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Fear of dental implants – Resources available at ImplArt

Many people feel scared at the thought of going to the dentist. Many people are afraid of dental implants, believing that they will feel a lot of pain with the dreaded little motors and needles of anesthesia. Others experience nausea or motion sickness during treatment, especially when an instrument touches their mouth or tongue. Be aware that implant surgery is now very simple and quick.

Understand why there’s no reason to be afraid of implants at ImplArt

But believe me, the reality is that dental implant surgery is easier than you might think and there really is nothing to be afraid of. Dentistry has come a long way with the use of less invasive implant techniques to offer comfort to the patient and ImplArt has incorporated the most effective current techniques into its practice to minimize any discomfort. In addition, there are several types of implant that can make treatment faster and more comfortable.

Differencia Clinica Dentaria ImplArt for those who are afraid

ImplArt is always in line with the latest developments in the world of dentistry. First and foremost, it uses advanced techniques to ensure that its patients have a quiet, minimally invasive, comfortable and painless surgery. Get to know our resources and see that it’s worth having your aesthetic and functional oral rehabilitation without the fear of dental implants.

Humanized treatment helps tackle dentist phobia

Fears and phobias of dentists usually stem from previous bad experiences. Examples include previous treatments that were poorly carried out, without respect for the patient’s needs, and treatments that involved pain.

ImplArt has a great deal of experience in dental implants, as well as dealing with people’s expectations and fears in this regard. Over the years, we have received many people who were terrified of undergoing dental implant surgery, as well as the aftermath.

In this way, we have seen how most patients respond very well to the humanized treatment we offer, which allows us to gradually rehabilitate the patient so that they can overcome their fears and limitations.

We are ready to listen to your needs, fears and your historywith dentists

At the end of the treatment, benefiting from modern techniques and humanization, it is common to see a reduction in the patient’s phobias and even a cure for the fear of dentists (odontophobia). We affirm that the advantages of good oral health and an aesthetic smile are well worth it.

ImplArt’s entire team is committed to welcoming and understanding all the needs, fears and traumas that people bring with them. Don’t let fear of the dentist stop you from enjoying the benefits of a fixed prosthesis on implants.

We are ready to help you with your case and restore masticatory function and the aesthetics of your smile!

Efficient pre-anesthesia helps in odontophobic cases

At ImplArt we use a much more efficient pre-anesthetic than the old “ointment”. It promotes a much deeper numbness of the region even before receiving the internal anesthesia.

painless anesthesia at the dentist in são paulo, afraid of implants

Juvapen electronic anesthesia – anesthesia almost without pain

With Swiss technology, Juvapen electronic anesthesia offers more comfort and precision in anesthetic applications. It is an electronic syringe in which the dentist informs the dose of anesthesia to be applied.

In this way, the amount of medication will be precise and applied very slowly and gently, considerably reducing any discomfort. In normal dental anesthesia, which is done by hand, the dentist injects the anesthetic liquid more quickly.

In fact, that’s what causes the pain, not necessarily the needle. According to surveys, 87% of the patients interviewed thought that electronic anesthesia was less or not at all painful than manual injections.

Deep intravenous sedation puts the phobic patient to sleep

Sedation is a technique indicated for those who are very afraid of dentists, afraid of feeling pain, as well as the noise of the motor, the needle, blood, etc.

It allows the patient’s level of consciousness to decrease at the time of the surgical procedure. But sedation does not affect the ability to breathe and respond to physical stimulation and verbal commands.

An anesthesiologist applies a sedative drug intravenously before the procedure. The patient then falls asleep, but is continuously monitored by the doctor and monitoring devices. In practice, it’s like a deep, relaxing sleep for the patient.

Most of the time, there are no memories of the procedures. The patient only wakes up when the procedures are finished, and the doctor continues to monitor their recovery until they can walk out of the room.

The procedure becomes simple, as well as comfortable for the patient, because when they wake up all the work has already been done. Read more about sedation.

There is another form of gas sedation (nitrous oxide), which we do not use at ImplArt. In our experience, gas sedation is very superficial and is not effective for patients who are actually “afraid of dental implants “. Only in extreme cases of panic on the part of the dentist will treatment need to be carried out under general anesthesia in hospital.

*Do not confuse sedation with general anesthesia. General anesthesia is much more complex and can only be done in a hospital.

Day Clinic Odontológico – Faster treatments help patients who have difficulty going to the dentist

The Day Clinic or Dental Spa is a type of intensive treatment that, among other advantages, is suitable for those who are afraid of dental implants. In a Day Clinic, the patient can arrive at the office without teeth and leave with a dental implant and temporary prosthesis on the same day (in selected and favorable cases).

Intensive treatment is a great relief for those who are afraid of dental implants, because they spend less time in the office in order to solve their problem. However, the most important thing is to carry out as many procedures as possible in the shortest possible time. At ImplArt we have a modern and complete structure for this purpose.

Digital dentistry techniques, computerized molds and fabrication of teeth, our own laboratory and trained staff speed up treatment.

Read more: Do dental implants hurt?

Read more: Dental implant surgery?

computer-guided implant surgery for pain-free surgery, afraid of dental implants

Guided dental implant surgery makes implants faster and less invasive

Computer-guided implant surgery is a technique that makes it possible to carry out the procedure in a way that is less invasive and therefore more comfortable and painless. In addition, guided surgery favors a faster recovery in the post-operative period of dental implants.

In order to plan the case, the patient undergoes a CT scan. The 3D images from the CT scan, combined with a digital mold of your mouth using an intraoral scanner, are used to make a plastic guide.

This surgical guide acts as a template with the exact indications where the thinner implants should be positioned, according to the bone volume.

In this way, unnecessary cuts in the gums are avoided in most cases. This certainly means a lot of comfort for the patient in the post-operative recovery, as well as faster surgery.

Learn more about guided implant surgery

Watch the guided dental implant surgery video

Dental implant testimonials from patients who are afraid of implants or dentists

Are you in any doubt that dental implant surgery can be easier than you think? Read below some of the testimonials about dental implants from people who have had the procedure at ImplArt and have consequently had their smiles and lives transformed:

“Excellent clinic and excellent professionals. I have a phobia of dentists, I had implant surgery with conscious sedation and other treatments over a few months and from start to finish I didn’t feel any pain.I recommend it 100%

Alessandra Escobar

“I’m very anxious about going to the dentist and in fact I’ve always avoided appointments as much as possible… Then I came across the IMPLART clinic and this sedation technique. It was very easy to have the treatment this way… I also found that the dentist worked quickly and did some implants and treated the cavities while I was asleep.It was a bit magical but when I woke up everything was ready, I thought it was great.

M.R.R., businesswoman, São Paulo-SP

“Dr. Roberto performed my surgery with great skill and mastery. I felt NO PAIN or discomfort. My recovery was excellent and now I’m going to start the final stage of my treatment. I chose the zirconia crown by scanner, because it’s quick, as I have to finish my treatment soon for a trip.”

Adriana Cardoso

“Implart has changed my life. It changed the way I smile and interact with people. I now have much more confidence in myself, my self-esteem has grown.I thank them for all their care and I say to anyone who is going to start treatment: you can trust them, because they are serious and their work is very good.

Eliana Fagundes

“First world dental clinic… Dr. Roberto is highly competent and gives us all the security we need when deciding to have an implant or more complicated surgery on our teeth.

Valerie Hair

“I recently finished my treatment. I had Swiss implants and a porcelain prosthesis. I would like to praise the work of Dr. Roberto and all the qualified professionals in his team.These people work seriously and responsibly.

Sebastião Melo

“I’ve finished my treatment and I really like the result. As for the service, I can only praise all the professionals, receptionists, doctors and directors. Implant surgery with Dr. Roberto is always a pleasure.The doctors who attended me were all very competent and attentive.

Antonio Paulo T. de Almeida

“I thank and congratulate Dr. Roberto Markarian and his entire team for their competence, professionalism, ethics and respect. You have given me back the will to smile.”

Eva Bastos, São Paulo-SP

“I’ve been a patient of the ImplArt clinic for a few years now. When I met Dr. Roberto Markarian at the evaluation appointment, he explained the treatment very clearly. I just have to say thank you for getting to know this clinic, which took very good care of me, excellent professionals, I was always attended to promptly throughout my treatment. Today I can smile. Congratulations to Clinica ImplArt and Dr. Roberto Markarian”.

Shirlei Gonçalves

“I had a traumatic experience in a treatment at another clinic, then I went to ImplArt and thank God, they were able to solve every situation that the previous implant had caused me, I learned the lesson the hard way, when you are going to do any procedure, research very well before, I met ImplArt through the website itself and the reviews were great, and I’m really here giving my evaluation, note 1000″

Ivone Balbina

ImplArt dental implant testimonial video

If you’re afraid of dental implants and still have questions about the surgery or the price of dental implants, get in touch with our team and make an appointment. Please note that Clinica Dentaria ImplArt is located in São Paulo, in a privileged area, next to Avenida Paulista. We receive patients from all over the world, whether for individual dental implants, total implants, protocol prostheses, contact lenses or dental crowns. So get in touch and find out how to plan your visit! We at the ImplArt Dental Clinic are here to help you!

How do I get a dental implant?

Many people want to know how to get a dental implant. The installation of dental implants is certainly a very simple procedure. In the case of single implants, it shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes to place.

How to get a dental implant if I’m afraid of surgery. What should I do?

In general, there is only mild discomfort after an implant has been placed and you’ll be able to work the next day. So you don’t need to worry about the details of how to get a dental implant.

However, it’s important to note that there is little innervation for pain in the bone, with only the gums providing sensitivity (which is easily controlled with medication). If necessary, conscious sedation can be used to reduce anxiety. Read a full article on why you shouldn’t be afraid of implants.

bone-integrated dental implant is the fixation of the implant in the bone, implants

What are osseointegrated implants?

