dental implants that allow you to have a permanent tooth in 1 month! Get to know the dental implant models with the best advances, such as Straumann implants, Neodent cone-morse implants (national), SIN implants (national).

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Implant shapes and models have to do with clinical indications

5 – Increase in risk factors – patient health and habits

There are risks to the success of implant treatment that don’t depend on the professional or the materials used, but on patient factors. Failure to clean the teeth,smoking and diabetes increase the chance of problems with the dental implant.

In this article, we only discuss the RISKS in dental implants, however the success rates of dental implants are very high, especially for current implant dentistry techniques performed by a dental implant specialist.

Dental implants are an excellent treatment if they are well indicated, planned and executed.

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Come and see our work! The ImplArt Dental Clinic has been dedicated to implant dentistry and oral rehabilitation for 18 years. We are located in São Paulo, Brazil.


Text written by DR. ROBERTO MARKARIAN – CRO-SP 73.583 – updated on 26-08-2024
Founder and Director of the ImplArt Dental ClinicDr. Roberto’s Linkedin profile

Dr. Roberto Markarian is a reference in dental implants and computerized dental prostheses in Brazil. As well as having more than 10,000 implants installed, he is a researcher who produces knowledge that is published worldwide in renowned scientific journals in the field of dentistry. He is responsible for promoting knowledge and high technology applied in all the treatments offered by the ImplArt Dental Clinic.

What is dental implant surgery like?

Dental implant surgery is not a complicated process. Certainly, with current techniques, it’s a common procedure with no unforeseen problems. Implant surgery can take as little as half an hour in the simplest cases, is done in the clinic, in the implant dentist’s own office, with local anesthesia and the patient feels no pain.

Here at the ImplArt Clinic, we get a lot of questions from patients, especially about how dental implants are done in practice. So, to answer this and other questions about implant surgery, we’ve prepared this article to answer all your doubts about the treatment.

What is the best dental implant?

Today there are various types of dental implant with different technologies and healing times. There are even implants that heal in 30 days, called fast-healing implants, such as the Slactive implant, from the Swiss company Straumann, which is a fast-healing dental implant. In addition to this implant, there is the option of the ceramic implant, the only zirconia implant available on the market that is titanium-free and more biological, making it an excellent option for those who don’t want to have metals installed in their mouths.

This ceramic dental implant option has been increasingly sought after at Clinica Dentaria Implart by patients who want metal-free implant treatment.

Dental implant surgery can also be performed with intravenous sedation, for those patients who have a phobia of dentists, or even for those looking for extra comfort.

Is it dangerous to have dental implants? Dental implant surgery is a more straightforward procedure than you might think

Dental implant surgery is a safe procedure, and increasingly has more modern resources to make it faster and more comfortable. Here at Clinica Dentaria ImplArt, we have modern systems and expertise.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to the implant procedure:

  • Step 1 – The procedure consists of making a small incision in the gum in order to expose the bone bed. The dentist needs to have good access to the area in order to install the implant correctly. If the dental implant surgery is performed with a Surgical Guide, it will be a blunt dental implant surgery
  • Step 2 – Small drills are then used to perforate the bone. The process is carried out in such a way as to progressively expand the cavity so that it can receive the implant of the size selected by the dentist.
  • Step 3 – The implant is then inserted into the cavity and given a protective cap.
  • Step 4 – The area is sutured, or in cases of Guided Surgery, the surgery is completed without the need for stitches.

Are you afraid of dental implant surgery?

Find out what resources are available at the ImplArt Dental Clinic so that you can have a very smooth surgery.

Watch the video below explaining how dental implant surgery is performed:

In the classic implant treatment, the pin is surgically fixed into the bone and then the gum is sutured. The site is left to rest for around one to six months, depending on the type of implant used. The implant screw remains inside the bone tissue and must therefore undergo the osseointegration process, protected from chewing forces and food residue.

Shortly after the waiting period, a small cut is made in the gum and then the implant receives a piece called a healer, this process is called reopening. The implant cap can remain exposed in the mouth while the implant heals. Afterwards, the healer is removed without anesthesia (because it is not necessary), and a metal abutment is adapted to receive the prosthesis.

Recovery from dental implant surgery / after dentalimplants?

During the rest period, the patient can use a temporary prosthesis for day-to-day activities. This also helps prevent bone resorption, which would require the use of bone grafts in the future. In some selected cases, the implant can be inserted without cutting, through a small circular opening made in the gum.

