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Pre- and post-operative care of dental implants

Dental implant recovery and care of dental implants before and after surgery

The post-operative period for dental implants and the preparation before dental implant surgery are certainly fundamental to the success of the procedure. We have therefore prepared recommendations for patients who are going to have a dental implant, which can also be applied to minor dental surgery.

We should certainly point out that the care of dental implant surgery is considered a simple and minor intervention from a medical point of view, with low risk for the patient. The duration of surgery is short and recovery after implant surgery is also considered to be easy for the patient, even in cases of complete oral rehabilitation.

Recommendations before dental implant surgery

What should I do before a dental implant?

  • Eat normally before the procedure if the surgery involves local anesthesia. If you have opted for sedation, follow the specific guidelines for your case, which may involve fasting.
  • Take the prescribed medication 1 hour before arriving at the clinic. If indicated for your case, preferably come accompanied by someone who can drive.
Pre- and post-operative dental implants
care of dental implants
Stitches for dental implants should be removed between 7 and 10 days.

After implant surgery – care of dental implants urgery

What should I do after dental implants, after implant surgery (for 48 hours)?

  • Apply ice to the face to prevent swelling
  • Avoid physical exertion
  • Sanitize the area with a cotton swab moistened with an antiseptic solution (Periogard, Listerine, Plax).
  • Prefer soft or pasty foods
  • Normal brushing of other teeth
  • Wear prostheses or braces for as short a time as possible
  • Take medication as directed by the dentist

What I can’t do after an immediate dental implant (48 hours)

What to eat after dental implant surgery?

  • For 2 days: you should eat cold or iced food. For example: ice cream, jelly, juices, smoothies, soups.
  • Also avoid hard, crunchy foods such as bread, peanuts, etc.
  • On the third day you can warm up the food more and normalize your diet according to your own tolerance

What can I do 3 days after my dental implant?

  • Apply warm compresses to the face to reduce swelling
  • Exercise in moderation

Tip: In cases where a surgical guide has been used to install the implants, the expected post-operative period is milder than in normal implant surgeries.

What can I do one week after my dental implant?

  • Brush the operated area lightly
  • Mouthwash with antiseptic solution
  • Physical activity released
  • Remove the stitches at the dentist

Are there implants without cutting or stitches/care of dental implants?

There are modern computer-guided planning techniques that minimize the need to cut into the gums and therefore often do not require stitches. This is computer-guided dental implant surgery, a very up-to-date and safe procedure for implant surgery.

implante dentario como e a cirurgia
Post-operativecare for implants, medication and procedures make a difference

Frequently asked questions about post-operative implants:

Is dental implant post-op swelling normal? What is the post-operative period of implants like?

Swelling can occur in the first few days after implants, which is why anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to be taken as soon as necessary. Cold food and ice help to reduce swelling in the mouth.

How long does it take to resume physical activity after a dental implant?

Each case is assessed individually, but in general you should wait 7 to 10 days before returning to the gym in full.

How many days to remove the dental implant stitches?

On average, you should remove the stitches from the implant surgery within 7 to 10 days.

Is it normal to feel pain after a dental implant or bone graft?

Pain can occur after the placement of a dental implant or bone graft. For this reason, painkillers are prescribed to be taken as soon as necessary. In general, the pain is mild and can be controlled with painkillers, but it is not normal to experience severe or unbearable pain.

What should I do if I feel throbbing pain after a dental implant?

Mild, bearable throbbing can occur after dental bone grafting and implants. However, if the discomfort is too great and does not stop with medication, the patient should contact their dentist as soon as possible.

ImplArt Clinic’s care of dental implants conclusion

If you have any questions about post-operative implants, value, price or the best technique, please contact us or schedule an appointment with our specialized team via 📲WhatsApp (11) 3262-4750. Here at Clinica Dentaria ImplArt in Brazil your first consultation is with our clinical director, implant dentist Dr. Roberto Markarian, so you can clear up all your doubts about dental implants and discover that the surgery is simpler than you think!

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