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Dental implants in one day with Straumann SLActive

Dental implants in one day are done when the entire dental arch is rehabilitated with dental implants and a prosthesis in a few hours

First of all, we would like to point out that the implantation of all teeth is mainly indicated for patients with total edentulism (absence of all teeth) or with few compromised teeth, when extractions are indicated. Dental implants in one day is the best way to restore self-esteem and quality of life to edentulous patients. Patients in this condition are sometimes in a hurry to resolve the case. However, not everyone can be treated quickly, because it all depends on each case.

However, a patient who has been without teeth for a long time and has advanced bone loss, which until then was considered a complex case, can now receive a total implant with a fixed prosthesis in thirty days. Research in the field of implant dentistry is increasingly seeking to develop solutions so that implant healing can take place more quickly. For this reason, the Swiss company Straumann, a world leader in the research and development of solutions for implant dentistry, has created the SLActive implant. This modern implant enables rapid healing, expected to take 1 month.

Why is full implantation with dental implants in one day is possible with Straumann materials?

It has technology on its surface that stimulates and accelerates the healing process of the implants, making it possible in some cases to complete the total implant treatment in 1 month.

However the dental implants in one day, are placed in the jawbone and a temporary tooth is placed. The complete treatment cycle will take about a month.

The SLActive implants have a micro-roughness on the titanium surface that favors the adhesion of cells and proteins that will form new bone tissue around the implant. This process is called osseointegration of the dental implant, which is undoubtedly important for keeping it fixed and stable over the years.

In addition, the SLActive dental implant line has a special implant size (4 or 6 mm) ideal for cases with little bone volume.

Here are some of the proven advantages of SLActive dental implants in one day:

  • Healing time reduced from 6-8 weeks to 3-4 weeks;
  • 60% reduction in the risk of implant loss;
  • There is a 98% success rate in cases of immediate or early loading – less than 1 month (21 days);
  • Improves bone deposition in the early stages of osseointegration;
  • Often avoids second surgery to reopen the dental implant
  • Better implant stability in more advanced stages of healing.

The most common form of total implantation (dental implants in one day) is the placement of six titanium implant pins in the upper jaw and four in the mandible. Immediately after the healing period, dentures can then be attached to the implants. Unlike a removable prosthesis (dentures), which covers the roof of the mouth to allow it to be fixed, and makes it difficult to perceive the taste of food, the prosthesis on implants is thin and occupies only the region of the dentition, leaving the other spaces in the mouth free, similar to the situation found when there are natural teeth. Currently, dental implant treatment with the most modern materials is the Zirconia protocol and the porcelain protocol on a total implant.

valor de implante dentario, dental implants in one day

Types of prostheses available for full-mouth dental implants in one day

Porcelain prosthesis

Aesthetic and highly resistant material. It is therefore very similar to natural teeth. By virtue of having an internal structure made of metal alloy (metal-ceramic prosthesis) or zirconia, it is an aesthetic, white and metal-free material (metal-freeprosthesis );

Dental protocol prosthesis

Made of resin, it faithfully mimics the color of teeth and gums. However, it does require the patient to be more careful about eating certain foods and drinks with very strong pigments, as well as habits such as smoking, as the resin is susceptible to staining. These include beet, coffee, carrots and wine.

As previously mentioned, dental implants in one day can even be indicated in cases that are considered complex. However, each case must be assessed individually and the type of implant and prosthesis can only be proposed according to each need.

See also this moving testimonial from a patient who had her whole mouth implanted.

If you have any questions about dental implants in one day, please make an appointment or contact us. We at the ImplArt dental clinic will be happy to help you.

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