This greatly favors the healing of the area as well as patient comfort. Implant surgery should be performed by a dentist specializing in implant dentistry, who certainly has the experience and knowledge in the field to determine the best treatment for each patient. In order to have a good post-operative period, people who undergo this procedure should follow the dentist’s instructions, take care of their oral hygiene and avoid smoking, which can compromise the success of dental implant treatment.

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Photo of dental implant surgery showing implant being inserted into bone

After dental implant treatment, it is always important to carry out cleaning and prophylaxis every 6 months, as a way of looking after the results achieved and monitoring oral health.

Get in touch with us to schedule your appointment or ask any questions you may have. We at the ImplArt Dental Clinic are here to help you!

Implant all your teeth individually one-by-one with confidence

The main indication for implant treatment of all individual teeth is when the patient is close to losing all their teeth but has preserved bone.

Placing individual dental implants is an effective solution for restoring oral function and aesthetics. It also allows patients to regain the ability to chew and speak properly. It is important to note that the process of placing implants and individual teeth (one by one) requires detailed assessment and planning, taking into account the patient’s oral health and bone structure. It is therefore essential that a specialized professional carries out the procedure safely, to ensure the success of the treatment. There are currently several types of titanium implants to choose from, as well as zirconia implants.

Implantation of all the individual teeth is the technique that fixes a crown to each of the implants distributed throughout the arch.

However, this is a very advanced technique in implant dentistry and its indication and feasibility need to be examined by the implant dentist, who must determine whether the patient is a good candidate for implants of all the individual teeth. In principle, these are the basic requirements for implanting all individual teeth:

  • Have abundant bone (no bone loss)
  • Having a preserved amount of gum compared to natural teeth
  • In an open smile, the patient cannot show the gums

In this technique, each missing tooth will be replaced with an implant post + an individual dental crown. However, this is only possible in certain cases, please contact us.

Because of the bone and gum loss that usually occurs as a result of tooth loss, the result of the gingival appearance of a dental implant treatment of all individualized teeth is different from that of a natural dentition, and also bolder.

The main change in the shape of the gums after losing a tooth is that the gums become flat, without the arches that characterize a natural set of teeth. However, if your smile is very open, it will be necessary to make a prosthesis with a layer of artificial gum to simulate the appearance of normal gums. Read more about gum characterization in dentures.

Frequently asked questions about dental implants one by one:

Can I do a bone or gum graft to increase the bone/gum volume first to allow for an implant of all the individual teeth?

Yes, but even if there is a volume gain in these tissues, the shape of the gums will not be the same as those of a natural set of teeth (arch shape). This is because in all cases of tooth extraction there is a small loss of volume in the bone in the area, which cannot be recovered even by performing a bone graft or gum graft.

Grafting in these cases will not recover all the lost gingival volume but will only allow implants to be placed. The rest of the lost tissue will need to be replaced with dental prostheses.

individual teeth

What are the contraindications to implanting all individual teeth?

Considerations on implanting all individualized teeth – splendid results

Because of the bone loss that occurs as a result of losing teeth without immediate replacement, it is most common for patients not to be able to have all their individual teeth implanted. However, it is possible to use a fixed prosthesis with individual teeth, which gives excellent results: a total implant with fewer distributed implants and a full-arch fixed prosthesis.

Can people who have lost all their teeth get implants? What about the gums?

Dentures may or may not have a layer of gum to simulate the appearance of natural teeth. The gum is not designed to make the prosthesis look ugly. Many patients are reluctant to use artificial gums in their dentures, as they think they look like dentures.

However, with advances in the techniques and materials used, the artificial gingiva of the prosthesis is able to reproduce the aesthetics and naturalness of natural gingiva reliably. The types of total implant prostheses are:

If you have any questions about the value and price of a dental implant, the best treatment, please contact our team or schedule an appointment with our specialized team. We at the ImplArt dental clinic would be delighted to hear from you!

Fast dental implants treatment with Slactive implant + pure zirconia or pure porcelain prosthesis

Is it possible to carry out my dental implant treatment quickly and have the permanent prosthesis fitted straight away? This is a very common question and we understand this demand of fast dental implants. Nowadays, time is increasingly valuable and scarce, which leads to a need to complete dental treatment quickly.

First of all, it’s important to note that technology and modern techniques allow us to offer treatment with fast-healing implants, as well as completely computerized crowns and prostheses. We are talking specifically about the modern Straumann Slactive implant combined with Emax pure porcelain or Pure Zirconia prostheses .

So let’s take a closer look below and find out more about these modern dental implants. Fortunately, there are now several types of quality dental implant to choose from. All to make your implant treatment faster and more comfortable. If you’re short of time, try using rapid implants and the computerized prosthesis preparation system. With them, treatment is faster and more agile because it requires fewer treatment steps. In addition, treatment becomes more predictable and offers better technical and aesthetic results.