They are a new generation of implants introduced in the 1960s, but which have only now reached a degree of universal acceptability. Osseointegrated implants are made of titanium or all-ceramic and are placed in toothless areas. They are able to perform masticatory and functional functions in a similar way to natural teeth.

It is usually carried out in two stages: firstly, the insertion of the implant – a more extensive operation – and secondly, a few months later, the placement of devices that will support the prostheses. These can be made within a short period of time after this second stage.

Today we have a wide variety of dental implants available in different lengths and diameters to meet many oral rehabilitation needs. There are even some with physical and chemical technology on the surface that favors and speeds up the osseintegration process, allowing implants and prostheses to be installed in up to 1 month.

replacing dentures with fixed implant prostheses made of zirconia, how to make an implant
Example of treatment to replace a mobile prosthesis with a fixed prosthesis on implants (zirconia prosthesis). The fixed prosthesis offers more comfort, beauty and security than a mobile prosthesis.

Are implants better than removable dentures?

Yes, dental implants are certainly better than dentures and removable prostheses (mobile bridges). They have similar functional capacity to fixed dental prostheses in cases of relatively small edentulous spaces.

But the choice of one treatment or another must be carefully analyzed by the professional according to the patient’s request, as the situations are very diverse and prevent discussion with fixed rules. However, in cases of total edentulism or posterior areas, the solution with implants is usually better from a functional point of view.

Read about replacing dentures with implants with fixed prosthesis

What are the chances of an implant working?

Long-term studies have shown that certain types of implants have success rates of over 90% for implants placed and success rates of over 97% for prostheses (because the loss of an implant does not necessarily mean the loss of the prosthesis, as it is supported by other implants).

However, this success rate is average and does not apply equally to all areas of the mouth. The failure rate in lower edentulous patients is close to 0% (zero percent) and in the posterior region of the maxilla, with less dense bone and after placing short implants (due to the maxillary sinuses), the rate can reach 33%. Read the full article on problems that can occur with implants.

implante pilar coroa 50kb
Dental implant and connected tooth (crown)

What’s so magical about titanium dental implants?

Titanium has been used in orthopedics for many decades. Simply put, titanium does not corrode when inserted into the human body and does not show immune rejection phenomena, in the same way as other metals in the same family, such as niobium for example.

The success of the technique is due to a good set of factors and the characteristics of titanium are undoubtedly positive, but on their own they do not guarantee the success of the procedure. Success depends, in short, on the planning of the surgical technique (which avoids overheating the bone), a healing period without the prosthesis being fitted, and the fitting of a suitable prosthesis.

This implant protocol has details that cannot be overlooked, and a competent professional who is well trained in the technique can achieve excellent results.

Is there a guarantee of success when getting a dental implant? Can I get rejection?

In principle, a high success rate is a good guarantee, but in biological processes there is always a certain amount of imponderability. There is no possibility of absolute certainty of success, but due to the aforementioned rates, the discomfort of surgery is much less than the benefit of having a fixed prosthesis. Even in cases of failure, the procedure can be redone after some time.

I have a tooth with a small infection. One dentist says to do surgery on the root and leave the crown as it is. Another thinks it’s better to get an implant. The price difference is huge. Which would be better?

Both alternatives are good, depending on the indication. The first option would be indicated in cases where the root is in good condition. The second would be the best course of action in cases offractured roots, lesions or cavities, i.e. the tooth needs to be extracted in its entirety and then replaced with a dental implant and fixed prosthesis.

Nowadays there is a tendency to opt for implants because we know that the treatments last a long time and have predictable results. This way, the cost/benefit of the treatment certainly pays off.

How long does a dental implant last? What is its lifespan?

It can be said that in 95% of cases, if dental implants are not lost within the first two years of use, they are likely to last for most of the patient’s life.

total zirconia fixed implant prosthesis at ImplArt in sao paulo av paulista

Are dental implants aesthetically pleasing?

It depends a lot on the system used and the local conditions. Aesthetics have improved a lot in recent years. Remember: however good the implant and the professional, a dental implant is still a prosthesis, i.e. the replacement of natural teeth with artificial ones. Excessive expectations of implants are common, but they are usually followed by a certain amount of frustration.

In many cases, the aesthetic solution is only acceptable. The best reasoning is functional: the implant is far superior to other prosthetic procedures and in the absence of teeth, it is certainly the best that can be achieved.

Should I go back to the dentist after implants and dentures?

From the outset, patients must be aware that they are a fundamental part of the success of the treatment. They must commit to maintaining proper oral hygiene and attend check-ups for professional cleaning of the prosthesis and even for radiographic examinations to monitor the implants inside the bone.

Isn’t it overkill for the dentist to order a CT scan to analyze the bone?

No, especially in the upper arch. A detailed study using computed tomography avoids surprises, especially those in the previous question.

Will chewing ability improve after implants?

Implants have much better functional results than dentures or removable prostheses. Patients who have been wearing dentures for a long time feel a significant difference when implants are fitted.

Do I get sensitivity when I chew if I have a dental implant?

A healthy dental implant doesn’t have any kind of sensitivity or pain when chewing. The sensation of having a dental implant must be imperceptible.

enxerto em bloco

If there isn’t enough bone, are there ways to increase the amount of bone available?

Yes, in the maxillary area, surgeries can be performed to augment the ridge and/or lift the maxillary sinus, taking bone from the chin, the ramus of the mandible or the iliac crest. In this way, the bone grafting technique can be used to correct small defects (powder bonegrafting ) and large defects (block bone grafting).

Read more about bone grafting here. In the mandible, deviation of the inferior alveolar nerve can also be performed, but the possibility of post-operative sequelae greatly reduces its indication.

Because it’s a foreign material, are there any risks of rejection or contamination with viruses, for example? How is an implant sterilized?

No rejection occurs , as titanium is an immunologically inert material. As for contamination, when it does occur, it’s usually through surgery and not due to flaws in the implant manufacturing process. Any of the methods normally used to sterilize implants – gamma radiation or gas – offer total safety.

Can implants be placed in people who are pre-disposed to plaque?

Yes, those with a predisposition to plaque and periodontal disease can have implants, as long as the process is controlled and there is a commitment to oral hygiene after rehabilitation, including regular visits to the dental office for professional cleanings.

fixed implant prosthesis total zirconia replacement of all teeth

How much do dental implants cost?

The price of any dental treatment can only be determined through a face-to-face consultation in which many aspects specific to each person will be assessed. Oral rehabilitation with dental implants is not a standardized procedure that is the same for everyone.

Each case has its own particularities and must be answered with specific procedures before calculating a price. We at ImplArt Odontologia would be delighted to receive your visit so that we can better understand your case! If you have any questions, please contact us through one of the channels below.

Do dental implants make the metal sensors at the bank or airport beep?

In the vast majority of cases, the dental implant is not detected by the metal sensor at the bank or airport. However, we have heard reports of sensors beeping when the dental prosthesis is made of metal. However, today we have options for metal-free dentures that don’t carry this risk, such as zirconia dentures.

Straumann SLA Roxolid Swiss implants

Straumann’s SLA Roxolid Swiss implants are made from a high-performance metal alloy consisting of 85% titanium and 15% zirconium. Together, these two metals form a material with superior strength to pure titanium implants .

The best dental implants in the world now

The surface of Straumann SLA Swiss implants

They have shown excellent long-term results, with documented success rates. In addition, it has excellent osseointegration capacity. Roxolid SLA implants have a reduced length and diameter, so they can be an option for dental implant treatment in patients with reduced bone volume and who are therefore unable or unwilling to undergo a bone grafting procedure.

The Roxolid dental implant is highly resistant and also has options for shorter sizes and reduced diameters. Advantages of Roxolid swiss implants:

  • Faster healing and therefore less post-operative discomfort. As a result, osseointegration is expected within 2 months.
  • Small-diameter and/or short Swiss implants are mainly an option for patients who need small but strong implants.
  • Indicated for patients with reduced bone volume or other defects. It is therefore an alternative for some patients who have an indication for a bone graft procedure.
  • Thanks to the technology that favors osseointegration, the dentist is able to predict the results.
  • Highly resistant implants with smaller size options
  • Smaller implants help protect vital structures and vascularization
  • Better adaptation in small spaces

Read frequently asked questions about dental implants

Roxolid’s swiss implants indications:

  • Unit prosthesis: rehabilitation of just one tooth in the anterior and premolar regions
  • Partial (partial prosthesis): bridge supported by two implants
  • Fixed or removablefull-arch prosthesis
  • Suitable for patients with limited vertical bone availability in the posterior region
  • Eventually, it may be an indication for patients in whom the bone augmentation procedure is considered complex.
  • Patients with reduced interdental space
  • Patients with thin alveolar ridge
  • Support for screwed or cemented crowns

Read more: What is the recovery time for dental implants?

straumann swiss implants with roxolid surface
Swiss Straumann implants are considered the best in the world

The Swiss company Straumann has been researching and developing dental implants and related products since 1974. Straumann’s products and services are available in more than 70 countries, and of course at the ImplArt Clinic.

Dr. Roberto Markarian, implant dentist and clinical director of ImplArt, is a member of the ITI – International Team for Implantology, an entity linked to Straumann that brings together the world’s best specialists for the development of new products and techniques.

If you have any questions, please contact us through one of the channels below or schedule an appointment.

Dental implants in one day with Straumann SLActive

Dental implants in one day are done when the entire dental arch is rehabilitated with dental implants and a prosthesis in a few hours

First of all, we would like to point out that the implantation of all teeth is mainly indicated for patients with total edentulism (absence of all teeth) or with few compromised teeth, when extractions are indicated. Dental implants in one day is the best way to restore self-esteem and quality of life to edentulous patients. Patients in this condition are sometimes in a hurry to resolve the case. However, not everyone can be treated quickly, because it all depends on each case.

However, a patient who has been without teeth for a long time and has advanced bone loss, which until then was considered a complex case, can now receive a total implant with a fixed prosthesis in thirty days. Research in the field of implant dentistry is increasingly seeking to develop solutions so that implant healing can take place more quickly. For this reason, the Swiss company Straumann, a world leader in the research and development of solutions for implant dentistry, has created the SLActive implant. This modern implant enables rapid healing, expected to take 1 month.

