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implante slactive straumann

Fast dental implants treatment with Slactive implant + pure zirconia or pure porcelain prosthesis

Is it possible to carry out my dental implant treatment quickly and have the permanent prosthesis fitted straight away? This is a very common question and we understand this demand of fast dental implants. Nowadays, time is increasingly valuable and scarce, which leads to a need to complete dental treatment quickly.

First of all, it’s important to note that technology and modern techniques allow us to offer treatment with fast-healing implants, as well as completely computerized crowns and prostheses. We are talking specifically about the modern Straumann Slactive implant combined with Emax pure porcelain or Pure Zirconia prostheses .

So let’s take a closer look below and find out more about these modern dental implants. Fortunately, there are now several types of quality dental implant to choose from. All to make your implant treatment faster and more comfortable. If you’re short of time, try using rapid implants and the computerized prosthesis preparation system. With them, treatment is faster and more agile because it requires fewer treatment steps. In addition, treatment becomes more predictable and offers better technical and aesthetic results.

Fast healing dental implants: is there such a thing?

In recent years there has been a significant advance in dental implant technology. This is an expected movement, since each person has a specific demand, and implantologists and implant manufacturers need to respond to these demands. The demand for fast dental implant treatment is constant, precisely because of today’s lifestyle.

That’s why today we have implants available that cater, for example, for cases of low bone volume with short implants. Or those with high aesthetic needs(white ceramic dental implants). Or even those with a high need for bone and gum preservation(bone level implants).

Metal-free ceramic rapid dental implant

What’s more, for those patients who want metal-free dental implant treatment, we have a combination of ceramic implants and modern zirconia implant crowns. This ceramic implant not only has the benefit of no metal, but also offers rapid healing. In the case of this implant, osseointegration is expected to take 2 months. There are currently two types of ceramic implant, the first is Straumann’s Pure Ceramic implant, and the second is Neodent’s Zi white ceramic implant.

But another major demand from people is undoubtedly to speed up their oral rehabilitation by reducing the time it takes to install implants and a permanent fixed prosthesis. Pure zirconia crowns help to reduce the total treatment time.

implante slactive straumann, fast dental implants

After much research, Straumann has developed an implant surface technology called Slactive. It favors and accelerates osseintegration (a term that defines the healing and fixation of implants in the bone). In some cases, the healing period can be reduced from 6 to 1 month.

Recent studies show an excellent clinical performance of SLActive implants, both in single tooth implant treatments and in total implant treatments, and even in those using bone grafting. This is an option chosen by those patients who want a fast dental implant treatment, and are keen to use the latest technology for their implant treatment.

The definitive prosthesis is fixed in a short time after the placement of rapid implants. In some cases, implants can be immediately loaded

Oral rehabilitation with implants usually follows a timetable which, in short, is as follows step by step:

1 – Planning for dental implant surgery, with panoramic radiography and computed tomography. In many cases, an intraoral scan (digital reading) is already carried out to generate the first 3D-printed provisional prosthesis .

2 – Implant surgery. Implant surgery can be performed using the conventional technique, or through guided surgery, using the Surgical Guide, when the implant insertion sites are planned in advance. This way, once the implants have been inserted, there is no need for stitches. It is also called surgery without cuts.

3 – Installation of a temporary prosthesis, in the case of total implants or front tooth implants, which allows the patient to wait until the implants have completely healed. Dental implant healing can vary from 1 month to 4 months, depending on the type of implant chosen. It’s important to bear in mind that the chance of a successful dental implant is quite high, but it can be compromised if the patient is a smoker and doesn’t have good hygiene habits.

What happens when the implants have healed?

3 – Once the implants have healed, the process of making the final prosthesis begins, which can start with the stage of reopening thedental implants. If the type of prosthesis chosen is Emax Pure Porcelain or Pure Zirconia, the method for making the final prosthesis will be completely computerized.

4 – Installation of the final prosthesis. After this phase, which may involve making prototypes to study the color and shape of the new smile, the final prosthesis is installed on the chosen type of denture.

The use of Straumann Slactive implants means that, in some cases, the period of use of the provisional prosthesis can be reduced or even eliminated. Studies carried out by Straumann have already shown that the survival rate of the Slactive implant using the immediate loading technique after 10 years is 98.2%. This is the fastest dental implant available for those who want to speed up treatment.

What is Slactive surface technology for rapid dental implant treatment?

It is based on a sandblasting technique with large granules, which generates macro roughness on the titanium surface, followed by acid etching, which overlays the micro roughness. The resulting surface provides an ideal structure for the adhesion of bone-forming cells, which are necessary for osseointegration (integration between bone and implant). This amazing technology allows Straumann Slactive implants to be the fastest healing implants on the market.

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Upper total dental prosthesis with milled zirconia framework and veneered with aesthetic dental ceramic on dental implant
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Pure zirconia or pure porcelain prosthesis for rapid implants: the gold standard in complete oral rehabilitation

Many people have the perception that a porcelain or zirconia prosthesis is a heavy piece and therefore not suitable for quick installation because it would hinder the healing of implants. But contrary to what it might seem, porcelain prostheses are much lighter than you might think. In addition to being the most modern and resistant options for the patient, they are also aesthetically superior.

By way of comparison, a full porcelain prosthesis weighs around 30g, while a tube weighs 25g. In addition, each dental implant supports a weight of 100kg, meaning that the weight of the prosthesis does not interfere with the implant.

The possibility of having a permanent porcelain prosthesis fixed on dental implants is a great relief for people who are determined to change their smile quickly. And no wonder. Pure porcelain or pure zirconia are undoubtedly the most advanced materials available for the manufacture of dental prostheses.

Firstly, Pure Zirconia and Pure Porcelain are the materials that most closely resemble natural teeth, both in strength and appearance. Secondly, because these materials have been designed for fabrication in computerized systems (CAD/CAM), which greatly speeds up the entire programming of rapid dental implant treatment.

Can anyone have rapid treatment with Slactive implants and porcelain prostheses?

As we have seen, advanced technology means that many more people have an indication for rapid dental implant treatment. However, each case needs to be assessed individually in consultation. Undeniably, oral health and health in general need to be well assessed before anything else.

In addition, certain habits that may prevent successful rehabilitation, such as smoking and bruxism, need to be considered. If you would like to have a treatment like this or find out more about rapid dental implants, please contact our team. Alternatively, you can schedule a consultation via Whatsapp by clicking on the button below. We at Clinica odontológica ImplArt would be delighted to hear from you!

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