Fast healing dental implants: is there such a thing?

In recent years there has been a significant advance in dental implant technology. This is an expected movement, since each person has a specific demand, and implantologists and implant manufacturers need to respond to these demands. The demand for fast dental implant treatment is constant, precisely because of today’s lifestyle.

That’s why today we have implants available that cater, for example, for cases of low bone volume with short implants. Or those with high aesthetic needs(white ceramic dental implants). Or even those with a high need for bone and gum preservation(bone level implants).

Metal-free ceramic rapid dental implant

What’s more, for those patients who want metal-free dental implant treatment, we have a combination of ceramic implants and modern zirconia implant crowns. This ceramic implant not only has the benefit of no metal, but also offers rapid healing. In the case of this implant, osseointegration is expected to take 2 months. There are currently two types of ceramic implant, the first is Straumann’s Pure Ceramic implant, and the second is Neodent’s Zi white ceramic implant.

But another major demand from people is undoubtedly to speed up their oral rehabilitation by reducing the time it takes to install implants and a permanent fixed prosthesis. Pure zirconia crowns help to reduce the total treatment time.

implante slactive straumann, fast dental implants

After much research, Straumann has developed an implant surface technology called Slactive. It favors and accelerates osseintegration (a term that defines the healing and fixation of implants in the bone). In some cases, the healing period can be reduced from 6 to 1 month.

Recent studies show an excellent clinical performance of SLActive implants, both in single tooth implant treatments and in total implant treatments, and even in those using bone grafting. This is an option chosen by those patients who want a fast dental implant treatment, and are keen to use the latest technology for their implant treatment.

The definitive prosthesis is fixed in a short time after the placement of rapid implants. In some cases, implants can be immediately loaded

Oral rehabilitation with implants usually follows a timetable which, in short, is as follows step by step:

1 – Planning for dental implant surgery, with panoramic radiography and computed tomography. In many cases, an intraoral scan (digital reading) is already carried out to generate the first 3D-printed provisional prosthesis .

2 – Implant surgery. Implant surgery can be performed using the conventional technique, or through guided surgery, using the Surgical Guide, when the implant insertion sites are planned in advance. This way, once the implants have been inserted, there is no need for stitches. It is also called surgery without cuts.

3 – Installation of a temporary prosthesis, in the case of total implants or front tooth implants, which allows the patient to wait until the implants have completely healed. Dental implant healing can vary from 1 month to 4 months, depending on the type of implant chosen. It’s important to bear in mind that the chance of a successful dental implant is quite high, but it can be compromised if the patient is a smoker and doesn’t have good hygiene habits.

What happens when the implants have healed?

3 – Once the implants have healed, the process of making the final prosthesis begins, which can start with the stage of reopening thedental implants. If the type of prosthesis chosen is Emax Pure Porcelain or Pure Zirconia, the method for making the final prosthesis will be completely computerized.

4 – Installation of the final prosthesis. After this phase, which may involve making prototypes to study the color and shape of the new smile, the final prosthesis is installed on the chosen type of denture.

The use of Straumann Slactive implants means that, in some cases, the period of use of the provisional prosthesis can be reduced or even eliminated. Studies carried out by Straumann have already shown that the survival rate of the Slactive implant using the immediate loading technique after 10 years is 98.2%. This is the fastest dental implant available for those who want to speed up treatment.

What is Slactive surface technology for rapid dental implant treatment?

It is based on a sandblasting technique with large granules, which generates macro roughness on the titanium surface, followed by acid etching, which overlays the micro roughness. The resulting surface provides an ideal structure for the adhesion of bone-forming cells, which are necessary for osseointegration (integration between bone and implant). This amazing technology allows Straumann Slactive implants to be the fastest healing implants on the market.

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Upper total dental prosthesis with milled zirconia framework and veneered with aesthetic dental ceramic on dental implant
protese zirconia pura 50kb

Pure zirconia or pure porcelain prosthesis for rapid implants: the gold standard in complete oral rehabilitation

Many people have the perception that a porcelain or zirconia prosthesis is a heavy piece and therefore not suitable for quick installation because it would hinder the healing of implants. But contrary to what it might seem, porcelain prostheses are much lighter than you might think. In addition to being the most modern and resistant options for the patient, they are also aesthetically superior.

By way of comparison, a full porcelain prosthesis weighs around 30g, while a tube weighs 25g. In addition, each dental implant supports a weight of 100kg, meaning that the weight of the prosthesis does not interfere with the implant.

