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Dental Implants in Brazil are Affordable

If you are planning to do Dental Implants in Brazil, you should know that ImplArt Clinic is used to receive patients from all over the world for dental treatments. We have the latest technology and facilities to perform specialized dental procedures with comfort, safety e quickness. ImplArt Clinic offers knowledge and technology for those who seek high quality Dental Treatments in Brazil.

ImplArt is the Best Dental Implant Clinic in Brazil

The ImplArt Dental Clinic was rated the Best Dental Implant Clinic in Brazil, ranking first in the GCR world ranking. According to the Global Clinic Rating, the placement was guaranteed, above all, by ImplArt’s expertise in Digital Dentistry, Modern Structure and Patient Satisfaction.

Firstly, it is worth highlighting that the ImplArt Dental Clinic offers different types of treatments that aim to rehabilitate the patient’s oral health in all its aspects. In this way, not only the functional issue of the treatment is addressed, but also the aesthetics. These pillars are supported by Digital Dentistry techniques present in our modern structure. So if you are planning to do your dental implants in Brazil, or Full Mouth Dental Implants in Brazil, All on Four or All on X, ImplArt is the best choice for you!

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Dental treatments in São Paulo – Brazil – Dental Implants in Sao Paulo

High standards, knowledge, experience, responsibility, transparency, trust and biosafety all you need to do Dental Implants in Brazil

We have the experience of more than 10,000 implants placed, hundreds of cases of cosmetic dentistry solved and thousands of satisfied patients.

These certifications enable us to solve even the most difficult cases in aesthetic dental, oral rehabilitation, orthodontics and dental implants. The technologies and materials used in ImplArt Clinic are aligned with the latest advances in dentistry worldwide, like systems also used in Germany, USA, Switzerland, Denmark and Austria.

We can ensure this high standard because of the constant travel of our scientific coordinator, Dr.Roberto Markarian to conferences and meetings in the US and Europe at least twice a year.

We only work with the best in order to offer you the best result with safety, are used to receive foreign patients, expatriated residents in São Paulo or even in other cities and countries.

Check also complete website of ImplArt Dental Implants translated to English language

Full Mouth Dental Implants in Brazil – All on four – All on X

Through simple and painless surgery, all on 4 implants are inserted that will support a fixed prosthesis. Typically, 4 to 6 implants are placed in each dental arch to perform the Full Mouth Dental Implant treatment. The surgery is performed in an office, and the patient can go home immediately after surgery. There are modalities with local anesthesia, or with intravenous sedation, if the patient prefers.

Here at Clínica Dentaria ImplArt there is also the option of performing dental implant surgery using the computerized guided surgery technique. This technique eliminates the need to make large cuts and sutures in the gums, thus making the post-operative period of implants more relaxed and therefore with faster recovery. The surgical guide works as a template with indications of the locations where the incisions must be made to place the dental implants. The surgical guide is custom-made according to the patient’s computed tomography images, using a 3D printing method.

Implant Clinic is specialized in full arch dental implant treatment and full arch Zirconia prosthesis. So if you are looking for a Clinic do to you Full Mouth Dental Implants in Brazil, we are the perfect choice for you.

If you prefer, we can serve you in other languages for your comfort:

Here, you are the highest priority. Our team, under the responsibility of PhD Dr. Roberto Markarian, was trained to promote you a personalized treatment, with the quality you deserve. We thank you for trusting us your oral health, and hope to see you soon.

Build a relationship of trust is vital to our success. We understand that some patients may experience discomfort to go to the dentist, and therefore seek to make a difference by promoting a relaxed atmosphere, quiet, comfortable and with great reliability.

