Dental prosthesis price
We often receive messages from people wanting to know the price of dentures, especially fixed dentures on dental implants. We would like to answer this question quickly, but we try to explain that these questions can only be answered in person after a dental consultation.
Let’s go. It’s important to note that dental prosthesis prices can vary depending on the type of prosthesis, the complexity of the case and the materials used. In addition, the placement of a fixed prosthesis on dental implants also requires a careful assessment of the patient. It is therefore necessary to make an appointment for a dental consultation so that a professional can analyze your specific case and provide an accurate quote. Remember that oral health is fundamental and investing in a suitable prosthesis can benefit your quality of life.
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Dental prosthesis price
Price and value of dentures
Firstly, it is necessary to have a consultation with the dentist, either in the office or via TeleOdontology. Secondly, dental treatment can only be indicated after a careful assessment of the patient.
There are many variables that influence the planning of a treatment. In the same way, there are several options for materials and techniques that impact on the composition of a budget. What’s more, a treatment that may be suitable for one person may not be the most appropriate for another.
Thirdly, it is primarily important that the person is assessed by a specialist dentist. Often the patient thinks they have a dental problem and believes that a particular treatment may be the solution, but in the professional view the most appropriate treatment may be something else.
The dental surgeon is qualified and trained to look at oral health in general. They also provide guidance and recommend the necessary procedures to keep teeth beautiful and healthy throughout life.

We at ImplArt believe that dental treatment goes far beyond a simple monetary value
There are important factors that influence acost-benefit ratio, such as the health and well-being that healthy teeth provide. In addition, there are other immeasurable aspects: the improvement in self-esteem, the patient’s comfort from the beginning to the end of treatment, the relationship of trust between patient and dentist, the professional’s empathy with the patient’s feelings…
Patients often bring with them anxieties, expectations, fear of the dentist, as well as trauma from previous negative experiences. So how much do you think a smile is worth?

Common questions about Prosthodontics price:
Is there a charge for the first consultation?
Yes, there is a charge for the first consultation. The patient will be assessed by the clinic’s director, Dr. Roberto Markarian, who has extensive experience in treatments for functional and aesthetic oral rehabilitation, with dental implants as well as dental prostheses.
If necessary, the patient will have to undergo some radiological examinations to help with the diagnosis and treatment planning. For your convenience, some of the main radiological examinations can be carried out within the clinic (at a separate cost).
If you already have previous exams, bring all the recent ones (up to 1 year old) to your appointment, as they will be of great help.
My dentist doesn’t charge, why do you?
We follow the rules of the CRO, the Regional Council of Dentistry, which specifies that dental services cannot be free, in the same way as medical consultations. The culture in dentistry is changing and the number of dentists who charge for consultations is growing.
The dental surgeon who will be attending you has studied at university and takes frequent postgraduate courses. Their time is valuable, just as it is in other health professions.
Does ImplArt cover any dental plans?
At the moment we don’t accept dental insurance or any type of plan. Most dental plans don’t offer cover for dental prostheses, implants or aesthetic procedures, which are precisely the focus of our clinic. However, we do accept plans for the reimbursement system or free choice.
There are companies that offer their employees this system, in which they later receive the amounts paid. There is some bureaucracy involved, but we can help. If you have any questions, please contact us through one of the channels below or make an appointment!
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