Why is full implantation with dental implants in one day is possible with Straumann materials?

It has technology on its surface that stimulates and accelerates the healing process of the implants, making it possible in some cases to complete the total implant treatment in 1 month.

However the dental implants in one day, are placed in the jawbone and a temporary tooth is placed. The complete treatment cycle will take about a month.

The SLActive implants have a micro-roughness on the titanium surface that favors the adhesion of cells and proteins that will form new bone tissue around the implant. This process is called osseointegration of the dental implant, which is undoubtedly important for keeping it fixed and stable over the years.

In addition, the SLActive dental implant line has a special implant size (4 or 6 mm) ideal for cases with little bone volume.

Here are some of the proven advantages of SLActive dental implants in one day:

  • Healing time reduced from 6-8 weeks to 3-4 weeks;
  • 60% reduction in the risk of implant loss;
  • There is a 98% success rate in cases of immediate or early loading – less than 1 month (21 days);
  • Improves bone deposition in the early stages of osseointegration;
  • Often avoids second surgery to reopen the dental implant
  • Better implant stability in more advanced stages of healing.

The most common form of total implantation (dental implants in one day) is the placement of six titanium implant pins in the upper jaw and four in the mandible. Immediately after the healing period, dentures can then be attached to the implants. Unlike a removable prosthesis (dentures), which covers the roof of the mouth to allow it to be fixed, and makes it difficult to perceive the taste of food, the prosthesis on implants is thin and occupies only the region of the dentition, leaving the other spaces in the mouth free, similar to the situation found when there are natural teeth. Currently, dental implant treatment with the most modern materials is the Zirconia protocol and the porcelain protocol on a total implant.

valor de implante dentario, dental implants in one day

Types of prostheses available for full-mouth dental implants in one day

Porcelain prosthesis

Aesthetic and highly resistant material. It is therefore very similar to natural teeth. By virtue of having an internal structure made of metal alloy (metal-ceramic prosthesis) or zirconia, it is an aesthetic, white and metal-free material (metal-freeprosthesis );

Dental protocol prosthesis

Made of resin, it faithfully mimics the color of teeth and gums. However, it does require the patient to be more careful about eating certain foods and drinks with very strong pigments, as well as habits such as smoking, as the resin is susceptible to staining. These include beet, coffee, carrots and wine.

As previously mentioned, dental implants in one day can even be indicated in cases that are considered complex. However, each case must be assessed individually and the type of implant and prosthesis can only be proposed according to each need.

See also this moving testimonial from a patient who had her whole mouth implanted.

If you have any questions about dental implants in one day, please make an appointment or contact us. We at the ImplArt dental clinic will be happy to help you.

How to prevent tooth loss and implants: flossing can prevent implants

Oral health is fundamental to general well-being, and a frequent question when it comes to oral hygiene is: “Do I really need to floss?” The answer is an emphatic YES. In this article, we’ll explore why flossing is indispensable, especially to avoid serious consequences. In addition, we’ll show you how to prevent tooth loss and implants with simple care that can easily be included in your daily routine.

When did flossing begin?

Dental floss was invented at the beginning of the 19th century. The first reference to the use of a specific thread for cleaning between the teeth was made in 1819 by the dentist Levi Spear Parmly, a professional from New Orleans, United States. He recommended the use of a silk thread to remove food particles and plaque from between the teeth, a practice he considered essential for the prevention of oral diseases.

Despite this early recommendation, dental floss was not widely adopted immediately. The popularization of dental floss began to grow at the end of the 19th century, especially after the company Codman & Shurtleff began marketing unwaxed silk floss in 1882. However, it wasn’t until the 20th century, with the mass production of dental floss by companies such as Johnson & Johnson, that flossing became common practice around the world.

Johnson & Johnson was the first company to patent dental floss in 1898, and from then on, the practice began to spread more widely, especially as awareness of the importance of oral hygiene increased in the 20th century.

Therefore, if we look carefully, it is relatively recent for the general population to know how to properly clean their teeth. If we think back to a time not so long ago, great-grandparents were the generation who wore dentures because they had lost all their teeth. The next generation learned a little more about caring for teeth. However, it was only recently that this panorama began to change, and knowledge about how to prevent tooth loss and implants began to spread.

Below, we’ll discuss how simple care routines are crucial for preserving teeth and oral health. Follow along!

How to prevent tooth loss and implants: Learn about the benefits of flossing

Flossing is an essential tool for preventing oral problems which, if neglected, can result in tooth loss and the need for dental implants. In Brazil, where around 55% of the adult population has some degree of gum disease, according to the Ministry of Health, flossing makes all the difference. It removes food debris and plaque that the toothbrush cannot reach, especially in the interdental areas.

Flossing daily drastically reduces the risk of cavities and gingivitis, preventing problems that can lead to the need for dental implants. In addition, regular flossing contributes to fresher breath and healthier teeth, preventing the build-up of bacteria that can cause serious problems.

Consequences of Not Flossing: From the Risk of Gingivitis to the Need for Dental Implants

Neglecting to floss can have severe consequences, culminating in tooth loss and the need for implants. Without proper plaque removal, the build-up between teeth significantly increases the risk of gum disease. Studies in Brazil show that around 18% of adults have lost at least one tooth due to periodontitis, a condition that starts with untreated gingivitis and can progress to bone loss and, eventually, the need for dental implants.

*Read more about periodontal disease in implants: “Can implants get periodontal disease?

Tooth loss is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a functional one. The absence of one or more teeth can impair chewing, speech and even the structure of the face. Regular flossing can prevent these problems and the need for more invasive procedures such as dental implants.

Illustrative image shows the consequences of not flossing: Tooth decay between the teeth

Historical Comparison: How Dental Floss Reduced the Need for Dental Implants in Brazil

Decades ago, oral health in Brazil was marked by high rates of tooth decay and tooth loss, often resulting in the need for dental implants. Before the popularization of dental floss, many Brazilians faced tooth loss at a young age. In the 1960s, for example, the average number of teeth lost per adult was alarming. With increased awareness and use of dental floss, these figures began to fall, also reducing the need for dental implants.

Recent IBGE data shows that total tooth loss in Brazilians over the age of 60 has fallen to less than 30% in recent years, a significant reduction compared to previous decades. This is largely due to increased education about oral hygiene, including flossing as a prevention against tooth loss and, consequently, the need for dental implants.

How to Floss Correctly

Flossing correctly is essential to ensure the effective removal of plaque and food debris from between the teeth, preventing problems such as cavities, gingivitis and, ultimately, the need for dental implants. Here’s a simple guide to doing it the right way:

  1. Cut the floss: Use about 40 to 50 cm of floss. This allows you to use a clean piece of floss in each interdental space.
  2. Wrap the thread: Wrap most of the thread around the middle finger of one hand and the rest around the middle finger of the other hand, leaving about 5 cm of thread between the fingers.
  3. Hold and position: Hold the floss firmly between your thumbs and index fingers, keeping it taut. Insert the floss gently between the teeth, using a sawing motion to prevent the floss from slipping and hurting the gums.
  4. C” motion: Curve the floss in a C” shape around a tooth, sliding it gently under the gum line. Run the floss up and down a few times to remove plaque and debris. Remember to also floss the side of the adjacent tooth.
  5. Repeat in each space: Use a clean piece of floss for each space between the teeth. Repeat the process on all the teeth, including the bottom teeth, which are harder to reach.
  6. Dispose of the floss: After finishing, dispose of the used floss. Never reuse the floss as it may already be contaminated with bacteria.

Here are some simple tips for flossing:

Learn how to prevent tooth loss and implants: Step 3 and 4

Following these steps helps ensure a thorough and effective cleaning, protecting your teeth and gums from future problems that could result in dental implants.

What are the effects of plaque caused by retained food?

Food that is trapped between the teeth can cause a series of oral problems due to the chemical and physical processes that occur over time. Here is a summary of the main effects:

1. Plaque build-up

When food debris is not removed, it accumulates between the teeth and serves as a source of nutrients for the bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria, mainly Streptococcus mutans, metabolize the carbohydrates in food, especially sugars and starches, to produce acids.

Bacterial plaque: white film that forms around the tooth due to lack of hygiene

2. Acid production

The metabolization of carbohydrates by microorganisms results in the production of organic acids, such as lactic acid, which are highly corrosive. These acids begin to dissolve tooth enamel, which is the outer protective layer of teeth made up mainly of hydroxyapatite, a mineral rich in calcium and phosphate.

3. Enamel demineralization

Continuous exposure to acid causes enamel demineralization, a process in which minerals (calcium and phosphate) are removed from the surface of the tooth, weakening it. This process is the initial stage in the formation of cavities. If left untreated, demineralization can progress to dentin, the innermost layer of the tooth, which is less resistant to acidity.

4. Tooth decay

Over time, persistent demineralization can lead to the formation of cavities (caries) in the enamel. If the decay is left untreated, it can progress to the dentin and eventually reach the dental pulp, where the nerves and blood vessels are located. This can result in pain, infection and, in severe cases, the need for root canal treatment or tooth extraction and implantation.

*Read more about the importance of replacing lost teeth with implants: Tooth loss without implant replacement: what are the consequences?

5. Gingival inflammation

In addition to cavities, food debris and plaque that accumulate between the teeth can irritate the gums, leading to an inflammation known as gingivitis. If left untreated, gingivitis can develop into periodontitis, a more serious condition that affects the bone supporting the teeth and can result in tooth loss. Thus, if it progresses without care, it can lead to complete tooth loss and the need for a total implant with a prosthetic protocol.

inflamed gums
Gum inflammation

*Read more about the modern Zirconia protocol prosthesis: Zirconia is the most modern material for protocol prostheses on dental implants.

6. Halitosis (Bad Breath)

Food trapped between the teeth, when broken down by bacteria, releases volatile compounds such as hydrogen sulphide and methyl mercaptan, which are the main causes of bad breath.