Dental treatments for foreign patients
Dental Implants in Brazil are Affordable 1

The main highlights of our treatments are:

  • Digital Radiology Center for full diagnosis (X rays, and computed tomography)
  • Own dental Lab – high tech
  • Advanced ceramic materials such as zirconia and Emax.
  • Automated Impression systems with scanners
  • 3D robot milling systems to design and produce teeth and restorations • Digital smiling planning
  • Day Clinic – teeth in a day (in selected cases)
  • One Stop Clinic (all specialties in one place)
  • High knowledge and technical standard in complex treatments with implants, aesthetics and oral rehabilitation
  • High standards – Our ideal is to improve the beauty of your smile through cosmetic treatments with the latest technology
  • Biosafety – the control of contamination in our clinic is highly complete. The goal is to protect the patient and dentists contamination. We use both for all standards set by the relevant bodies such as chemicals and autoclave. This concern is even more important in surgical treatments such as dental implant.

Dental Implants Cost in Brazil

How much does a dental implant cost? What is the price and value of dental implant treatments, dental prosthetics, zirconia prosthetics and dental aesthetics? Also, what would be the average price for the dental implants cost in Brazil, All on Four, All on X, Full Mouth dental Implants. These are examples of questions frequently asked by patients. 
To clarify these doubts, it is important to keep in mind some points that go deeper than just the dental implant price. Here at Clínica Dentaria ImplArt, the patient has their initial consultation directly with our clinical director, implant dentist, Dr. Roberto Markarian, who explains all the information about implants during the first consultation.

But, let's follow more honest information about the price and value of dental implants and dental prosthetics:

Currently, there are several types of dental implants available and different types of dental prosthetics that provide different options for the patient. The most suitable option for your case will be made in consultation, and your opinion will be very important in the final choice process. The characteristics of each material are presented so that the patient can choose with all the information on healing times and methods of execution.

In this sense, we must highlight that there are everything from titanium implants to the modern ceramic implant, the only metal-free option and an excellent option for those seeking biological dentistry. There are dental implants with quick healing, such as the Straumann Slactive implant, to national implants with a longer healing period. Therefore, your choice cannot be based solely on the price of the implant, but on a set of factors.

Location of ImplArt Clinic in Sao Paulo – Brazil

We are located at the Paulista Avenue region (Avenida Paulista) to easy access by car or subway lines 1-blue or 2-green. Address Rua Cincinato Braga, 37 – conjunto 112 Bela Vista – São Paulo Zip Code 01333-011

If your are not resident in São Paulo SP Brazil, please contact for a prior planning, we can book a previous online consultation.

More about Dental Implants in Brazil at Clinica ImplArt

To find out more about dental treatments offered at ImplArt Dental Clinic, access our photo gallery.

PhDr. Roberto Markarian, implantologist

Written by DR. ROBERTO MARKARIAN – CRO-SP 73.583
Creator and Director of Clínica Odontológica ImplArt. – Perfil do Linkedin do Dr. Roberto

Dental Implants in Brazil are Affordable 2

Scientific Coordinator

Dr. Roberto Markarian – CRO 73583 PhD in Implant – Univ SL Mandic Master of Dental Prosthodontics, University of São Paulo – FOUSP Member of the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO) Member of ITI – International Team for Implantology – Straumann Articles published in important dental scientific journals

Dr. Roberto Markarian is a reference in dental implants and computerized dental prosthetics in Brazil. In addition to having experience with more than 10,000 implants installed, he is a researcher and produces knowledge that goes all over the world and is published in renowned scientific journals in the field of Dentistry. Responsible for fostering knowledge and high technology applied to all treatments offered by the ImplArt Clinic.

  • Post-Doctorate in Implantology – Univ SL Mandic (Campinas-SP) – 2020
  • PhD in Implantology – Doctor in Implantology from Univ SL Mandic – 2017
  • Dr Roberto Markarian Specialist in Dental Implants from USP (Implantodontist) – 2008
  • Specialist in Dental Prosthetics (Prosthetist) from CFO – 2006
  • Master in Dental Prosthetics from USP – 2005
  • Graduated in Dental Surgeon from USP (São Paulo) – 2001
  • Member of the Clinical Staff of Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz

Schedule your consultation at ImplArt Clinic by Phone or WhatsAPP

We are available on the following contacts:
como é feito um implante dentario
Dental Implants in Brazil are Affordable 3

📲+55(11) 3262-4750

📲WhatsApp +55(11) 3262-4750

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