The possibility of having a permanent porcelain prosthesis fixed on dental implants is a great relief for people who are determined to change their smile quickly. And no wonder. Pure porcelain or pure zirconia are undoubtedly the most advanced materials available for the manufacture of dental prostheses.

Firstly, Pure Zirconia and Pure Porcelain are the materials that most closely resemble natural teeth, both in strength and appearance. Secondly, because these materials have been designed for fabrication in computerized systems (CAD/CAM), which greatly speeds up the entire programming of rapid dental implant treatment.

Can anyone have rapid treatment with Slactive implants and porcelain prostheses?

As we have seen, advanced technology means that many more people have an indication for rapid dental implant treatment. However, each case needs to be assessed individually in consultation. Undeniably, oral health and health in general need to be well assessed before anything else.

In addition, certain habits that may prevent successful rehabilitation, such as smoking and bruxism, need to be considered. If you would like to have a treatment like this or find out more about rapid dental implants, please contact our team. Alternatively, you can schedule a consultation via Whatsapp by clicking on the button below. We at Clinica odontológica ImplArt would be delighted to hear from you!

Pre- and post-operative care of dental implants

Dental implant recovery and care of dental implants before and after surgery

The post-operative period for dental implants and the preparation before dental implant surgery are certainly fundamental to the success of the procedure. We have therefore prepared recommendations for patients who are going to have a dental implant, which can also be applied to minor dental surgery.

We should certainly point out that the care of dental implant surgery is considered a simple and minor intervention from a medical point of view, with low risk for the patient. The duration of surgery is short and recovery after implant surgery is also considered to be easy for the patient, even in cases of complete oral rehabilitation.

Recommendations before dental implant surgery

What should I do before a dental implant?

  • Eat normally before the procedure if the surgery involves local anesthesia. If you have opted for sedation, follow the specific guidelines for your case, which may involve fasting.
  • Take the prescribed medication 1 hour before arriving at the clinic. If indicated for your case, preferably come accompanied by someone who can drive.
Pre- and post-operative dental implants
care of dental implants
Stitches for dental implants should be removed between 7 and 10 days.

After implant surgery – care of dental implants urgery

What should I do after dental implants, after implant surgery (for 48 hours)?

  • Apply ice to the face to prevent swelling
  • Avoid physical exertion
  • Sanitize the area with a cotton swab moistened with an antiseptic solution (Periogard, Listerine, Plax).
  • Prefer soft or pasty foods
  • Normal brushing of other teeth
  • Wear prostheses or braces for as short a time as possible
  • Take medication as directed by the dentist

What I can’t do after an immediate dental implant (48 hours)

What to eat after dental implant surgery?

  • For 2 days: you should eat cold or iced food. For example: ice cream, jelly, juices, smoothies, soups.
  • Also avoid hard, crunchy foods such as bread, peanuts, etc.
  • On the third day you can warm up the food more and normalize your diet according to your own tolerance

What can I do 3 days after my dental implant?

  • Apply warm compresses to the face to reduce swelling
  • Exercise in moderation

Tip: In cases where a surgical guide has been used to install the implants, the expected post-operative period is milder than in normal implant surgeries.

What can I do one week after my dental implant?

  • Brush the operated area lightly
  • Mouthwash with antiseptic solution
  • Physical activity released
  • Remove the stitches at the dentist

Are there implants without cutting or stitches/care of dental implants?

There are modern computer-guided planning techniques that minimize the need to cut into the gums and therefore often do not require stitches. This is computer-guided dental implant surgery, a very up-to-date and safe procedure for implant surgery.

implante dentario como e a cirurgia
Post-operativecare for implants, medication and procedures make a difference

Frequently asked questions about post-operative implants:

Is dental implant post-op swelling normal? What is the post-operative period of implants like?

Swelling can occur in the first few days after implants, which is why anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to be taken as soon as necessary. Cold food and ice help to reduce swelling in the mouth.

How long does it take to resume physical activity after a dental implant?

Each case is assessed individually, but in general you should wait 7 to 10 days before returning to the gym in full.

How many days to remove the dental implant stitches?

On average, you should remove the stitches from the implant surgery within 7 to 10 days.

Is it normal to feel pain after a dental implant or bone graft?

Pain can occur after the placement of a dental implant or bone graft. For this reason, painkillers are prescribed to be taken as soon as necessary. In general, the pain is mild and can be controlled with painkillers, but it is not normal to experience severe or unbearable pain.

What should I do if I feel throbbing pain after a dental implant?