7. Tartar formation

If plaque is not removed, it can mineralize and harden, forming tartar (dental calculus). Tartar is difficult to remove with ordinary brushing and can cause even more irritation to the gums, as well as providing a rough surface where more plaque can accumulate.

Tartar formed on teeth due to lack of flossing

Therefore, food trapped between the teeth can trigger a series of harmful reactions that not only erode the teeth, but also affect the gums and breath, underlining the importance of regular flossing to prevent these problems.

In addition, we should mention the need to visit the dentist regularly for oral health monitoring appointments and dental cleanings.

*Readmore about the importance of cleaning at the dentist: “The importance of professional cleaning for the maintenance of dental implants, dentures and oral health”

Conclusion on how to prevent tooth loss and implants

Flossing is more than a recommendation: it’s a necessity for maintaining oral health and avoiding serious consequences such as tooth loss and the need for dental implants. By flossing daily, you can protect your smile and ensure a healthier life. Don’t put off until tomorrow what can be done today – start taking care of your oral future now with flossing and regular visits to the dentist!

*Read more about oral health care: “In the fever of facial harmonization, patients are forgetting to take care of their teeth

What if there is tooth loss and implants are needed?

But don’t worry, if you need a dental implant, know that today’s techniques are very modern and there are several types of dental implant to choose from at the ImplArt Dental Clinic. Whether your treatment is an individual dental implant, or a total implant and prosthesis protocol, know that the ImplArt Clinic masters all dental implant and oral rehabilitation techniques, and surely one will be right for you!

Want to know more about ImplArt Clinic from Brazil?

Located in São Paulo, ImplArt Dental Clinic is a reference destination for patients from all over the world. Recognized as the best dental implant clinic in São Paulo, ImplArt stands out for its excellence in modern and personalized dental treatments.

Under the direction of Dr. Roberto Markarian (PhD), an implant dentist renowned for his expertise in dental implants and digital prostheses, the clinic combines advanced knowledge with high technology. This makes ImplArt a center of excellence in dental treatment, offering computerized implants and prostheses to guarantee the best results.

To find out more about the treatments offered by ImplArt Dental Clinic, visit our Instagram and check out the images of our treatments. Don’t forget to watch our videos on YouTube and explore our Pinterest page to see more examples of our work.

Check out the photo gallery of our treatments or contact us by WhatsApp (11) 3262-4750 to schedule your appointment.

Dr. Roberto Markarian, implant dentist

Text written by DR. ROBERTO MARKARIAN – CRO-SP 73.583
Founder and Director of the ImplArt Dental ClinicDr. Roberto’s Linkedin profile

Dr. Roberto Markarian implant dentist

Dr. Roberto Markarian is a reference in dental implants and computerized dental prostheses in Brazil. As well as having more than 10,000 implants installed, he is a researcher who produces knowledge that is published worldwide in renowned scientific journals in the field of dentistry. He is responsible for promoting knowledge and high technology applied in all the treatments offered by the ImplArt Clinic.

schedule your appointment at the implart clinic by phone or whatsapp

como é feito um implante dentario
Clínica ImplArt is considered the best dental implant clinic in São Paulo. If you want to know how much a dental implant costs, or how to avoid tooth loss and implants, get in touch! We’re here to help you!

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ImplArt is the best dental implant clinic in Brazil, according to the Global Clinic Rating ranking

The ImplArt dental clinic has been rated the best dental implant clinic in Brazil, coming first in the GCR world ranking. According to the Global Clinic Rating, this position was secured above all by ImplArt’s expertise in Digital Dentistry, Modern Structure and Patient Satisfaction.

First of all, it’s worth pointing out that the ImplArt dental clinic offers various types of treatment aimed at rehabilitating the patient’s oral health in all its aspects. In this way, not only the functional aspect of the treatment is addressed, but also the aesthetic one. These pillars are supported by digital dentistry techniques present in our modern structure.

As a result, we have been able to achieve top quality treatments, which generates great satisfaction among our patients. Of course, the Clinic is dedicated to offering knowledge and the latest technology to those patients looking for the most modern treatments.

Below is a testimonial from patient Kazue, who came all the way from Japan to have her complete oral rehabilitation treatment with implants and zirconia crowns at the ImplArt Clinic. She tells us why the ImplArt Clinic was chosen as the best clinic for her treatment:

ImplArt ranks 1st in Top Clinics – Brazil !

The GCR Score (Global Clinic Rating) is an international organization created with the aim of providing ratings on 432,000 medical and dental clinics around the world, in such a way as to indicate those that develop the best practices. First of all, it is important to mention that more than 128,277 dental clinics in the world have been evaluated, 603 of them in Brazil. This is certainly a criterion of great importance and relevance to dentistry worldwide.

First of all, dental clinics are evaluated on more than 100 criteria based on 4 pillars: facilities, standard, experience and patient feedback. Finally , according to these items, the clinics are classified and then placed in a ranking from 1 to 5 stars.

Voted the best dental implant clinic in Brazil

The Implart Clinic was awarded first place among dental clinics in Brazil for its expertise in digital dentistry, modern structure and patient satisfaction. It has thus been classified as the best dental implant clinic in Brazil.

As a result of this recognition, the clinic is constantly receiving patients from all over Brazil and the world, who are looking for the best practices in modern dentistry, above all translated into high quality. For patients coming from abroad and from other states in Brazil, there is the option of Day Clinic dental treatment, which is first and foremost an intensive treatment focused on the needs of each patient. This applies to dental implant treatments, fixed prostheses, protocol prostheses and even dental contact lenses.

Learn more about the ImplArt Dental Clinic from Dr. Roberto Markarian, implant dentist and clinical director of ImplArt:

ImplArt dental clinic chosen as the best dental implant clinic in Brazil

For us at the ImplArt Dental Clinic, it is above all a great satisfaction to top this ranking of best dental implant clinic. It certainly means that all our commitment and dedication has brought many positive results in our dental implant and dental aesthetic treatments and, above all, it drives us to continue on this path.

First and foremost,at our clinic we offer the most modern technologies and facilities to carry out your specialized dental procedure in comfort, safety and, above all, with high standards of control. The ImplArt dental clinic is certainly one of the best dental technology centers in Brazil and the world.

Designed by the architectural firm Moran e Anders, by architect Gustavo Anders, the facilities at Clinica Dentaria ImplArt are modern and designed to offer maximum comfort to patients.

Types of dental implants and prostheses offered

Just to illustrate , several types of implants are offered , including those from the modern Swiss brand Straumann. In addition, for the stage of making dental prostheses, the clinic uses computer graphics to plan and execute them. In this way, aesthetics and functionality are studied in three-dimensional models. In this sense, we highlight the translucent zirconia prosthesis, made using modern digital systems.

ImplArt dental clinic’s international standard

In fact, we have more than 10,000 implants installed around the world and smiles achieved using the most modern implant dentistry techniques. With all our know-how , we are able to offer the latest implant techniques, total implants, modern contact lenses and zirconia prostheses. Our smiles are spread all over the world, as we have received patients from all over the world, such as Japan, the United States, Canada, Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom, Italy, Australia, Holland, Angola, Paraguay, among others! The high quality of our treatments makes the clinic an international standard treatment center, in line with the high demands of world standards.

Follow the testimonials of ImplArt Clinic patients

Privileged location of the clinic

We are located in one of the most privileged areas of São Paulo, in the Bela Vista neighborhood, close to Avenida Paulista. We also have two subway stations nearby, Paraíso station and Brigadeiro subway station (green line), as well as Vergueiro station (blue line). In addition, access by car is facilitated above all by Avenida twenty-three de maio (north-south corridor), as well as Avenida Paulista itself.

Today we have the experience of thousands of implants installed, hundreds of cosmetic dentistry cases solved, and thousands of satisfied patients as a result. These certifications have taken us to the rank of best clinic, and certainly enable us to better serve even the most difficult cases in dental aesthetics, oral rehabilitation, orthodontics and dental implants.

Dr. Roberto Markarian implant dentist, best dental implant clinic
Dr. Roberto Markarian, clinical director of the ImplArt Clinic

Dr. Roberto Markarian

Idealizing dentist – Responsible for dental treatments and the Digital Prosthesis Laboratory

  • Post-Doctorate in Implant Dentistry
  • Doctorate in Implant Dentistry – (PhD)
  • Master in Prosthodontics
  • Dental Implant Specialist (Implant Dentist)
  • Specialist in Prosthodontics (Prosthodontist)
  • Researcher and Professor of Digital Dentistry
  • Member of the Clinical Staff of Oswaldo Cruz Hospital
  • More than 10,000 implants carried out

The best technology and advanced techniques

First of all, modern technology and, above all, the know-how of having solved so many cases, as well as the constant presence of our scientific clinical director , implant dentist Dr. Roberto Markarian, at important conferences and meetings in the United States and Europe, certainly ensure that the procedures offered at the ImplArt dental clinic are in line with the latest advances in world dentistry.

In this way,the materials and techniques used at ImplArt, the best dental implant clinic in Brazil according to the GCR, are aligned with those of the best dental clinics in the world. As a result, we are able to achieve results with greater precision and speed.

Real testimonials from those who have experienced ImplArt, the best dental implant clinic according to the GCR ranking.

Follow the testimonial below from our patient Sandro, who chose the ImplArt Clinic as the best clinic for his treatment and came all the way from the United States for his Day Clinic.

See below for more spontaneous testimonials from our patients, so you can learn a little about the experience of having your treatment at the ImplArt Dental Clinic:

“It was simply my lucky year to have found ImplArt, the latest technology in implants. I took advantage of my trip to Brazil and had my implants done. I highly recommend them!”

Regina Fassina

“ImplArt was able to attend to me and treat me within the limited time I had available. Super polite and professional staff. I highly recommend them.”


“I thank and congratulate Dr. Roberto Markarian and his entire team for their competence, professionalism, ethics and respect. You have given me back the will to smile.”

