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Porcelain crowns – Day Clinic

The placement of porcelain crowns is one of the procedures that ImplArt Odontologia performs with the convenience and agility of the Day Clinic – Dental Spa. A porcelain crown is a type of fixed prosthesis for application over a tooth or dental implant, indicated for replacing a tooth that has either been lost or cannot be maintained.

What are porcelain crowns?

For example: teeth with advanced caries, teeth broken as a result of an accident or teeth that are mobile due to periodontal disease and need to be extracted.

The Implart clinic offers dental implant services and porcelain crowns for them. Implants are performed to replace lost teeth or teeth that cannot be maintained. Porcelain crowns are prostheses that we recommend to restore damaged teeth, such as advanced caries or teeth broken due to accidents. They are also indicated in cases of tooth mobility caused by periodontal disease, when extraction is necessary.

The application of the crown on tooth in short is recommended when the root of the tooth can still be maintained and the application of the crown on implant is when the tooth is completely lost, i.e. the tooth root is also extracted must be replaced by a titanium dental implant pin.

The porcelain crown is currently the material with the closest visual and physical characteristics to a natural tooth. ImplArt only works with high-performance porcelain so that the prosthetic crown looks almost indistinguishable from the neighboring teeth.

The porcelain crown can be made with internal metal reinforcement (usually recommended for posterior teeth) or with metal-free white zirconia reinforcement (recommended for anterior teeth due to the aesthetic needs of the smile).

What is the difference between a porcelain crown and a dental contact lens?

In general , lenses only cover the outside of the tooth, like a veneer. Their thickness is thin, corresponding only to the tooth enamel. A porcelain crown, on the other hand, surrounds the tooth completely (360 degrees), requiring more wear and tear on the tooth. Despite this, a crown is expected to last longer than a lens. Both porcelain crowns and lenses can be digitally designed and manufactured by robotic machines. Lenses can also be used to repair a dental prosthesis.

Learn about some of the indications for porcelain crowns:

  • Reconstruction or replacement of a tooth to improve the aesthetics of the smile
  • Reconstruction or replacement of a tooth to improve chewing
  • Replacing large or broken restorations when there is not much tooth structure left
  • Replacing a tooth with a metal restoration (unaesthetic) with a porcelain crown in the color of the neighboring teeth (aesthetic).
  • Protecting a tooth with a healthy root
  • Dental implant application
  • Replacing old or badly made crowns
  • Reconstruction and protection of teeth that have undergone root canal treatment
  • Because they are made from state-of-the-art porcelain, the crowns are highly aesthetic, resistant and durable.

How is the Day Clinic procedure done?

ImplArt Odontologia has a structure that allows several dental procedures to be carried out intensively at the Day Clinic, including the placement of porcelain crowns. The structure is made up of computerized systems that speed up the design and manufacture of prostheses, a dental laboratory within the clinic, as well as a multi-specialized team to carry out a complete treatment, from diagnosis to completion.

Porcelain crowns are a procedure carried out by ImplArt Odontologia. Porcelain crowns are fixed prostheses used to replace lost or damaged teeth. These crowns can be placed over natural teeth or dental implants. ImplArt offers the service of placing porcelain crowns at the Day Clinic – Dental Spa, with convenience and agility. These porcelain crowns provide patients with aesthetics and functionality.

The computerized design of the porcelain dental crown is made according to a digital molding of the teeth obtained through a scan of the teeth. This makes it possible to design pieces that are completely customized to each patient’s needs. The crown is made by 3D tooth printers.

Normally this whole process takes a few weeks, but with ImplArt’s Day Clinic this time is considerably reduced. The execution and durability of the treatment vary according to the complexity of each case. Contact us and make an appointment to see if your case could benefit from this technique.

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