Mild, bearable throbbing can occur after dental bone grafting and implants. However, if the discomfort is too great and does not stop with medication, the patient should contact their dentist as soon as possible.

ImplArt Clinic’s care of dental implants conclusion

If you have any questions about post-operative implants, value, price or the best technique, please contact us or schedule an appointment with our specialized team via 📲WhatsApp (11) 3262-4750. Here at Clinica Dentaria ImplArt in Brazil your first consultation is with our clinical director, implant dentist Dr. Roberto Markarian, so you can clear up all your doubts about dental implants and discover that the surgery is simpler than you think!

Tooth replacement in 1 month with rapid implants and DayClinic

Rapid tooth replacement with dental implants

It is possible to replace a tooth by installing a dental implant with a CAD/CAM-designed crown within 1 month, in selected cases. This is possible because the ImplArt Dental Clinic works with Straumann Slactive implants. They have surface technology that favors and accelerates healing and the biological interaction between implants and bone (osseointegration).

A case of root fracture, for example, would require a dental implant as soon as possible, along with extraction. Successful osseointegration is what guarantees the stability of the implant to support the prosthesis and the masticatory load over the years. With normal implants, osseointegration usually occurs between 6 and 8 months. With Straumann Slactive implants, this time can be reduced to 3 to 4 weeks.

*Learn all about implants: Dental Implants at ImplArt Dental Clinic Specializing in Dental Implants

Will I lose a tooth during implant healing?

During this healing period, the patient wears a temporary prosthesis so as not to be left without a tooth. In the meantime, our prosthetics laboratory carries out the digital CAD/CAM design and manufacture of the definitive prosthesis using 3D printers. The design begins with a digital mold that is taken using an intraoral scanner, an intraoral camera that captures precise images of the patient’s mouth.

See more about single-tooth implants: Single-tooth implants

tooth replacement with dental implant and CAD/CAM crown

From these three-dimensional images, it is possible to design a prosthesis with the perfect fit and shape for tooth replacement. The prosthesis is made using a 3D printer. It can be made of porcelain, a very resistant, aesthetic material comparable to natural human teeth, and with a metal or zirconia internal structure.

Some people prefer to come twice to our clinic in a stage protocol for Implants instead of coming only once. This happens because if you stay for the full length of the treatment, you need to stay at least one month in Brazil but instead, if you choose a stage treatment you can come normally for one week and go back home. Then, after a few months, when you have availability, you can come again for another week and finish your work.

Find out more about our digital prosthetics laboratory.

It is worth noting that the possibility of tooth replacement with implant installation, gum grafting or bone grafting, with the definitive prosthesis in just 1 month, is only possible in selected cases.

An assessment by our specialized team will determine this possibility taking into account certain characteristics, such as bone volume and general state of health (in general, as well as of the teeth and gums).

The patient’s age can also influence the planning of dental implants. The rapid installation of a dental implant with a permanent crown for tooth replacement restores chewing ability, smile aesthetics and confidence in speaking and smiling.

Alternatives to dental implants for tooth replacement

As an alternative to implants, we can use dental prostheses in some cases. Adhesive dentures are a way of replacing a missing tooth. The main feature of this prosthesis is that it is attached to neighboring teeth using metal fins and dental adhesive.

If you have any questions about tooth replacement with dental implants, treatments for bruxism or average prices, please make an appointment or contact us. We’ll be happy to help you.

Dr. Roberto Markarian, implant dentist

Text written by DR. ROBERTO MARKARIAN – CRO-SP 73.583
Founder and Director of the ImplArt Dental ClinicDr. Roberto’s Linkedin profile

Dr. Roberto Markarian implant dentist

Dr. Roberto Markarian is a reference in dental implants and computerized dental prostheses in Brazil. As well as having more than 10,000 implants installed, he is a researcher who produces knowledge that is published worldwide in renowned scientific journals in the field of dentistry. He is responsible for promoting knowledge and high technology applied in all the treatments offered by the ImplArt Clinic.

  • Post-Doctorate in Implant Dentistry – Univ SL Mandic (Campinas-SP) – 2020
  • PhD in Implant Dentistry – Doctor of Implant Dentistry, Univ SL Mandic – 2017
  • Dr. Roberto Markarian Specialist in Dental Implants at USP (Implant Dentist) – 2008
  • Specialist in Prosthodontics (Prosthodontist ) by the CFO – 2006
  • Master in Prosthodontics, USP – 2005
  • Graduated as a Dental Surgeon from USP (São Paulo) – 2001
  • Member of the Clinical Staff of Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz

schedule your appointment at the implart clinic by phone or whatsapp

como é feito um implante dentario

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