Eva Bastos, São Paulo/SP

“I liked it very much! Serious dental company committed to results and patient satisfaction and excellent team of professionals!”

Cristiane Rinaldi

“It was much more than I expected, we always have expectations, I was very well taken care of, everyone was very attentive, I loved it, I have already made referrals to other people. Thank you for everything”

Virginia Reis Oliveira

“Excellent professionals. Dr. Roberto is not only competent but also welcoming. Dr. Brenda is competent and very committed. The girls at reception are super attentive too. I recommend them.”

Leila Nepomuceno Borges

“I loved everything the dentists the receptionists the prosthetists everything super recommend”

Valeria Dus

“I’ve been a client for 12 years and I’m still very satisfied with the Implart clinic and its top-class professionals. My last treatment was a success, I was attended to with great attention and concern for achieving perfection. Thank you to the whole Implart team ????.

Li G.s

Read more testimonials:

“Good afternoon was wonderful, the treatment of excellence not only in the equipment, but in the whole team, I am totally satisfied and impacted with the treatment I had. I highly recommend this clinic, without a doubt the best.”

Ritinha Xavier Dias

“I’ve finished my treatment and I really like the result. As for the service, I can only praise all the professionals, receptionists, doctors and directors. Implant surgery with Dr. Roberto is always a pleasure. The doctors who attended me were all very competent and attentive. I recommend it!!!”

Antonio P. T. de Almeida

“I had two implants done at Clinica Implart with Dr. Roberto, who is an excellent professional. The implants were perfect. The Implart team is very attentive and meets their clients’ needs.”

Dithelmo Kanto Filho

“Excellent team who attended to me very well. I highly recommend the clinic!”

Tamiles Gover

“I was a patient at Implart and I can say that it is technically impeccable, uses the highest technologies and excellent aesthetic procedures. At the same time, the service is humanized and efficient. I was very happy with the results.”

Débora Rocha

“A modern clinic, run by Dr. Roberto Markarian, a beast in dentistry, a professional who is always up to date with the latest developments in the sector. His team is extremely competent, attentive and helpful. I’ve been a client for years and have nothing but praise for him.”

Wander Sanches

Find out more about the ImplArt Clinic

First of all, we would once again like to thank all the patients who spontaneously evaluate and attest above all to the quality of care and the seriousness of the services provided. These testimonials are certainly very valuable. Our dedication to our patients has been recognized and has led us to be ranked first as the best dental implant clinic in Brazil, according to the GCR world ranking.

⭐️Guiados by our clinical director, PhD Dr. Roberto Markarian, and composed above all by a team of expert dentists, technicians and receptionists with a passion for what they do, we are first and foremost dedicated to promoting the well-being and improving the quality of life of our patients.

Therefore, we are here to help you improve your quality of life through proper chewing and, above all, a healthy smile. Contact us to find out how to schedule your evaluation appointment, WhatsApp (11) 3262-4750, we’ll be happy to help.

Finally, check out the GCR website for a ranking of the best dental implant clinics in Brazil.

Updated in May/2022.

Metal-ceramic prosthesis for implants

Metal-ceramic prostheses, also known as porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) prostheses, offer a reliable and durable solution for patients seeking tooth replacement with both aesthetic appeal and structural strength. These prostheses consist of a metal framework covered with layers of porcelain, ensuring a natural look while providing long-lasting stability. Widely used in dental rehabilitation, PFM prostheses are ideal for patients who need durable solutions, particularly in areas of the mouth where the force of chewing is greater.

At Clínica ImplArt, the application of metal-porcelain prostheses combines advanced dental technology with expert craftsmanship, ensuring optimal results for each patient. The clinic’s dental specialists are well-versed in modern techniques that improve both the functionality and the aesthetics of these prostheses, delivering a solution that blends seamlessly with natural teeth while maintaining high resistance to wear and tear over time.

The metal-ceramic prosthesis is a traditional material for making crowns on implants

Metal-ceramic (metal + ceramic) crowns and prostheses are the most common option for making a crown or prosthesis on an implant.

How do the prostheses work with this building materials?

Metal acts as a structural reinforcement, while porcelain offers aesthetics. Therefore, the positive points of this material are: resistance, great durability and aesthetics, characteristics that are very similar to natural teeth.

Metal-ceramic dentures also have a great ability to blend in with the natural coloring of neighboring teeth. Porcelain can also be used for the prosthesis of one or more teeth on dental implants. Metal-ceramic prostheses on dental implants are undoubtedly a highly durable and comfortable option for patients.

Among the indications for metal-ceramic crowns on implants are also crowns, bridges and complete fixed prostheses. One of the great difficulties in working with metal ceramics is the need to completely hide the metal.

Metal-ceramic fixed prosthesis for full-mouth implants – fully fixed for all teeth. The first photo shows the internal metal structure (framework) and the second shows the prosthesis finished with porcelain.

Example of metal-ceramic prostheses made at the ImplArt Clinic

How are the aesthetics of metal-ceramic dental crowns? Does the metal not show?

This model of crown can change over the years. Sometimes the gums can recede over time and expose a metal line, compromising the aesthetics of the smile.

Especially in areas where aesthetics are essential, we recommend zirconia crowns. These are prostheses with an internal structure made of zirconia, a white ceramic material with a shade and translucency very similar to human dentin.

In addition, the application of porcelain in metal-ceramic prostheses is completely handmade and the final aesthetic depends a lot on the skill of the ceramist (technician who works with ceramics).

If you have any questions about techniques, prices or treatments, please contact us or make an appointment. We’ll be happy to welcome you!

Immediate loading for dental implants – indications

Immediately loaded dental implants are a technique in which the procedure of placing a dental implant and fixed prosthesis is carried out more quickly. In this way, it helps patients regain their self-esteem and their smile without the need to visit the dentist’s office several times. Immediate loading means placing a prosthesis – usually temporary – on the implants immediately after surgery.

Here at the ImplArt Dental Clinic we perform implants with immediate loading. However, each case is assessed on its own merits to see if it is the most appropriate and safest way to ensure the success of each treatment. See more information below.

Learn more about the technique – indications

But can it be done in all cases?

The answer is no. The possibility of an immediately loaded implant depends on fulfilling pre-requisites that can only be ascertained at the time of implant insertion. In addition to checking all the preoperative X-rays and CT scans, there are factors related to the surgery itself. Thus, the final torque of the implant at the time of bone insertion must be verified. It must therefore be checked after the implant has been installed.

In addition, it is important to note that the ideal is always to wait for the dental implant to heal before loading it. The making of a final prosthesis certainly involves aesthetic and functional studies, which have their own timeframe for preparation and testing by the patient. Therefore, if immediate loading is possible, it should ideally only involve a temporary prosthesis. In this way, the final prosthesis can be made with the implants already healed, and the aesthetics and functionality can be studied in depth, without putting the newly inserted implants at risk.

Immediately loaded implants – indications

The dental implant technique with immediate loading can be carried out when bone quantity and quality are normal and also when occlusal habits are favorable for the procedure so that there is no overload from chewing on the site.

Therefore, technique depends on certain conditions in the patient’s dental arch and general oral health. These conditions are assessed individually during a consultation here at the ImplArt Clinic.

What if it can’t be done?

If the technique is not possible, the dentist will look for another solution for the patient’s temporary prosthesis:

  • Adhesive prosthesis
  • Removable prostheses (mobile prosthesis)
  • Reinstatement of the old prosthesis (temporary refitting)
  • Fixed prosthesis on neighboring teeth
  • Devices to disguise the aesthetics of the area
  • Braces with a stuck tooth
Para permitir a carga imediata de implantes dentários temos que inserir implantes longos, que devem ficar bem travados no osso do maxilar.

Rapidly loaded dental implant: provisional prosthesis installed

The immediate loading dental implant technique can therefore be indicated for the following cases:

  • People with a completely missing lower arch,
  • Full arch with a few teeth,
  • Single or individual teeth in the anterior region of the mouth,
  • In some cases, dentures are fixed on some continuous teeth,

In all cases and situations, first and foremost the best course of action is to consult an implant dentist and carry out a full assessment to determine what and how will be done. Only this assessment can determine whether an immediately loaded dental implant is indicated or whether another rehabilitation procedure would bring a better result. In any case, implants are a great way to replace teeth, see before and after cases with dental implants.

Below is a video showing how total implant surgery is performed with a fixed prosthesis on implants, the protocol prosthesis.

Read more about immediate loading – indications:

There are some contraindications to immediate loading, as described in another article. Read more by clicking here. In our blog, we mention more differences between a conventional implant treatment and one using this technique. Click here to read the article. If you have any questions, please contact us. We at Clinica Dentaria ImplArt are happy to answer any questions you may have.

schedule your appointment at the implart clinic by phone or whatsapp

como é feito um implante dentario

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Dr Roberto Markarian – Implant Dentist and Dental Implant Specialist

Dr. Roberto Markarian, PhD CRO-SP 73583 (Technical Manager)

Knowledge, updating, experience, seriousness and transparency

Practice at Clinica Dentaria ImplArt

Meet Dr Roberto Markarian, implant dentist, creator and director of the ImplArt Dental Clinic. The ImplArt Dental Clinic is certainly one of the main centers of technology in aesthetic oral rehabilitation and implantology in Brazil. As a result of its know-how and high technology, the ImplArt dental clinic receives patients from all over the world who are looking for high technology and knowledge to carry out their dental implant treatment.

Clinical History

Our clinical director holds a doctorate in implant dentistry, a master’s degree in prosthodontics, and two specializations in dental implants and prosthodontics. In addition, he has completed several training courses in the field of dentistry, not only in Brazil, but also abroad.

He also actively participates in the sector’s main congresses and fairs, both national and international. He is a member of important institutions in dentistry and related fields, such as the ITI – International Team for Implantology, the ADA – American Dental Association, and the EAO – European Association for Osseointegration.

Dr. Roberto Markarian is enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the most advanced technologies applied to digital dentistry, such as computerized CAD/CAM systems, high-performance and aesthetic ceramics, state-of-the-art dental implants, 3D dental printers, as well as digital scanners for computerized molding. For this reason, since 2011 the Clinic has had computerized scanners and machines in its in-house laboratory to meet patient demand.

Dr. Roberto Markarian is always striving to keep the ImplArt Clinic up to date and in line with the latest developments in world dentistry. He believes above all in teamwork and is particularly concerned about the quality of treatments, especially patient satisfaction.

In the case of patients who have already had a dental implant and wish to have a new prosthesis, in the vast majority of cases we are able to identify the type of implant by evaluating the panoramic radiograph. This is due to the expertise of our clinical director, implant dentist Dr. Roberto Markarian.

Scientific History Dr. Roberto Markarian

Dr. Roberto Markarian graduated as a dental surgeon in 2001 from the USP School of Dentistry in São Paulo. While still a student, he carried out research into improving dental materials, particularly in the areas of dentistry, prosthodontics and implantology. As a result of this work, he received 5 awards in Brazil. He described his results in more than 30 scientific articles, which were later published in international journals.

In the meantime, he has taken postgraduate courses in prosthetics and dental implants and has become a researcher and assistant to the fixed prosthetics team at USP (São Paulo) and at the São Leopoldo Mandic College (Campinas), as well as teaching college students and dentists.

In the area of academic research, Dr. Roberto Markarian has been conducting courses and research in the area of implant dentistry since 1998, and in the area of digital dentistry since 2004. He also gives lectures and training courses on modern digital dentistry tools.

Clinical coordination and planning – Summary of academic titles

  • Post-Doctorate in Implant Dentistry – Univ SL Mandic (Campinas-SP) – 2020
  • PhD in Implant Dentistry – Doctor of Implant Dentistry, Univ SL Mandic – 2017
  • Dr. Roberto Markarian Specialist in Dental Implants at USP (Implant Dentist) – 2008
  • Specialist in Prosthodontics (Prosthodontist ) by the CFO – 2006
  • Master in Prosthodontics, USP – 2005
  • Graduated as a Dental Surgeon from USP (São Paulo) – 2001
  • Member of the Clinical Staff of Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz
  • Clinical experience of more than 10,000 dental implants installed, thousands of dental reconstructions and complex case resolutions.
  • Accredited for the Straumann dental implant system, Switzerland – FUNDECTO USP – 2002
  • Accredited for the Ceraroot zirconia implant system, Spain – 2010
  • Clinical Research in Implant Dentistry at Harvard University, Boston, USA – 2011
  • CAD/CAM system training course Cerec Sirona, Germany – 2014
  • Member Academy of Osseointegration – AO (USA) – 2006
  • Member of the American Dental Association – ADA (USA) – 2011
  • He is a member of the ITI – International Team for Implantology, Switzerland – 2012
  • Member EAO – European Association for Osseointegration, Europe – 2017
  • Postgraduate in Advanced Oral Surgery for Implant Dentistry, APCD – 2003
  • Acting as a Judicial Technical Expert in the areas of Dentistry as well asAssistant Implantology
  • More than 30 scientific articles published in national and international journals
  • Technical consultant for the EsteticArt CAD/CAM computerized prosthetics laboratory in São Paulo
  • Ambassador of the company S.I.N. Implant System – Research and development of solutions in Digital Implant Dentistry (guideddental implants and computerized prostheses)
Dr. Roberto Markarian implantodontista especialista em implantes dentarios
Dr. Roberto Markarian – Director ImplArt Dental Clinic

Dr. Markarian’s Postdoctoral Research in Implant Dentistry

Title: Dental implant-abutment fracture resistance and wear induced by single-unit screw-retained CAD components after mechanical cycling, fabricated by four CAM methods, Univ SL Mandic – 2020.

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Fabiana Mantovani Gomes França. There was an international scientific publication resulting from this work in JPD (Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry) 2021 (USA).

Dr. Roberto Markarian’s Doctoral Thesis in Implant Dentistry (PhD)

Title: SEM analysis of the adaptation of screw-retained unitary abutments fabricated by four CAD/CAM methods after mechanical cycling, Univ SL Mandic – 2017.

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Fabiana Mantovani Gomes França. There was an international scientific publication resulting from this work at IJOMI 2017 (USA).

Master’s Thesis in Prosthodontics (MSc)

Title: Biomechanics of force transmission to single implants as a function of prosthetic crown stiffness: photoelastic and dynamic analysis – USP School of Dentistry – 2005.

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Claudio Luiz Sendyk (FOUSP)

Dental Implants Specialization Monograph

Title: Evaluation of the All-on-4 (All-on-Four) technique for the installation of fixed prostheses on four implants with immediate loading – graftless technique for atrophied maxillae, USP School of Dentistry – 2008

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Francisco Fernando Todescan (FOUSP)

implantodontia especialista em implante dentario implantodontista
Dr. Markarian giving a lecture on Digital Dentistry

Congress Awards and Scholarships

  • 1st Place in Group C5 of Panels at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the SBPqO-Pc179, Brazilian Society of Dental Research (2005).
  • 1st Place in Scientific Panel, XXVI CUBO – Brazilian University Congress of Dentistry (2001).
  • 2nd Place – Oral Presentation, XXVI CUBO – Brazilian University Congress of Dentistry (2001).
  • Scholarship – Removable Prosthesis, FOUSP (2001).
  • 4th Place – Oral Presentation – Honorable Mention, XXIV CUBO – Brazilian University Congress of Dentistry (2000).
  • 2nd Place – XXV de Janeiro Award for Encouraging Scientific Initiation, Academic Center XXV de Janeiro (2000).
  • Scholarship – Restorative Dentistry II, FOUSP (2000).
  • FUNDECTO Fellow – Scientific Initiation, FUNDECTO (1999).
  • Alternate student representative on the Dental Materials Department, FOUSP (1999).
  • Fellow PIBIC CNPq – Scientific Initiation, CNPq (1998).

Published articles and some scientific work by Dr. Roberto Markarian

MARKARIAN RA, GALLES DP, FRANÇA FBG. Dental implant-abutment fracture resistance and wear induced by single-unit screw-retained CAD components after mechanical cycling, fabricated by four CAM methods. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2021.

MARKARIAN RA, GALLES DP, FRANÇA FBG. SEM analysis of the adaptation of single-unit screw-retained CAD/CAM abutments after mechanical cycling. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 2018.

Evaluation of the marginal adaptation of single zirconia abutments customized by the CAD/CAM system: laboratory study. R MARKARIAN, EMF and Silva, R Manfro. Implant News 10 (3), 363-367, 2013.

MARKARIAN, Roberto Adrian . New materials for implant dentistry and the choice of rehabilitation material. Implant News Perio News magazine, internet, Feb. 24, 2012.

MARKARIAN R.A., UEDA C., LAGANÁ D.C., SOUSA R.M., SENDYK C.L. Stress distribution after installation of fixed frameworks with marginal gaps over angled and parallel implants. Journal of Prosthodontics, v. 16, n. 2, p.117-122, 2007.

LOPES F.M., SENDYK C.L., DUARTE C.P., MARKARIAN R.A., ARANA-CHAVEZ V.E. Swine teeth as potential substitutes for in vitro studies in tooth adhesion: A SEM observation. Archives of Oral Biology, v. 51, p.548-551, 2006.

ADDED, N. ; RIZZUTTO, M. A. ; CURADO J ; FRANCCI CE ; MARKARIAN, RA ; MORI, M. . Trace elementary concentration in enamel after dental bleaching using HI-ERDA. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research (Print) (Ceased 1983. Disbanded in 2: ISSN 0168-9002 Nuclear iInstruments & Methods in Physic, v. 249, p. 684-687, 2006.

FALLA-SOTELO FO, RIZZUTTO MA, TABACKNICKS MH, ADDED N, BARBOSA MDL,MARKARIAN RA, QUINELATO A, MORI M, YOUSSEF M. Analysis and discussion of trace elements in teeth of different animal species. Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. 35, n. 3B, p.761-762, 2005.

BARCELOS DP, MARKARIAN RA, PINTO EG, CHELLOTTI A, HADDAD AE. Evaluation of the applicability of Carrea analysis in deciduous dentition Rev Ib-Am Odontopediatr Odontol Bebê, v. 8, n. 41, p.62-66, 2005.

MARKARIAN RA, LIMA RG, SOUSA RM, SENDYK CLTitle: The influence of the prosthetic materials on load transfer to dental implants. Technology Meets Surgery 2005, CD-ROM

UEDA C, MARKARIAN RA, SENDYK CL, LAGANÁ DC. Photoelastic analysis of stress distribution on parallel and angled implants after installation of fixed prostheses Brazilian Oral Research, v. 18, n. 1, p.45-52, 2004.

RIZUTTO MA, ADDED N, TABACKNIKS MH, LIGUORI NETO R, ACQUADRO JC, MACHADO LP, VILELA MM, OLIVEIRA TRCF, MARKARIAN RA, MORI M. External PIGE_PIXE measurements at the São Paulo 8UD tandem accelerator. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, v. 190, p. 186-189, 2002.

BALLESTER RY, MARKARIAN RA, LOGUERCIO AD Dimensional alteration of amalgam and gallium-based alloy Pesquisa Odontológica Brasileira, v. 15, n. 4, p.341-347, October to December 2001.

Dental Bleaching: Trace element concentration in enamel using particle accelerator. FRANCCI C, MARKARIAN RA, SPADA AE, NAKAMA R, MORI M, ADDED N, RIZZUTTO MA. International Academy of Dental Research, Honolulu, Hawaii – CD-ROM OF Abstracts, 2004.

Trace elements in human, bovine and swine dentin by PIXE. QUINELATO A, YOUSSEF F,MARKARIAN RA, YOUSSEF M, MORI M, RIZZUTTO MA, TABACNICKS MH, ADDED N, FALLA-SOTELO F. International Academy of Dental Research, Honolulu, Hawaii – CD-ROM OF Abstracts, 2004.

Analysis of trace element concentration in enamel after dental bleaching using particle accelerator. FRANCCI C, MARKARIAN RA, SPADA AE, NAKAMA R, MORI M, ADDED N, RIZZUTTO MA. J Appl Oral Sci, 12(sp. Issue):p.46, 2004.

Biomechanics of stress transmission to implants as a function of prosthetic crown stiffness – photoelastic analysis. MARKARIAN RA, SENDYK CL, LIMA RG, SOUZA RM. Brazilian Oral Research, 18(suppl):198 (pb333), 2004.

Evaluation of the elastic recovery of addition silicones in contact with astringent solutions. SILVA, MG, MARKARIAN RA, LISBOA MV, RODRIGUES-FILHO LE, MUENCH A. Pesq Odontol Bras, 17(2):199 (pb321), 2003.

Dissipation of stresses generated in the installation of suprastructures with marginal mismatches on parallel and angled implants. UEDA C, MARKARIAN RA, SENDYK CL. Pesq Odontol Bras, 17(2):255 (pc368), 2003.

Dissipation of stresses generated during installation and after loading of fixed prostheses on parallel and angled implants. MARKARIAN RA, SENDYK CL, UEDA C. Revista da Pós Graduação da FOUSP, 9(3):p.260 (PA41), 2002.

Dissipation of stresses generated during installation and after loading of fixed prostheses on parallel and angled implants. MARKARIAN RA, SENDYK CL, UEDA C, LAGANA DC. Pesq Odontol Bras, 16(suppl):60 (Ia222), 2002.

Comparison of the elemental composition of human and bovine tooth enamel using nuclear techniques. MARKARIAN RA, OLIVEIRA TRCF, M, MORI M, ADDED N, VILELA, MM, CAMPOS TN, RIZZUTTO MA, TABACNICKS MH, MACHADO LP, LIGUORI-NETO R. Revista da Pós Graduação da FOUSP, 8(3):p.276 (IC04), 2001.

Comparison between the elemental composition of human and porcine dental enamel using nuclear techniques. OLIVEIRA TRCF, MARKARIAN RA, M, MORI M, ADDED N, VILELA, MM, CAMPOS TN, RIZZUTTO MA, TABACNICKS MH, MACHADO LP, LIGUORI-NETO R. Revista da Pós Graduação da FOUSP, 8(3):p.276 (IC05), 2001.

Comparison between chemical elements of human and bovine tooth enamel.MARKARIAN RA, OLIVEIRA TRCF, M, MORI M, ADDED N, VILELA, MM, RIZZUTTO MA. Pesq Odontol Bras, 15(suppl):29 (I060), 2001.

Copper and strontium in healthy human, bovine and porcine enamel. OLIVEIRA TRCF,MARKARIAN RA, M, MORI M, ADDED N, VILELA, MM, RIZZUTTO MA. Pesq Odontol Bras, 15(suppl):29 (I062), 2003.

Hybrid layer: effects of dentin treatment with glutaraldehyde and/or sodium hypochlorite on microleakage of composite resin restorations in bovine teeth.MARKARIAN RA, BALLESTER RY, LOGUERCIO AD. Revista da Pós Graduação da FOUSP, 7(suppl):p.18 (47), 2000.

Microleakage in healthy teeth. MARKARIAN RA, BALLESTER RY. Revista da Pós Graduação da FOUSP, 6(3):p.303, 1999.

Study on Mycroleakage in salutary teeth. MARKARIAN RA, BALLESTER RY. Academy of Dental Materials Annual Meeting Abstracts, Banff, Canada, 1998.

MARKARIAN RA, SENDYK CL, LIMA RG, SOUZA RM. Biomechanics of stress transmission to implants as a function of prosthetic crown stiffness – photoelastic analysis. PANEL. 21st Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Dental Research, Águas de Lindóia, 2004.

MARKARIAN RA, UEDA C, SENDYK CL. Dissipation of stresses generated by the installation and application of fixed prostheses on implants with marginal misalignments. PANEL. 21st International Dental Congress of São Paulo, São Paulo, 2003.

MARKARIAN RA, UEDA C, SENDYK CL, LAGANÁ DC. Dissipation of stresses generated during installation and after loading of fixed prostheses on parallel and angled implants PANEL. 21st Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Dental Research, Águas de Lindóia, 2002.

MARKARIAN RA, UEDA C, SENDYK CL. Dissipation of stresses generated during installation and after loading of fixed prostheses on parallel and angled implants PANEL. 20th International Dental Congress of São Paulo, São Paulo, 2002.

MARKARIAN RA, SENDYK CL, UEDA C. Dissipation of stresses generated during installation and after loading of fixed prostheses on parallel and angled implants PANEL. 3rd APCD International Congress on Osseointegration, São Paulo, 2002.

MARKARIAN RA, OLIVEIRA TRCF, MORI M, ADDED N, VILELA MM, CAMPOS TN, RIZZUTTO MA, TABACKNIKS MH, MACHADO LP, NETO RL. Comparison of the chemical composition of human and bovine tooth enamel using nuclear techniques. PANEL. 26th Brazilian University Congress of Dentistry, São Paulo, 2002.

OLIVEIRA TRCF, MARKARIAN RA, MORI M, ADDED N, VILELA MM, CAMPOS TN, RIZZUTTO MA, TABACKNIKS MH, MACHADO LP, NETO RL. Comparison of the chemical composition of human, bovine and porcine tooth enamel using nuclear physics. ORAL PRESENTATION. 26th Brazilian University Congress of Dentistry, São Paulo, 2002.

MARKARIAN RA, OLIVEIRA TRCF, MORI M, ADDED N, VILELA MM, CAMPOS TN, RIZZUTTO MA, TABACKNIKS MH, MACHADO LP, NETO RL. Comparison of the chemical composition of human and bovine tooth enamel using nuclear techniques. PANEL. 9th FOUSP Research Meeting, São Paulo, 2001.

MARKARIAN RA, OLIVEIRA TRCF, MORI M, ADDED N, VILELA MM, CAMPOS TN, RIZZUTTO MA, TABACKNIKS MH, MACHADO LP, NETO RL. Comparison between the chemical composition of human and bovine tooth enamel using nuclear physics. PANEL. 53rd Annual Meeting of the SBPC, Salvador, 2001.

MARKARIAN RA, LOGUERCIO AD, BALLESTER RY. Hybrid Layer: Effects of dentin treatment with glutaraldehyde and/or sodium hypochlorite on microleakage of composite resin restorations in bovine teeth. PANEL. 8th FOUSP Research Meeting, São Paulo, 2000.

MARKARIAN RA, BALLESTER RY. Microleakage in healthy teeth. PANEL. 19th International Dental Congress of São Paulo, São Paulo, 2000.

MARKARIAN RA, LOGUERCIO AD, BALLESTER RY. Hybrid Layer: Effects of dentin treatment with glutaraldehyde and/or sodium hypochlorite on microleakage of composite resin restorations in bovine teeth. PANEL. 8th USP International Symposium on Scientific Initiation, Ribeirão Preto, 2000.

MARKARIAN RA, BALLESTER RY. Microleakage in healthy teeth. PANEL. 7th FOUSP Research Meeting, São Paulo, 1999.

MARKARIAN RA, BALLESTER RY. Microleakage in healthy teeth. PANEL. Academy of Dental Materials annual meeting, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 1998.

Click here to see Dr. Roberto Markarian’s full Lattes CV

Click here to see Dr. Roberto Markarian’s curriculum vitae on Google Scholar

So make an appointment with Dr. Roberto Markarian, implant dentist, and get to know Clinica Dentaria ImplArt. We will be delighted to welcome you!

Types of dental crowns: discover the 5 main models

Many patients have doubts about the types of dental crowns that exist and their differences. This article has been prepared to educate you. This way, you’ll know the characteristics of all the types of dental crowns available here at the ImplArt Dental Clinic, always knowing that the most up-to-date technology in the world is here!

Did you know that there are different types of dental crowns?

They differ from the point of view of execution, whether computerized or traditional, as well as the aesthetic refinement they achieve. They can be used both on dental implants and on tooth roots. Some are made using exclusively digital molding, while others still use the old mass molding.

A good indication for people who need to rebuild their teeth and make their aesthetics uniform are porcelain dental crowns or zirconia crowns, which restore the natural appearance and make the smile complete.

Follow us in this article to learn how to differentiate between the types of crowns and choose the one that best suits what you’re looking for as a final result.

What are dental crowns for and what are their types and indications?

The purpose of a dental crown is above all to restore the shape and functionality of the tooth. In short, it is a prosthetic piece (artificial tooth) with the shape and function of a natural tooth. There are a few types of dental crowns that can be selected for your treatment.

The choice of material will depend on a conversation between the dental specialist (prosthodontist) and the patient, which mainly aims to clarify the purpose of the dental crown (aesthetics vs. strength), and the expected durability (temporary vs. permanent).

Dental crowns can be placed on tooth roots with or without a treated root canal, and can also be made for dental implants. Dental crowns can be individual or, if the space is large, crowns can be joined with pontics (suspended teeth), thus creating a fixed dental prosthesis.

In which cases might I need porcelain dental crowns?

Other indications for dental crowns include:

What are the types of materials for porcelain dental crowns and what are their differences?

In the past there were other types of dental crowns that we now consider outdated, such as all-metal crowns, gold crowns, resin veneer crowns or porcelain veneer crowns with metal, as well as procera crowns, alumina crowns, inceram crowns, empress crowns, pivots and jackets.

We will therefore present the 4 most modern materials with which we currently make dental crowns in our clinic. In other words, we classify Pure Zirconia as the most modern, followed by Pure Porcelain, both made using computerized systems. In second place are the handmade crowns, called applied zirconia and metal-ceramic.

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Types of dental crown and their technical differences. All these types of dental crowns are available at our dental clinic and laboratory. * The technical name refers to the type of porcelain used in the dental crown. ** The strength of porcelain crowns is measured according to the ISO technical standard for flexural strength, measured in MPa. Estimate of aesthetics and durability express the opinion of the author of this article. In the case of MC and ZC crowns, the strength of the structure is high, around 1000 MPa, but problems occur because the thin layer of more fragile porcelain stands out.

Classification of different types of crown based on manufacturing technique:

Below you’ll find different types of dental crowns, classified according to the material they’re made from and how they’re made.

Dental crowns made using computerized techniques and artificial intelligence:

  • 3D Zirconia dental crown – computerized solid translucent zirconia
  • EMAX 3D Pure Porcelain Crown – computerized solid lithium disilicate

Porcelain crowns made using conventional handcrafted techniques:

  • Metal-porcelain crown (metal-ceramic) – This has a thin layer of metal and the porcelain is applied by hand.
  • Zirconia-porcelain crowns (applied zirconia) – These have a thin layer of zirconia reinforcement and the porcelain layer is applied by hand.

Crowns in new composite materials, which are computerized but not pure porcelain:

These new composite materials have lower strength than traditional porcelain crowns. However, they look good and can be used in some cases as long-term provisionals or even as permanent crowns.

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Dental crowns made by 3D printing of composite materials, resins with a quantity of porcelain reinforcement in the composition. Our in-house dental laboratory is capable of producing such work with great speed and quality.

The porcelain crown remains the best material and can be made using different techniques

Please note that the term porcelain crown is a generic term but can have subtypes. The correct selection of the crown material has a major impact on the final result, how it is made and even on the budget

Learn more about the types of dental crowns and choose the best one for you

For example, we have the modern 3D Zirconia dental crown, which is made using modern computerized planning resources and 3D milling machines. In addition to this crown, there is the EMAX Pure Porcelain Crown. Both crowns provide excellent aesthetic resultsin short periods of time. This allows the patient to enjoy the results achieved more quickly.

Dental materials differ in the way they are prepared clinically and in the laboratory, as well as in their aesthetic results and degrees of resistance.

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The appearance of some types of dental crowns. The construction methods in the clinic and in the dental laboratory are different. MC = metal ceramic (fabricated by hand), ZC = zirconia and ceramic (fabricated by hand), P = pure porcelain (fabricated by computerized methods), ZP = pure translucent zirconia (fabricated by computerized methods).

Porcelain + metal dental crown (metal ceramic is porcelain applied by hand to metal) – MC

Porcelain applied over metal (metal-ceramic) is an old technique for making dental crowns, and it’s also the one that ends up having the lowest final value for the patient and the lowest manufacturing cost for the dentist (see photos of the MC crown). Even though they are not as aesthetic as porcelain crowns without metal, metal-ceramic crowns are still used to restore teeth in the back of the mouth.

All metal-ceramic crowns have a structural underlying metal layer and then the porcelain/ceramic on top of it. The metal structure is thin, strong and fits perfectly on the prepared teeth. A layer of porcelain is applied over the metal structure (called a coping). The porcelain layer is 1.5 mm to 2 mm thick, depending on the area of your tooth.

The porcelain layer is resistant, withstands chewing forces very well and resembles natural teeth. However, metal-free porcelain crowns are the most widely used today, as they easily match the color of adjacent teeth better than metal-ceramic crowns. Metal-ceramic crowns are more opaque and not as natural-looking as today’s best dental crowns.

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In some cases, porcelain on metal wears, chips, cracks or breaks over time, exposing the metal and making the work unsightly and non-functional. In addition, in cases of gum recession, dark lines may appear near the gums or parts of the metal.

Because of these limitations, metal-ceramic crowns are more suitable for back teeth and should not be used on front teeth. Other disadvantages of metal-ceramic crowns include the possibility of causing allergies and gum irritation.

Zirconia + porcelain dental crowns (zirconia with hand-applied ceramic) – ZC

A zirconia crown with porcelain applied is similar to a metal-ceramic crown in the way it is made. A crown with a zirconia structure also has 2 layers, but instead of metal, we have dental zirconia, a very resistant white material. You can see the two layers of material in the dental crown in the photo below.

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Zirconia + porcelain dental crown cut in half. Note the structural layer of white zirconia, and the yellowish part is the porcelain that gives the tooth its aesthetics and final color.

Zirconia is considered to be an artificial diamond and is as resistant as a metal. In fact, dental zirconia has properties similar to metals, with the advantage of being white and therefore more aesthetic. The composition of zirconia crowns + applied porcelain does not include metal, improving the aesthetic results.

The zirconia dental crown with porcelain is also suitable for replacing a large restoration when the tooth structure has deteriorated.

Type of Dental CrownMaterialsIndicationsMain Features
Emax Computerized Porcelain CrownLithium disilicateAnterior and Posterior TeethSuperior aesthetics, similar to the natural color of the teeth – Fast preparation
Porcelain crown with metal base (Metaloceramic)Porcelain, MetalPosterior TeethFunctional and sturdy but poor aesthetics – Slow to produce
Zirconia crown with ceramic applicationCeramic, ZirconiaAnterior and Posterior TeethHigh resistance, aesthetics and biocompatibility – Slow production
Translucent 3D Pure Zirconia CrownZirconiaAnterior and Posterior TeethHigh resistance, aesthetics and biocompatibility – Rapid production
Resin crownAcrylic resinAnterior TeethMore economical alternative, but less resistant than other materials.
Metal crownMetal (Precious Metal Alloy)Posterior TeethGood resistance, especially in areas of high masticatory load. poor aesthetics.
Temporary crownAcrylic or Temporary ResinProvisional phase before PermanentTemporary use during treatment or until the permanent crown is made.
This table provides an overview of the different types of dental crowns, including the materials used, clinical indications and the main characteristics associated with each type. Remember that the choices between these types of crowns may vary depending on the specific needs of each patient

CAD-CAM pure porcelain dental crown (Emax – lithium disilicate) – P

Pure porcelain crowns – the EMAX system – are made using the CAD-CAM (Computer Assisted Design) technique for the computerized production of special porcelain crowns and restorations. They are therefore highly translucent and resistant. Their long-lasting and highly aesthetic results enable excellent results to be achieved quickly. These are the main properties of an Emax crown, which make them one of the best options for restoring front teeth.

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Dental crowns of different types seen from the inside, which is usually hidden. Aesthetics differ between crown types, as does the method used to make them. MC = metal ceramic, ZC Zirconia and ceramic, P = emax pure porcelain, ZP = translucent pure zirconia

Emax all-ceramic dental prostheses and crowns are rapidly gaining popularity in aesthetic dentistry due to their excellent aesthetics, durability and strength. The Emax system is mainly suitable for the fabrication of crowns and dental contact lenses in the anterior region. After preparing the final tooth shape, a digital mold of your teeth will be made with an intraoral camera.

This mold is then transmitted via the internet to the computer in our dental laboratory, which controls the design and milling procedure. The color of the dental crown needs to be chosen in advance to resemble natural teeth. With the design approved, a milling machine cuts the monolithic block of lithium disilicate to produce the required shape of the prosthesis, already with the right color.

As the crown is made from a single block of material and has a single layer, we can call it a monolithic crown. The dentist then tests the fit of the crown to the tooth, makes any necessary adjustments and fixes it to the tooth with a special adhesive.

CAD-CAM (translucent cubic zirconia ) pure zirconia dental crown – ZP

Crowns made from cubic zirconia are becoming increasingly common and offer a number of advantages. They are made using CADCAM computerized methods, from the digital mould to manufacturing.

The power of pure zirconia

First andforemost, one of the greatest advantages of pure zirconia for dental crowns is its strength and durability. Imagine how much force your back teeth exert on the food you chew. Your crowns need to be made of a strong material , so translucent pure zirconia can be a good option for crowns at the back of the mouth. In addition, they show little wear, which can be interesting for patients with bruxism, as it doesn’t allow for the destruction of the tooth that bruxism often causes.

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Super realistic multilayer translucent dental zirconia

Durability of dental cubic zirconia

Dental zirconia-based crowns have performed just as well over 5 years as metal-based crowns, according to a scientific study. Those made of zirconia, called monolithic zirconia crowns, are especially durable.

All the porcelain crowns described can be made for cemented or screw-retained dental prostheses on dental implants.

Biocompatibility of dental zirconias

Zirconia is the choice of many dentists because of its biocompatibility, which means that the body is less likely to provoke a reaction or immune response such as inflammation. Zirconia is such a biocompatible material that there are white zirconia dental implants. There is a current today of more natural biological dentistry, which advocates the use of more biocompatible and metal-free materials, and the pure zirconia dental crown fits the bill perfectly. It is therefore important for you to know that there is currently the possibility of carrying out a ceramic dental implant treatment, without metal, and combining it with a Pure Zirconia or Pure Porcelain dental crown, thus obtaining a metal-free treatment!

Discover our complete structure – in the Avenida Paulista area/ Downtown São Paulo-Brazil

Here at the ImplArt Dental Clinic, all prostheses, crowns and restorations are made in our own prosthetics laboratory using computerized systems. With computerized dental crowns, which can be used in any area of the mouth, the appearance, shape and alignment of the teeth are improved, as well as their strength, which also benefits.

If you have any questions, please contact us, visit our photo gallery or book an appointment with our team📲WhatsApp(11) 3262-4750. We’d be delighted to hear from you!

Dr. Roberto Markarian, implant dentist

Text written by DR. ROBERTO MARKARIAN – CRO-SP 73.583
Founder and Director of the ImplArt Dental ClinicDr. Roberto’s Linkedin profile

Dr. Roberto Markarian is one of the leading specialists in dental implants and computerized prostheses in Brazil, with more than 10,000 implants performed. In addition to his vast clinical experience, he is a renowned researcher, contributing to dentistry with publications in international scientific journals. At the ImplArt Clinic, Dr. Roberto applies high technology to all his treatments, offering patients innovative solutions and superior quality.

Dr. Roberto Markarian implant dentist